7 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN aLC*LD c. MANN lvT.“la.. e.*r.ri .= Xonorabls Sidney Lathsm +3earstpry or“8tate AUtdn, Tarsa Dear 3lrr led 1 ts trenahisa tex , 1937, 1938, 1939, 19&Q d has paid the mount qP to be due by. asah of suah y the aorgotstion.~ aent hss .mds .asscsomnts of 8 for uoah of t&a itbova aentionad upOn infOrasti@n Contsined in the rts end other f-sate lurnished to this Department by t&s ooetpsng, whiah additional assess- sents the goqmxy aonE-Jide ere unsutbo~ized for cm880118hereinafter shown. *At various tines~ tha co-:pany hns aold asrtalti of its theaters to vsrims purchns5?8, rmceisiag 9 am811 dowd pagiatnt and prodseory notes reprssent- lng the balmae of the purohsse somy. The notsa I 5,” ilonorsbls Sidney La thsm, Fsgs 2 ms sscurcrd by c&e property ~014, but suah ssocxity is zot mcl~lsivc, s-.4 th. notes ris 3 jW3FSOAll Gbli~StiOA Of tb8 SHl!C5F. mphs aoapony :eprescnts, howevur, th3t the makers of the notes ars othervlae unable 8s ?RJ the notes and t!mtt, as ZYprsctlcal sisttrt, it will be ftZu8d to look aohly to the pwpartr sold to ~KIOUF~ the gayseat of the dsfcrrrd purohssr prioe. The 00,3pny rurthrt rspras?atr that tb6’ talus of the paparty sold is rar 1m1 than the Sacs *aPa8 0S t&o puroharr 6oncy aotrs rsse~red tberaior, and that St never 8x.psat8 $0 rwlfse the faar r3lue of the notes sod the resulting large profita Ebst woald b* rarlized If tha notes war6 ~alil ia full; that ultlmtely it erpsats to ba roro4a to rspossasa the propsrty sold at thslr aotcul o&m which Is apqrnaiably leas thsn tbrl 9ur0hasa’aonq7 notas raaaired therefor, all of whloh 10 olslaad will result in a aubraantisl loss to the cornpay cmparad TV the prnsant book v’aln3 3f tbd AOt.CfS. '%a umpmay la& tolZowed the pmotico af i iUlna Its franahina tax r4~abr'o?~showln&~fhe ditf4ranocl:-: in the a~ou&t (Iotually ~&aid CICLthe notea ~ond:.ths “, Sacs vslue of the lrotss 53 ‘tmkerlized pWflt#. ., In aoaputing its tax for the above motioned years, the conpany has never included them it%iae of ‘un- raalitad proffts’ as tiroblr itsm md hes raid no taxrs thereon upoi~ tba tbrory that 11k~ %edrrrl Inoii~e tax, It vms not taxable until aotuelly rrccivzd. *This year t&s Franchise ‘lkx 3ivpiaion ot this 3epartmmt aale a~ adsaa8ma~t on sll suah ltsas Of ~uilrmlized profits* so shown xl tha cwrant rapart amI all prior raportr, for the rears 4bOQ8 mentioned, such additional 8sassRLnants %mXmSln~: to ,!Statal fCW 811 years fro&x 1936 to 1943, both inclusive, o? $7&00, These addlticmal aeaessamats were -de by this !Je~art- mnt on the theory thnt ’ unrealized potits* repra- snnted by gra``Lmory notst areated a surplus t3 the 6xtmC of the fras valua 0C ths notes 3,s rep:crted by th* omqany, end thnt, this Ceporkwnt was snthorized, if not re~ulred, to aoaapt the valum of ths notes BS shown on ths rsport, VB being wltbout zwens 9r Qetsrglaltig anp nllqgid sctual m&at 9slt\a Of the no:. es, _- “,X’he tsxpsy+r has tender46 s check in the sum of $2GO,CO in full Fayzcnt of all suci sddltional 8ss4sS%``AtS :zade by this 3dg3rtAlnt, cmtwdfq that if the ltws of ‘unreallzad pro:lts* are taxable at all as surplus, then they are taxable only ou the actual rslue of the notes rather than the full la40 vslue, snd ttat ths .