OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS ‘AUSTIN i&orabli oeo . a’, sbe~pard .. C&ptroller of Publia. Aoaount8 h3t+Xi’n, ‘Psxas Held TOrker xaintenance and Miaisoellaneous ', 258 * Examining feea,~lnediOil semicee, and oontin- gent txperme l .*....*...*. $ n,)o p o .o o ~ ‘$ a ,b o o .o o 'Honorable B80. g. Sheppard - y8gS 2 2si3.'PratelDmpense ....!...............*.$ fm$ot& ymM&i; 267;.Poetuage.,...............*........... 268~ Tel??phone and Telegraph ............. 'mo 100 '600100 2gg:Stationery and Printed yorms,....,.. 500.00 600.00 260. Rental of.Equtpment.... .... ......... Tao ,oo. 760 .oo 261. offioe Supplieo ami naintenanae...., 1,000 .oo 1,000 .oo 262.Contingent Expenses.....*........... 600 .oo 600 .oo Total, Daintenanoe and Ltiecellan- eatus... ...........................$ 10,260.00 $lo,260.00 Totalm, DivAdon 05 Isd to %eeaJ Blind Administratire............. .$ ls ,660.oo $ls *660.00 knlnd Assietanoe Division (~;f~eSta&Departaent OS Pub110 .' ---Blind Aasaistanoe -1. sAl1 income allocated or transferred to the Blind &x&stun& Fund to the extent of 88ven,Eurnir8dThousand ($700,000.00) Dollars per year is hereby appropriatea fqr eaah of the fisosl years ending August 31, 1944, md August 21, l2&%, to the State~Departmentof Rablio WeWare tor pay- metMa& Sor administering aesietanoe to the needy blind; provided, horeter, that if any money has bwna&vpropriated for the fisoal years as.set.~out-..abor'~-inj:fsr-tho purposes' as set out above; t~hisappropriation shall not be in addi- tion thereto and shall be of no for08 or effeot save and 8xoept as to that portion Of this appropriation as may be necessary together with any other appropriation already mad8 to mnks a total appropriation of 68ven Eundr8d Thousand ($7SO,2~.00) Dollars per fiscal year for this purpose. All neoessary oosts and expensea incident to the proper ad eoo- non&o administration of assistanoe to the needy blind, as provided in S. 2. Do. 26, Aote of the 48th Legislature, Reg- ular Session, and any amendments thereto, shall not exoeed the sum of Tventy-five Thousand ($2S,OOO,OO) Dsllara for each fiscal year. In the event such 8ums hereby appropriat- 8d for admlnlstering aid to the needy blind are insuff'iaient to pay alf necessary atinistrative 8osts inoluding the oost of medioal examinations of Ophthalmologists,or physloianm skilled~ln treatment of dis88ses of the eye as rbquira9 by law for all applicants for blind assistanoe, then in that 8Vsnf there may be expended eut of this appropriation uhat- ever sum that is necessary to pay for such mediaal eqamina- t.ldns. In addition to this appropriation out of State tide 330 _ . `` honorable Gi30.s. shppard - page 3 'for ads&xiotratiro exp&ses~ for the biennium, the State DepartPent of Publio'yelfare ia OUthoriXed to'aeoept from the ~fidkralSoolaJ Security Board any funds that may be alloaated to said State Department of Aiblio Welfare for administeringaaaistaBoe to the nesdy blind, ana said state Departsknt aan use suoh federal sums slleoated for adxdaietratlre expeaoe in' addlt.don. to $be funds apprepriat- ed for thkr purpose out of State fundsj and provided that this lpppropriatlenshall ba,.inaffeat~duringthe biennium ending August 31, 1@48.m Tear que6tiens aroi ia the @,360.00 dlfferexae between the ``,S@3.001~temixed appropriation aad the $26,000.00 maxi- mum provided in the rider for adsdnistratlvc expenses avail- able for' the payaent of additional salaries a&l mtlonal Plointenanoeand sdsoellmeous expenoee? 2. In theeevent the @,~O&O is available for additional salariee and additional aaintananoe sad misoel- laneom expanses, is there an additional appropciationfor the payment of oosts of medloal exandnatioas of ophthalaolo- gista or physiaisns akilled In treatment of'disqaeos of the eye, eta.? It Is to be noted that the Ryder apprapriakes all income of the bliad sssistanoe fund to the extent of $700,000.00 per fisoal year *fer paymnt and for adxdnister- ing assistance to the nesdy b1ind.s It Is to be noted that the rider further expressly prorides that the neoessary costs and expenses incident to the proper and eoonosda ad- ministration of assistance to the needy blind shall not ex- oeed the sux of $26,000,00 for each fiscal year. The effect of these prori~ions~is to appropriate not to exceed $S6,OOQ,OO for each fisoal y8aF for all necessary sdminis- ;;a;``cx?gense. $l8,~Mt,OO of this sxmunt hae been express- yhe balanoe of @3,g$O.@O per year, appropria$ed by the ride;, is available for 'all neoessary aosts and ex- penses inoldent .to the proper ‘and eoonomio-admlaistration'of assistance to the needy blinds, hence it may be used to pay additional salaries and additional maintenance and xisoellan- eoua expeasea incurred for such purposes, inolading the cost of medioal 8xaxAnations of ophthaltilogists or physicians skilled ia diseases of the.eye, as required by lag for all applloants for blind assistance. Eonokble aeo. Hi sh0pp&d - p&J i rhaa 28 an 8ddStiOnal appropriation Wail- able-for the payment of ooste of aedioal axasdmations by 6phthalaelogiats or physic&am sldlled in trertmeat ot disssaes of the eye. Itea 268 abwe listed is, of aourae, available for such purpose. As stated sbwe,, the $6,350.00 is likeWIse svallable