DocketNumber: O-5660
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN gouorrble P. U. Minter county Attorney JU Iiogg County SsbbroWllle, Texas nal Code respectively shall hunt outside vlth a gun without Game, Flsb and Oyster dollarr) fifteen cent8 of vblch talned by said, officer aa his fee a non-resident citizen or alien shall be went?-five ($25.00) dol- 3.00) dollars of such amouat shell be retained by the officer issuing ruch license as his fee Sor oollectlng, lssulng, am! uaklng, report on license so Issued and for remlttlng the remaining twenty-two ($,22.00) dollarr to the Game, Fish and Oyster Commisrlon. "Aay perron hunting with a ‘gun out of the coun- ty of his residence without a license authorizing him to hunt out of the county of his residence, or ~orablo Pa W. Mater, page 2 any parron uho Sails or reSuae8 oa demd by any ofslorr to lhou luoh oSSloer his bunting llcenaa ~pequlrrd oi him by this lrtlole still be derwd guilty OS a miadrmeaaor urd upon oonvlotlon rhall be fined In my sum not leaa than tea ($10.00) dol- lars, nor moco thn one hundrod ()lOO.OO) dollaraj provided, that the prorlsioaa oS thla art1818 ro- qulrlag hunting license lhallwnot apply to persona under a8r8ataea yeara 0s age. ‘Any non-raaldent OS this State or any alien vho lh~ll hunt vlld game aad bird8 In thla Stats without first arourlng a llcaaaa to hunt Sroa~ the Coamlaaloaer or his deputy or tha oounty clerk shall “,;l;a%;dwaot leaa than tea aor more than one hundred . As to vbom are oonaldered altlzeaa and non-residents tier this ohapter OS the Penal Code, VQ quote from AHlole 920 ,I s011ova: “For the purpose OS thla chapter, any person, except an allea, who has been a bona Side resident or thla State Sor a period OS tine exoardlng six months, oontlnuoualy and immediately bef ora apply- ing for a hunting license, ahall be considered a cltlren or thla State. “An alien la any peraoa who 1s not a natural born oitlaea OS the Waited Stat08 OS Amerloa, and who has not daolarad his Intention to becoma a eltl- aan OS the Walted States OS America. “A non-resident shall be any peraoa vho la a oltlzra OS any other Stats, or who has not coatlau- oualy or Immediately prarloua to the time OS apply- ing Sor a hunting lloense, been a bona-tide resident oS the State OS Texas, for a period of time mor8 than six months.’ Your query Is vhetber a person would be required to ob- Mn a aon-realdent hunting lloenae under the Sollowing facts rhioh appear ln your letter as Sollova: gonorable P. Y. Mater, psge 3 II . . . . n*- (a) The Defoadant la 42 years of age) (ij 8; ia; In Alabama WA1 ha born and rearad vaa 11 #oars of ago, rhea his preata remor- hndetiaon Couaty, Texas, where he vas reared to young manhood; (0) HIa father died only about 4 or 5 pears after moving to Anderson County, Tafaa, and Defend- ant’s oldrr brother then being la the Armed Poroea of the 0. 8. A., the prlnoipal burden therefore of taking oars of his vldoved mother and six younger brothers and alatera, as well as the farm, Sell upon the Defendant! (d) Because he could not auoceas- Sully do so on the Sara, Defeadant eagaged ln Oll- field work vhea be was about 20 years of age, and he has lntarralttently but prlnclpally been engaged in such mark until the present time; (e) While his CllSleld vork has been for rarloua Employers, It has been prlnolpally la Texas, vlth the exceptions here- inafter stated; (I) He merrled about 1927, and lbeut 1928, ha purchased a form In Anderson County, Texas, vhlob he continued to own until he sold same about 1940; (g) El8 first uork In Louisiana was In #3, for about 2 months, vhen p he rsturned to Texas; His vork for varloua Em loyara