%YJO.OOtendered reprseents the tax for all prior yeare based upon each actual value. In oonneoticn with the tender OS t&h papasat, the taxpayer has ra-,uested the privllego of ammdi~g tha reports for all the reefs in ~uestloh in order to show an, estimted actual ValuJ of the notes tn ;UestiOA and to Bet Up as a *?6servr for losaas* the diffex6noe iri ths ast~4ted aatual value and tha it300value rbiah 18 nmw3&xu~- on tea relport95. . *‘3y way Of fuXth6X sxplsnation, there 18 ettsched hereto the sifidsvit o?’ Gskar Kern, 7rasident of the oorporstion, with rsrerence to the traossotions above aentloned. i .~ ,, -L *In the li&t of the abovs fact8, will yw pleasa~. advtss this Dsparbmt upon the following inquirlsa: '1. ?.re the items of iunrealiaed profit’ tsxsble under the fremhise tax 1~ at their face vslns 9% shown on.the franchise tax reports? "2. Is thl8 Depertment duthor lzed to perdft the amcndnent or rrea8hise tr,x reports after they are f’ilsd in this offioe upon sworn ststenwts th3t t&e report ss orl,=ln~lly if.lad dons not rspresent the true aondition of the taXp%yfAg co::yany? “3. Xf ws ar3 a,uthoFiztd to smept or rerait amecdsd reports, then IS there my 1l~zItstion as to the nuabbr of prior years for whioh such rLaandsente csn be accepted? “h. SotAd this 3epartaeut aaaeyt thp !2GG.G0 check Wet hsa buea tenderad in full. astisfsotlon of ths .sdditionaZ ``S’38?3~tmtS 00 %hJ themy, SK contaaded by the taxpayer, tbt only the aotuol valua rather than thtr lace volu% o,C the notes is taxaS197 .-;.. “5. Is Chla Csp3rtnMlt suthorix~d to ecospt -‘tha tnrpzipcr’s cxiti:mte of t::a actual vslus of ths notes in r,uGstioi!‘;” In tha ce3c OS C'nited 30rtb & South D49el4gm3nt coi0pauy 9. Haath, st ml. 78 5. #. (26) 650 (error retuned) the Austh &art OS Cl& Appeals held Lhat an lteu v.sriouolp osmi44 04 the bwaic4 or 4 aorporatlon 84 'sppr4eiateB aurplua* mdkurealirea apgri!al.rtlonw as properly inoluded as ~surpl``~ in the ooapatation of the franohlsa tax IlabLlity of the oar- poratioa. Thia ltm rrpreean&ud the luoreaeud ralw of arrtaln 011 leasrn 44 a result 02 the dleaoo~y of oil on lsad Oo+ered by suoh lteatm, with Chd~Soalue bofnu then aunraalissd* bsonuaa ths leases had nalthar baezi fully devslo ed nor sold at tbair inaruesed oalum. ?-sgmdlzse of ita psrt Pcdlar dmmtiation, . this ltua was in nffaot u’Mraalitad profit * and wu’~aanttrua the declsida in this oass ds holdlz~g thst &a of ?uvealizaa pror.itP 'arm properly inoluded %s surplus' In ths ooqmtatim oi franehlae tar llabPllt~, Thus the ‘Court mid at psgn 652: * In the instant ease -4~ tsi& that any strict or tmohaloel aaridti0fi of tbu ~tarm ‘sozplw* as used in thm statuts sttoeld uot b.a .appltad, but 0116which would oHeotuata ths laglslatira iatenti ~I&wa~lr~ carrleii 011 its booke, She 7XatagozUa oowty~lease, a ns~ly dfmoverad rlald, was a vary rqluabls asset of the corporati,on, estLs4&3d ,~d repreeentsd by appellant itself to h3V9 3 fP3t vsluo or rrw f2Q,32C,WO to JU,l2O,OGO. Obviously th% lsaoe afforded appellant both ?1 Fotsntlal snd, sotunl op rtunlty of vast and sxtunslre rroportiona in aerry ? ng oa lta buaicsss in th%a, s%aats. Ths 9dua of ita prIvSlag? or fmnohise was inereassd acosdinp;ly. nnd this value, fixed by appollsnt , was obviomly the bslais OLZ~PZiob tha state’s tax -ass intsndad to ba