DocketNumber: O-5903
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1944
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
E, mrowivEar GENERAL OF XAS Boar&of Truetees, Bandera $& RuralHI@ Sehool~Dietriot Bsndera, Texas oeutlemen .: opinlon~,RcLO-5903 B&f SHS@&y of proposed Bandera REBDbonde; whether validating act app1iee tQ actions takep aubeequent to enaatnant, but prior to its effective date. We have exa@ned the traneaript of legal proceedings enWitt+ in oonneotion with the propoeed iaauanoe of $10,000 in bonda pursuant to an election held on the 2let day of August, 1943. We regret that we cannot approve t&bo~W~, but it le our opinion that the attempt to e&e.bllsh th?, dietriot 80 ti to invlude within its boundaries more t?mn 100 equa2-e miles without holding an eleotion relative to such oreation ae required bj~AFti0l.e 29220 Vernon’e Ann. Civ. Statutee was ineffeot;ual. In oonsequenoe it Is our opinion that the district attempted to be formed without auoh oompli- an08 ie not a legal4 oonetituted iSSuing agency. In oonnectlon with our consideration of the problem, we have been furnished with a brief prepared on behalf of the dietrlot by Mr. J. P. Gibsw, ab4 urging that the validating act enacted by the 48th Leglsletare wae affeotive to oure the want of ocmplianoe with the mandate of Article 29220; the validating act (Chap. 327, Aote 48th Legislature) provide;a in pWt: “All sohool districts, inoludw * * * ~ruralhigh aohool districte, (yrd all other schooldist+.te, groups or annexationa ,bf whole dietrlcte or parts of dlst~iots by vote of people residing in suoh d@tricte or by aotion of oounty eohoolboards, whether created by general or epecial law in this state, and heretofore laid o&t and established or attempted to be established by the proper offioere of any county or by the Legislature of the State of Texas, and heretofore recognized by either state or oounty .authorlt.iea (LBeohooldistricta, are hereby validated in all respecte as though they had been dn4 and legal4 eatabllehed Ill the firat! instance." All aotione relating to the attempted oreation of the Bandera Dlstriot., as it affects the present issue of bonde, were en after the time the Legislature had paeaed the quotad validating aat %a after It Board of Tnmteea, Bandera Page ? (o-5903) had been approved~by the Governor. While the bill carried an emergency ohuse, It did not receive the raoord vote in both houses requieite t,o put it into dnnnediateeffeot, an&&herefore its effective date wae deferred under the Constitution until 90 days after the adjoummant of the Legislature on May 11, 1943. It wae during the ninety days interim following upon adjourment that the Bandera Distrlo t was attempted to be formed in disregard of the mandatory provisions of Artiole29220, supra
. The legal queeticm is whether Chapter 327, eupra, is operative to validate and make effeotlve the aotiona taken subbsequentto its passage in the attempted formation of thu,Bandera Dl6trlot; If it is not, then the dietriot ie without legal exletanoe in lte present form. Mr. Gibson’s .brie? snoointly states the argument to aupport the valldlw of the eatabliehment of the district aa followa: “It will be observed that this valldatlng aot appllee to all district-a heretofore established, and the queetlon is on what data the word heretofore is ueed. In tie oaae of G.H. &IS.A. Railway Co. va. State, 17 8. W. 67, the S~preae Court, speaking through Judge Gaines, said: “We apprehend that no universal rule of oonstruotion can be adopted when a statute, whioh makes a distinction between the future and past traneaotiona, is paaeed upon one day to take effect on another; but we think the general rule la that a statute speaks from the time it becomes a law, and what haa oamrred between the date of its passage and the time it took effect is deemed, with respeot to the statute, a,past tranaaotlon.~" It Is well settled by our casee that, a8 a general rule etatutes having prospeotive operation speak aa of their effective date. Moonnan va. Terre11109 Tex. 173
,202 S.W. 727
; Fisher va. Simon95 Tex. 240
, 66 S. V. 477. Hence it is further established that exoeptlone oarved out ,.. of statute8 having proepeotlve operation general4 relate to the effecti+ '., date of the statute. GE & SA Ry. Co. ve. State,81 Tex. 598