vas then In Texas until about May or June, 19 1, uban tha mama raaulr- ed him to go back to LoulalaM with his fwslly until about February, 1942, being approxlawtely 9 months, when he 8galn returned to Texasi (1) Kovever, ln 1937, he purchased a horns in Houston, Harris Coun- ty, Tex.88, ubera he and his Samlly rcalded for aome- time, after vblob thay removed to hia farm In An- dorson County, Texas, because of the blab tort of llriag la Eouatoa, but he continued to ova said home la Houston until only about 2 months ago, when he sold saw1 (j) Bo r e g lr ter h sdislutomobllo both In Teus and Loulslun la 1941, and he also regls- terrd sama in both States for 1942, but he only rcg- lstered saw so far In Louisiana iR1943; (k) % registered under the Seleative Service Act in Wharton County, Texas; (1) In January, 1943, while realdlag la gl Campo, Wharton County, 26199, he was employed by his preaeat Employer, the Phillips Petroleum Com- pany, Sor the first tlmaj (m) tha Phllllpe Petrole’um Co. required hlm to go to Loulalaaa In Jaauary, 1943, oa his rork, but the Defendaat olalms that lt vas cn the express proposition that he was to be there Only mnorablb P. Y. Cantor, wge 4 temporarily, altar ublah they would return him to Texas, and the Dofoadant has furalahed us vlth a lettor of Jaauary 6th.. 1943, Srom aald Phllllps Petroleum Company addressed to him at Xl Cam Texas, indicating such trots to be true; (aY&elr oblldroa voro In school in El Crmpo during the first part OS tbo school-year of 1942 C 1943, but veat to Loulalana where he uas e8ployad in Jaauacy, 1943; (0) They remalnod In Louisiana until tbb Slri;,p;at of M8y, 1943, when they roturnrd to Texas; fondant has alalwd Tbua as his r~aldenoe llnoe before January, 1943, rhan he Wat to Louisiana as above lndlcatrd~ (aad (a), He has never owed a how or lnr other ram1 estate in Louisiana, and moor sold his boma in Houston, Harris County, Texas, until about two month ago. “6. (a) Tba Defendant hats been residing vlih his family In Wrando City, Uebb County, Texas, for about llx reeks or two moatha&gl~b) z i;;$::t a Resident Hunting License lo. %exaa, oa September l)tb., 1943; ok tba theory &at he Was a resident of Texas, under the facts above stated, although he had only returned to Texas vlth his family the aarly part of Hay, 1943; sad (c) The Looal Game Warden Sllad a aomplalrrt against him as Indicated la Par. 4 above, on the theory that he was a Ron-resident of Texas under Art. 920, P. C., and therefore not entitled to hunt under a Resident Hunt- I.&Q woenae baoauae he had aot bodily rralded ia the Stat. for 6 montha nrxt preceding the proourlag ot such Resldeat Euntlng U~easr. ”. . . . I The problrm prbaented by your request la to deternina Qhat the Leglalaturs IQ.tendad vhea It used the olauae that for a persoa to be a oltlcea under this Chaaptrr ha must be a bona Side resident of this State for a period of time exoeedlag llx Wntbs oontlnuoualy and tiedlately botore applying for a hunt- lng llceaae. A lolutloa to this question vi11 In turn aasver your rrauaat. As stated ln your letter, there has been no judicial Or departwntal oonatruotloa of those sectloas of the Penal Code. MOdo not think, hotmvar, that referbaoe to other statutes and gonorable P. Y. Mater, page 5 Ojoqisioaa of our lava and the ooaatruotlon plaoed thareoa by our sourts as to the wmlag of a bona Sldr rraldent vi11 be oS much aid la reaohing a aolutlon to tha Query presented ln ais reauest9 We say this after noting the prlaolpls lmo ua c ed l,, gh@ oaaa of Ex Parte Blumer,29 Tex. 736