acraputm& I!h4 iad that hilis full rstlirretcd OT dp$rJip-ed V-AM rsi& not svo~t~ally be folly raalized la rmt dftartinative OI the mount of tbhs tax. It la altar t@t appsllsnt satlalptsd A volnms or buaimsa reszltins l”ro~ luoh esmt, (9 potaatial igxm~, irz baymid 8 aomaal uas of lta capital stock, sad enjoyed a’ ~rioilsga fer WYJF~ talmble then thst nasaursd by Its cs3ital ecook slone. Ra~ardlaes of the alassS.fioatLm of %uch l.teza a%de by .it upsn its booka) under ths deoialons ehoon ait%t?, ?md the 07vimn pirpoese of tha ta~lslatars 6s 0x~pr840866In artiolse 705& and 7C89 ??..?. a& wumdad (Ver~on~s Mn. Civ. 7:. qrts. 706&,?uBg) ne ,tk:nk the smrsh~?ry of rta4s prop,srlp to&$ th.: *sl\ls plscP?& thrreon by .>p+n3ni; In its reFor$ into 4nnslderatiOR irt CO:ap*lClRgth* :UCW2lt of the Crenohiae. tax dur: bhn state j-ay appellsnt.” IA your first queEtiOn you iA~;u~rs wbsthar ths whalitad prortt l:e;?ts sbouln brj taxed at th6J.r f4c.3 vrltio as shown on ths frsilobise tex reports; the alternative to . this laodo or traatxent itould bc to tax snc!l iLdm3 at their aatual *slue. thdar none1 acoowting pracailurs, the vslue sssi&.rred to an lteo cf urirGslizad profit is depadeht upon the Value a**lgn44 to 8a8bk. l.f the asset8 are oarried at (LIP 8?tif~Oi~i ValU~tiOA, th4 TalU4 rOil.eOtcd iOr UWaalla6d proilss uill also be artlfiolnl. In .tha instant rltczation, ii tb4 not68 ars oarma 05 t.h0 46ia *id6 0f th4 i6age at a velur above thalr trca wrth, bhr unrealized profit it+a till:ba magrlfl~ proportionately. zo foal that these itam should be tared et t&&r sotwl relw tether thaw qt thalr faca value. Art1018 7C89 requires a corpora- tion to report “tha cash vaIus of roll gross JaaetzP rether than tbs ieua value of rush ass&r. St the 4aah valus of . asseta ia to be r#portsd, it would aaam that the ls&Jsla- turr inteadod %hat ItaPu of uarsoWmi3 geotit b4 rcpnrted and tared at their satual ralua, sinae euah valuS is the only’on~ w5.1Jci.1 am be derived fpw the 04321 valus ?,t assets. 3oreovcr, aa ms mid by ths Oour t ia t&e Haath ode*, a $rsn&las tax Is *but a oharge made by tbs state a@nst ; Y. thr OOTJM?4tiO~ r4r the ~l'iVildg6 &?dcrsAtSdit to do bUsiIie8s I .; ln. tile stata.' The a~onat of ,Uae aharge ie drtsmined in ‘. part by ths value of tbs QP@Qmy 0wn4a by tn4~ co+pmitl0n, and suah amlm& h?rs bean aade to iluaturta width thr vaIuo of such property em the tbaory thet tbr ~a1t.s`` Of tb,* y~itilcgc grpantad by the Stn:g ver-ies dlrsatly with the volu-ac of~aaacts of Ghs cwporstion whish enjoys Such p4vlle!gl. mvl~u~ly it could never hsva b44n the intention oi the lo.&slature to %llIow Y Eor~orsti.on t0 JlkwEb its ~ranuhias tax48 by rssl#ping a low iace Valu4 t0 thO55 profits wNch~al&t ba raallzsd Tro4 4 valuable W36t; convaraely t,&e. k&ShtUrd ootid never hsvs intaoded that the franobfae tar 1labiUty or a corymtim b.e laflated by ita ~oe$sssion of an asset whiah, thouah deprsoiatfrd in VS~IJ~, bears a hi& faoe vslas and is Feflaated iA h&h s2I%l!r?Rli`` profits* $ . COn#es)ll4Atly, iA 4Aewcr t0 yOUI!fk3t tuest%oa, " G%~E item of unraalizad YOU sxc p``~potr~llp ait-risec! ,>I:~ profit ape t-;rxlbls 85 pert of SUrphl3 3lld t!Y+% %h* tax sl``uld be based upon the actusl vslud retScr than the fs~4 V~LUC 0r 15m1 lte;Ud). % : . “To dster,Cfine tha zmolmt of the Clrst freoc:iisa tax ~?0ptlaS ra.:.u:rcd by $hi3 Cha9ter of my dosbatie oorgoraCim e!