, 17 9. W. 67; soales va. Marehall 96 Tax. 140, 70 S. U. 944. Tne rule that statutes generally speak ae of their effeotive date is but a rule of oonetruction, however, which the courts have employed in ascertaining the Intention of the Legislature In the enaotPlent of statutes; It ie not a rule whloh applies to all statutes under all oircumatanoee. The true rule for deteminlng the meaning of language mployed in an Act of the Legislature la to give the statute the meaning which is expreaelve of the Legielatiw intention. Soalee vs. Marehall, aupra. Sutherlad, Statutory Comtruotion (~3rdEd. HorFk) Vol. 2 , p. ~6 Sec. 221.3, defines the charaoter of euaotmehtwith which we presently are comerned as follows: Board of Truetees, Bandera,Page 3 :(O-5903) "A ourative sot is a statute pasaed to cum defeota in prior law, erto validate proceed-, lnet~enta, or aote of pnblia or private admlnletrative authorltlee whloh in the abaenoe of moh an aot would be void for want of oopfonnity with existing lee1 requirsmentr, but whioh would have been valid if the mtatuta had no provided at the tire of enaoting.” Clmtlre 8tatuter are rare4, ii ever, intended to hare any prorpeotlve operationt they eze in their very nature rf+mpeotire, am intended to operata ,upon paat aotlono and ordlnarl4 will be oonetied M having no prospeotlve operatIona whatever. Hunt C& w. Ftt Coun@ (Tar. Oiv. App.) 7 8. W. (26) 648 (Op’j?;;ibnof Majority approved on annwer to oertifled quee- tiona, ~6 Tax. 277, 288 6. Ii. 805); 5%&.. ,J. p. 1179 See. 7l3. In People ex rel Maokay w. OB.b QR Colpany,305 Ill. 567
, l37 X. E. 392, the Supreme Oourt of Illinoie had before it for review the valldlty of a tax levy niade August 10, 1921; the appellantd oontended that a validating Aot paeaed by the Legislature on May 10, made the levy effective. This contention wae overruled by the court, and it wae eald, “Curative Aote do not apply to defects arising after palrrrageof the Aot. The objedt of a curative aot is not to ohange the law governing future action, bat to waive come requhent of the law affeoting past action.” To give the validating aot hem under oonslderatlon the oonetruotlon that it was effective to cum any defeat arising prior to the date it beoame effective ae a law, would be to oonetme the act an euependlng all the mquirsmsnta relating to the eetabllshaent of nohool distriote for the period beginning x~” with the paemaSeof the act and ending 90 daye after this adjournment of the Legirlatum which paeeed it. In effeot, the aot would be a delegation to the looalauthorltiea of the legielatlve power to prescribe the method to be obeerved in the ertablinhment of sohool distriote during the period between parrage of the aot and lte effeotiw date. It ir obvloua, we thin$ that a auratire sat-one an6wming to waive frilare to bbaerve a pmeor%@d prooew-ra6t neoeerarlly be oonstied ae rei& acti- 92 which the Legielatum oould haw been aw- at the t&e the law was pasned. Validating acte in their nature are written broadly, .se thie one lej if it is given prospective operation between the date it was passed hp the Legislature and its effective date, all of the eafeg#crla whioh the Legislatizm has painstakingly preeorlbed in relation to the establlahnent of sohool districts would be waived and suspended. We cannot foretell just what oouaequenoes would flow fram suoh a Board of Tnmtees, Bandera, Page 4 (O-5903) construction of the Act: the action preeently reviewed is but one of the possible resulte which would aoorue frm suoh a oomtmotioa. We therefore are of the opinion that the validating act above quoted does not apply to a&ions taken In the formation of eohool dletricta subee- quent to Its paesage through the kzaislature, but la limited to dlstriote ~ formed or attampted to be formed before the enaotmnt of the tiaaure. In oonaequence, It la further our opinion that the act ia not operative to oure the want of compliance with Article 2g22c In the attempted foma- tlon of the Bandera Rural El@ School Dietriot subeequent to the passage of the sot. Another reason for our opinion that the ouratlw aot irr not effective to validate the attempted fomatlon of the Bandera District ia that the etatute by itr terms is limited to those eohooldletricta established or attempted to be eetabllahed "by the proper officers of any County. e ." In view of the fact that Article 29220 requires a vote of the qualified. electors ae a condition preoedent to the establiebmnt of a proposed rural high school dietriot oontaining within its boundaries more than one hundred aqume oflea, it is probable that the County Board of Truetees should not be regmded am "the proper officers" to establish the dletriotwithin the meanlug of the curative act. For the above reasons, we are of the opinion that the proposed bond6 may not be lee14 Issued, and the same are therefore disapproved. APPROVED APR. 7, 1944 Very truly yours /a/ Geo. P. Blaokbum AlTORNEYGEt@R&LOFTEXAS ACTItJGA'IWRREYGBNRRALOF TFXAS By /s/ Gaynor Kendall Gaynor Kendall Assistant GK:ncd-da ZBIS OPIIiIOllCWSlDERm OK /s/ F.D. Am APPROVED III LTMITED CONFERENCE