, vhere tha Supreme Court of Texas stated that tha deSlaltlona and soopa of what constitute altlcen and raaldeat dopead upoa ths lndlvldual and sepratb statutesj that la, the meanings of these words must ba lsoertalned not Srom a general deSlaltloa usually glvaa them but rather from tha latent, purpose and l&a the Leglalature bad In rind ln enaotlag eaoh partloular lav. This expression oS the Supreme Court has been followed by subsequent deolsloas. Bafora attempting to lso er ta la what the Legislature want by the olauae “a bona Side resldeat of this State for a ppiod of time exceed-g six months , continuously and lpnaedlate- 1y before applying for a hunting lloenae” as used In Artlole920, supra
, Ye deea It Important to noie that often the words ‘real- dent” and ‘81t1aea” and “residenob” and “domlolle” are used In 0~ statutes interchangeably aad hava been lometlasa oonatrued to have lubatantlally the same meaning. Dodd v. Dodd, 15 S.W. (26) 6861 Browa v. Boulder,18 Tex. 433
; Plttsburg Water Beater compsny 0. Sulllvaa,115 Tex. 417
, 282 3. WI 576, Slaoe the Lsglrlature does use the terms referred to lnterohangeably, it would in our oplnlon be proper to observe the exact meaning us- ually lttaohed to each OS those vords and thereby determine in vhat manner the ~auae heretofore mentioned In Article 920 was lntcnded to be uaed. The court la the oaae of Peoos R. Co, v. Thpmpson,106 Tex. 460
, 167 9. If. 801, very ably dlatingulahed between residence aad domlolle by the Sollovlng languages “lResldeaoe* meana living in a partlaular lo- cality, but ~domlolle~ mesas living in that looal- lty vith the Intent to make It a fixed and permanent home. Resld8aoe Sia!ply bodily presence as an Inhabitant in a given place, while domlolle re- aulrea bodily presence la that place and also aa in- teatloa to make It ones dgmlolle.” A Person therefore may be a resident of oae plaoe and have bla doUclle In another plaoe. A parson la usually ooasldersd to ba 9 oltlsen of the plaoe of his domlolle. It 18 our oplalon thAt the Laglelaturo ueed the leag- eege under dleoueeloa la the eezwe th a t l pereoa must hete oe- tebllehed In thle Stat8 l daiolle fo r a period o f tla t exoeed- m Ed moatbe ooatlauouel~ rod Lanedletrly b efo l rpplying e for , batlag lloeaer to br ooaeldered 8 oltlrra of thle State under ~8 ohapt-. He auet have reelded in Texae rlth the lateatloa of ?rmlning and eatabllrhirrg hle h-8 for the pmeorlbed period art-* Wehere reaohed thleooaoluelon by flret ooaelderlng the derInItloa of a non-reeldeat under Artlole 920. A a~-:;eI- &at la Slret deeorlbed l e a oltlcea of enother etate. ,,ldent th8t vhea the LegIelatWr u8ed “~ltleea” In thlr SOD- teeee, It meant A pereoa vho had hle domiolle la eaother etate, ?w l ptreoa oeaaot be a oltlztn o? laothtr ltett lad et the ,e~ time be a oltieea of Ttxae. Thle Artlolt further dteorlbte , eon-rteldtat a8 l pereoa vho he8 not beta l bona fide rteldtat of thle Stats for a period of time trottdlog llx moathe ooatin- uo~ely and lmmedlately before applying for l huatIag llotaee. me ye hevt prtvlouely etattd, e reeldtat 18 l ptreoa who 18 bodily present at e otrtala looetloa. I? the Leglelaturt did tot deem the ltateaoe wader dleoueeIoa to man more then thle, it vould not hevt used the word8 “boae fldt.” That term would be l urplueege, and ln oonetrulag a etatutt euoh ea lattrprete- t;on ehould be erolded l? possible. In feot, It lpptere quite evident the Ltgleleturt hed romething more ln mind then merely tht eotuel ~rtetaoe of a pereoa a8 ehova by the addltloael term ‘bone fide, end vt believe they meant b7 l boaa Side rteldent e peraoa vho bed tetebllehed a domlollt. Thue under our Iattr- prttetlm, l non-resident le a oltleta of laother lta ttor a per- eon who bee not tetabllehtd