460 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN .*(*MN )‘L‘“IL vablo John 0. Rood, Cotirrioner meru of Labor Statlrtior b&in, teu8 g.8r blrr lrtloa of 0~l8p i0fee 0rm y 08ha brater em- of rliteea Je8r8 to mill, VOFk8hOp, 18Ull- OVO8 8nd oitie8 Of atloa, according to 11 be fiaed not less 0111W8 LlOF Store than TV0 ~UIldl’ed risoaed ln jai1 for not maore than ite evident that the distribution of aeus- paper8 18 aot vlthla the purviev OS any of the lxohibitlre en- ploymeats a8 appear In the above quoted article unless it be that oi re88enger rervloe la tovna or cltle8 of more th8a flf- teen thOu88nd pOpti8tiOQ. Neither the courts aor the Legislature has eluoldat- cd qon or rendered a deficition for "messfa&er service" es csed la the article under dlscusslon. Webster's iiev Iatern;tior.- al :ic;:mar7, 3econC Piition, def'lncs "mcsscq~r-" a3 'one uk,.- 46Y Honorrble John D. Read, pge 2 b e-8 l U888a@O 0 doe8 aa lrrmd.’ Although it oould be 8r gued th8t 8 boy vho dellVer8 nev8mpeF8 dOO8 la 8 general -2 bear 8 le888g@ perta- to the a8v8 of the day, ve do not belleve it 18 3f the kind of w88en#er 8errlee lntetied to oow vlthln the reap ot Artlale 12nD IB Other V&8, l %OUIOap” t0 Oo# vlthln the purrlev of wrreqer rerrlee’ nut be a owunloa- tlaa of l per8om1 luture rwh l8 l telegru or note, At 8a8t t& delivery Of WV8p8pOr8 18 l dlrtrlbutloa .ofthe mrobadlre of l publlrhlng ro8p8ny. The eourt in the @me of A88ooiated bdemity Corpor~tloa 1. Yllroa, 21 8. W. (2d) 314, vrlt ot error Nfuaod, held that the mployment of ohildren wder flfteea par8 of rge to dellrrr paokrger aad merahmdime OS the esploJer 18 OOt laterdlotetl b7 Artlale 1573. It 18 therefore the opinion ot thlr dopnrtmeat that y o ur q W8LlCbb U o lMVOrOd la the JLO&atlvO. Vary truly your8