OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonorabla Y. Y. Wll8hlre county &ttormy, saurmaa Couoty saufsan, rexas rrqwrting the opinion her8fn rosd8, in part, the County, or where f Janusry BL5, 1944, rupph36nting y3ur 1943, 18, la part, a8 iollow8: thiit the dOfenbaZt8 Vioht.6 a Sea. S-Sa-Jb-6 and 98 and la the oa6e8 8ho Coastable of tha ~ustlcr i'reoloct la rkloh the all8ged olol~tloaa oooured aotuallr collected ttx flac,8from the defenda~t8, in Ioma of the 0~8~18tk olf;ircr3emt officmt ot the fiall- road Cotisslon rignod thm ooaplalats aad in other8 the Coaetablo algncd the complaint8 but the Con- 8fable mu60 the rwtura8 on th8 warrant8 oi arnrt after the Justice of the Aaoe isaue4 them aad then in all thm O~ce8 the raf~rcezieatofficer o? the R. ii. Con. oollected elehty-flv8 of thm flae ror the atate 0r Texae.” .irtlolor 959 aad 981, Veraa* .uaototo4.Codo of Crlslnal Frooodura, 9rarldaz -Art. 950. The di8triat or aounty attoraoy 8ha~ be lEtltkd t0 ton QOr OORt Of all flne8, f0rtaltura8 3r aooay8 oollaotO4 for the Ltcrta or oouaty, upon jUd``At8 raoorara~ by blr; and the alork ai thr oourt la w loh raid jud&mtat8 ara roadoro4 rhll 90 entitled to five par oant ot tb0 8motlat of raid JUd&Wt8, to ?m 9e1d Out of tha Wun% when 001100t*d.* lnrt. 951. The ahrlft or other ottloar, ox- oapt a Juatlco of t.ha ~aaoo or hi8 olark:, who aol~aot8 r``noy for tha stat8 or oountr, lx a a 9 t Jury toa8, Under PDJ 9lW181On Of thi8 bdl,, 8ba11 ba or;tltlad to retain flro per cant thereof when .Qollootod.~ !fhir dopslrt:seat h41 ropa~todly bald that 8hOriff8 and ar8 antltla4 to tire par oallt aonstabla8 Oo``~la8loaon tin68 whan ruob fiaO8 are actually,oollectad br the rhorift or oonatablo. 1 Rotarriag to nrtiOla8 9w and 931, ~oraoa’l i~a~otatad Coca of crldnal Pxooaduro, it 18 8tdtod in TOXa8 Jurlaprudrnaa, vol. 10, PO458555, a8 tO11nW81 ``~O~OTOjb 8y ir o ver y thr: l~3ouat 0tth0 tin0 wiiioh hu8 boon aollcotad in the DYSO of or for rha u80 of the ix.~to or oouaty, tha OrfiOOr8 who ara ra8pOn8iblO for the oollaotiomara aEtlt~o4 to oolloot a8 coc~l8nlon ?Jftoan per 002t of tha amuat, tan per oant for the dlntrlct or 00unt.y ettoraay, and tlvr par coat ?or the olerk o? oh0 court or other ottlear fhcyftd by la%wwith the ooilcotlon of the ilao ::otad that you lQaol?lcall~ It 18 atetta that th0 *ooa8tabh or t&a Ju8tloo ~ooiaot ln whloh tha l1lOgad viola- tlon8 ooourra~ lotUallf Oo``acta4 the tin08 tram tha dotan- dnat8.” Thle bbine true, tno ooartablo worild ba entitled ibMr .biO ii. A.. bil8:ilrO, y-2,0 J to tha tit0 wr 08at 00~ad8810o laqulrad about. In oonnaotlon with th0 fori6OinS 8t3taaan2 lt rhoul4 ba boxar in &ad that it the 8Oa8tabla 18 mrpanruted on an 8aauaA ralu ba818, the oommi88~on would be peid into th8 Ottioar8~ Sai8rl run4 of tha county and oeuld not ba pcrrroaslly retained bl tha ooa8tablo. Howcvar, on tha other hm&, lf the oonrtabh 18 oorPpaaratadon a ?a* bo818, ha 18 lntt:lud to por- ronally retain ouch ooa;ala8loa8a8 taa8 of 0rti0O 48 luthoritad by law (orarnbg 8UOh fOO8~ Your8 vary truly .wdaU k‘llll8318 nsllhtant