635 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN gonorablo Boy031 R. Watkins, nientbar State BOaPd Of &iUCatiOB 1201. &in street iw~Srr, 4exae Dear Hk. Vattins; lment, under Article 4, 4L'tthLegislature undartee of reee$rlag ses two questions Por the oonsiderati Ve take the liberty of restatiug th trict transfers by contract, 47th Legislature, its en- ther district, Fs the re- race the territory of the send- e foregoing question Is onererecl la the Ii by such transfer the recleiving dis- y'ie enlarged to 118.8 square miles, would suoh distriat be rondored ineligible for State aid under territorial proriei.one o? f&set&on 1, Artiale 1, iiouae kill 284) Artiole S, Souse Bill 284, provides; *Section 1. For the school year X341-42, upon the agreement of the Board of ?rustees,of the dis- tricta t?t~nOeFBed or on petitiO?I !3igIIed by a EajOr- ity of' the quali'fled voters of the distF%ct and sub- 636 honorable Royal1 S. Watkins - page 2 jeet to the approval of the County Superln- teadent; gtate Superintendeat, and Joint hegLalatire Advisory Committee, the trustees of.0 district uhioh may be unable to amin- Loin a matisfaotorT sehool may transfer its eutiro seholastio eurollmut, or auy numb- ei grades threei, to a oonre&ent sohool of higbor rauk, aBd in suoh event, all of the .fuMs oi the distriot, inoludingtbe 8trte Ald to whbh tho dietriot would otherwise be 6Btit1Qd under the previsioas of this AOat, or mab proportionate part thereM am may be ~BeMsSaPy shall be Bied iB 6qiBg eUt paid agreemsntt provided that 110 aid ohall be al- loued tor~teaohers that are~uot aatually em- :‘- ployed in the coatraatiag sohools. ‘:~ *Sea. 2. For the eehaol pars there- ., a ft-,upon th elgrOeRent of the Board of Zrusteem ei the distrlets conaerned or on petition signed b7 a maaerity 05 the quall- iied toters of’ the district aud subject to the approval of the county superinteudeut, aBd the State Superlnteudent, a distrlet whioh MT be unable to maintain a 8atls- iaotorT sohool say ~transfer its entire soholastia snrollmsnt for one year to an . aoaredlted eohool of higher rank. If the reoeiting sohool reeelres State Aid, the ‘, ‘, soholastio oepmus rolls both white aud i:, Bolored shall be OOmbiBed, the pe+ eapita apportiozimen,t shall be paid direat to the ,,,:. reooiriug school., all loeal taxes or the eendiugoontraotiug district, except those going to the interest aBd sinking fund shall be o+ited to the reoelting school by the Tau Collecjtor as oolleoted, and the teacher- pupil quota shall be based OB the combined 0811,s`` total. lf the reoeitlng school Is not a State Aid eahool, the scholastlo oea- sus rolls both white aud colored shall be Oombined, the per oapitr apportioument shall be paid direct to the PeeeiriBg school, all local taxes of the aending eontraating dis- trlot except those going to the Interest and sinking fund shall be Oredited to the recelr- - 637 CLonorable myall: P. YntkiB8 - page 3 ing aahool by th,e ZaX Collector as eolleoted, and the sending contraoting diatriat will be eligible for as auoh 5alapJ Aid as is nc~ca- aaxy to supplement the Stat8 Available and Local hsintcaanoc Funda, an the soholaatioa from the sending distriot attending a aehool in the reoeiring diatriot.~ to oov,er the ap- proved ooat of ~inatruotion per aoholaatio ia the rcociting aohool,.proridcd that auoh ap- proved aoat shall not.,exaecd Seven Dollars aad BYSty Cents ($7.20) per month for high sol1001 atudcu88 or giTe Dollars ($2.00) per month for elementarystudents.* Rcither Seotica of auah A8ti0le ei the Act pur- . ports LB qi.CC to authoriac a oOu8OlidatiOu of the tat dintriots. fhe Article does BOt speak in tCrIitSOf merging the tcrritorT of the sending diatriot with that oi the re- oelring diatriot, but prwidss for a transfer of the -a- tie cur011acnt. . the artiole merely Male rith the t&&k of school c&i&en and eohool funds from one diatriot.toanother. . . and not in any ray Piteating or prwidiug for consolidation 0P distriot8.a Braker. Yam, 242 8.1. 726, 722, rrit of error rofuecd. The territory of the aending diatriot, therefore, is not to be regardcd as part oP the territory of the rcceir- ing diatrlot for the purpose of applying the proviso la see- tion 1, Article do, of the Aot, allowing transportation aid of $2.00 par pupil to soPool diatrieta eontaluing loo sqn;lrc nrllea of territory or more. This negatire answer to your first question renders uuneoeaaary a coneidevation of Tour second Inquiry. very truly yours