%loh msy be hereafter ahapterwi, QF of any foreign ao?pratl-on ahlah zay heWat6er apply for a.parai6 to .do bualnesa within this Stats and also to dotamino the ~cerraatntse ot any report nhleh 1s pro- vlded for in Ehls ohaptw, the Saaratrry of State say, whaaeter be dsema it n6asaaary oc pypar to prote& 6h9 illt6?66tS Oi the st6tI3, TOqUiZ ~34 OQe OT MO&'6 Of thb OfiieWs of mua& OWpOretioaa t&m&6 and fllr ia 6ha offloa et the Searatary of State an arfidnvlt satflag forth fully the faots oonocmi~ $he emuat of thr curplw aad uadivided proilte, raspaotlvsly, it any, of such doaeatla or iorel&~ corporstiong end until the Secratary of Stete shall br mi6fica .68 00 the vmount ot. swh suxplua and per g&s-, ras9eetjite4, if anf, he shall not File the artlalas of iaaorpexatian of euch proposed dowestle oorporetlann, or lame suah permit, OP acospt such franohlrs km.* Our aaorta. !&me mma? ate&a& whether .thir As tiala %a epplioablr to r~.aorpo~tloaar6qalred-to``6qb‘git, m iraaahhe t&x r6flrt.O~ W!x6thP the p8weTa grSnt@d to th6 S6Ql'6t@trY Ot Stat+ by salt! .krtiole am acmiined In thdF operation to forslgn cor- porations uhlafi 9rd ~klng th6h lnltlal spyl.ication for s perxlt 6a transact hu5lnes6; In the as5u of Southumi 3sslty Corporation, *t -ll., v. mcallura, et 41. 1 7. Su#p, 614, B fedaral district cowe tuok tits lmster ?osltion., saying! Ts1tth the axua9tiofI of ro**iFp 002.9os*t1o338 rpplyi?rfl for inltic\L pavzit, t&s sot s*aRb to asntsia- $lsto that hha tax shell bs oasputad ;sq the sworn raFo?ts ade by thhs curgorwtlcn. . . Thrt portion of the sot &ii03 givsa t3e Searetary of 56ata authcelty to aWaia ud be gul&ar; by i~for?ae6.kn *fra, ather ~i1?3!06s~rimi apqrently relstes only to corpomtions spplgifi.5 for’ efiartsr~or pamit. . .* “It is true tb.3: the gYJ33 rac+i~to i~ amd alit, of TexG3 -m.¶ the v91ue of asa+ts wh:hcrq3 surplus sxlsts ia- Volre dit;utsbls faots, bu 2 -3ufhcrity lo ~lrerl to no Offi- 0s to aorract the iiqwea rsfx1rt8d, The ndditlodal ln- foraQtlou mq2iraa in tkz rr;c‘313r .rqxt or obtalnsd by aifid~vit uadar irtlcla 7G67 or otherwisrl osy be ussf& to induoa a true rqort or to found s prossoutloa for fslse swear~A& iII 5skw ~UL uAtru6 3n.B. $8, do not asalde athathsr, ss 18 conterded, Artiola 7Qd7, which apuaks of deter&alag the ``rra~%~sss of the report and satlsfyiag ths seomtery Of the &XOUAt Of t&8 +WT~klS, appliS8 OAlJ CO tha first year OS bimin8r8 in P3xan. Xr npplisd to ml1 rqports Ui all years r&em s surplus is involved, it oaly results ia the reorrtary aot soos?tin t‘ tha taadarsd ,framahise tax. !io oa~ot enioros his views by CIIIaaeaeaia~ gad distralnlng. 2f broaurre of 6 disputa over surplus ha rejsots the taz, the Attorney Gsa6nl sust rile suit for itr oolleotloa under Artlols 7095. Ireeusably in that suit a full httarina: OaAa be, had a6 to ths ssttars in disrute. Ia esaea where Artiolg ?G3? is sot appllanble, diaputa sight arias as to the pro- portion of iatrestste business to all busiaess, or IS to the 3;aount of Long-t-tixe lndebtfiasaa or the like. fa such a oasa the searahry no doubt wuld rroaspt -hat wss offered OQ aocomt a: thr tax, having tb5 Attorney General to brim suit for, the dirisr~enm olaimsd. . .* FIsgsrdLeas of the sp~lioabllity of Artiale 7G87, ws reel that ths la ttsr ozse is suthority ,?r,r tb e Fro~osltlan th%C the only atstutory a&hod of colloatlng dnlia:uent framhlsa, tsxea is by actioa of ‘thheAttorney Gciaeral. &liw8vnr, this in not tomy thet th6 33orntary of ,Ststs hat no powers with respcat to scoh oolloations, tar if he feals that paynmts sithar for aurrsat or iO? 3!3tt yaava sr% insufff- aisnt, hs is pri9ileged to report this fact to the Attorney Gmersl wlta t’lz roou*at ths ths latter officZ4 Srlag s,;it for thn addi- tions1 taxss. In this sitaa:i~oa, the .?eC?St3rg OX' .Zt?t9 doss aOt *"ur``ort t.3 *corveutq tha reports sxbaltta,d by ths taxraper; neltbar do?s hc stter,pt to -wk.3 m asszss:zmt and de.taad ior any tsnea -~!!lioZ3 he d$a.zs due--if he fsols tb%: th? tixpyer ha3 not disahareed his lisbillty, his sole act Is to glace thq taatt ar in Ohs hands of the Attorney Cenaral 80 that th* courts ,xay esoertaia the proper mount Of the taXrt8. It 1% obpln~s that before the Gooretarp of 3tate tskrR this 3cfsp, .le .gay desire t3 infor the tRXpSy6F Of th3 SSOL!A& Of th6 t.%iee -nfiich ha fO318 exe do4 en.3 my 3USirU to nrs$Otiate aith tbS tnqsysr is en etts:;pt to raach!an +3nicai%l.a stttlemnt of -my dlspuio p tisraby ?,s will b3 .z%Clzft-xd k,;t ynlll rice3 it sanac~ssary :,>; that &h;? propzr tax is yl?d sn5 Y&z.raby ~Q laf, portiaa oi :hls o~lnlcu. Zn aoaordanoe with this op~nlou, th3 amount of t&o +dditianal tame due Is to bs besod ugoo the aatual islus of the item of unrealized profit. If the targayer :iefusss to 91y ea)r addlttanal taxer or if he b r a da lddItlone1 tar48 aosputed wcn II t~alue of unroallzsd ’s proiits which the Seoretary 02 State feels is not in ~uoord with th% aotuel vnIua of aucb profits, the ?saretary or State Is privile(ged to report au& delb%uengp to the Attorney General 2or a proprlate satlm; Co&txarlwlae, if tha ta%pgeyer tenders addlt 1 oml tares ooqwtsd upan s value of unrsallzsd proffts which the goaretary of State bellewas tx br in saoord with the satua3 value or suuh voflts, tht sacrxrtarp of State is prlri- lsged to w``,ulasos in the .psyuant of such taxes, 91;d la sh$e sltaatioa hs will QOt, of wursi?, rqort tha .Stter to the Attorney Oaneral. Year sea-nb question is sns-srerad lnfhe negative. Roith~r expreas3.y ROT by inrplioatl~n do JUT statutes authorize the aaendslsnt or fraac!lla3 tax: I b2crt.s aitar they have been filed 4 th the Secretary of S5ts. ,Pha swam statsnants referred t 3 In your quiutlbn sng ?iao% ap, t~gortanoo h,er*laafter indicatml, -but they afford no basis for *n xaan&wnt of the franchise tar reports, This snswer .artkes unnaoeaeary a reply to your third queatloa. _ IQ angyre? to your toaru1 question, you ass raspeottully ad- Vl.%Cd qat yeu 3rd prlvllqp? $0 aoaept the cheak for ~326O.GQ. 12 pou,dro satisfied ,thnt this figu~re repraaacts t.>s amunt oi the .adMtlonal taxes uhaa such suoUa6 .Is 000 uted upon the actual ?alue of the itane of umsalizad f be, y3?1 will, 31-o?’ of course, take no iurthar aati:a \:?th rasrect to thlr pyzmt. 3x1 the other hmd, if yzw 3re not ~ttleited that this fir;uro rbpreeents t&u pop6r a~ouflt Of the Adit4rjnal tk?.aa dU8, ynu we prlvflqpd ta reqasst the Attmnay COfidr-~l to bin& sul$ to recover any addltlmol zmn x2ich you feal t.2 be due.