hle domlolle ln Ttxee for a period of tint o? more than lIx moathe continuously aad lmmedlettly be- fore lpplylng for b hunting lloeaet. In other worde, a ptreoa wet have had hle donlolle la Ttxae for the required period of time or he 18 olaeeed a8 a “non-reeldeat’ b7 the ltatutte. Thle coaetructloa llkevlet harmoaleee vlth other por- tlone of Artlole 920. A oltlcta of a Stete 18 ueuelly oae vho her a domlollt ia the State. Thus vhen thI8 Artlole definer a altlzta 88 any pereoa, exoept an ellen, rho bee beta a bona fide rrrldtat of thle State for a period of time txotedlng llx monthe eolrtlauouely and ixueedlattl~ before lpplylag for a lloeaet, It me merely txttadlag the gtaerel rtquleltte of l oltlrta by rt- Wring the tetablle~tat of luoh domlollt for more then eix monthe, Ueuell~ It 18 o? no onnstqutnot hov lhort the retldtnoe W beve beta to teteblIeh l domlollt, for It 18 the faot of the goaoreblo P. U. Mater, pegt 7 P,g;&nOt ooupled vlth the lattmtloa thet tetabllehee the doml- rile* Bovtvtr, to quelI?J under the Gem Statutes am a oititea er ~elbea~: huatrr, one Is roqulrod to reeldt la Texas vlth the Intentloo of aeklng him home la this State for more than rix mohtheI We are of the oplaloa there Is a reason fop requir- l,,g this extra time before oat Is ooneldtred a oItlcta under ok aeee Statutes in that May out-of-etato hunters might eater tbig state during the huntlag etaeoa, dtolmo that they lattad- rd to eetablleh l domlolle ln Texas , obtain a reeldtat huatlw littame, do their huatlng and then return to their roepeotlre d&UiOileS ia other etatee. TO prtvtat Such preotice, the Leg- ~eleturt lav fit to require a person to tetablleh him doaloile for more than tb months to oomt ultbln the purrlev of being a oltlztn end securing a resident huntlag llceaet. Such Is, vt bel;tvt, to be the intent and purpose of the statute toaeldertd. After a person bee tetablIehed a domIollt, It Is not ~toteeery that he lotuelly continue to be 8 resident to keep him domicile. It ham been maid thtt t 9treoa for most pur- pores can htvt but one domIollt, but oaa hare several pleaser or rteldtace. In other vorde, ester a domlollt her once been ecqulrtd so long em the Iatitatloa to keep it be ooaeteat, a ptrroa mey be 8 rteidtat of another rtate yet melatela him or;- gins1 domIoIlt. See 15 Ttx. Jur., pager 708 to 711. Thus, under the Game Stetutte, after a pereoa her ooatlauouely end immtdlnttly lived ln Texas for over elx months vlth the latea- tiou et all timer of meking this State him domfolle, he bee te- tebllehtd hImeel? a s l Oltleta of Ttxee lad vould be entitled to ltouro 8 reeldtat hunting lloeaee. After a pereoa her ee- tebllehtd much l doeilclle, It Is not aecteeery for him to maln- tela it by ooatinulng to be a reeldent of Texas. Et mey movt lnto eaothtr state tnU become a resident of that state but so long em he dote aot abandon him latentloa to rotala him domlollt In Ttxee, but to return to Texas when the oooaelon for him ttm- porery lbeeace ?ros Texas no lo ng e lxlete, r he romeins a oltl- Lea of Texas add under Artlole 920 18 entitled to hunt la thle State ulth a resident hunting llctaee. Whether a person vho her oaot tetabllehed him domlcllt In Ttxe8 for more than mix months ham lost him statue am a olti- Len of TexAe by moving to tiothor state cad rteWaIng them for ptrlod of time 18 l question of Sect to be dettreiiaed l J la the Sect8 end olroumetaaore aonaeottd vlth him removal, ?rom goaorebh 0. Y. Minter, page 8 vblch this depertmeat hem for meay pera l ttad?aetl~ r@?ugtd to pee upon OF dtolJe. HOVev8r~ (It believe vbet ham beaa eeld gboV0 ~111 oaeble you to detemlar the question lubmltttd lo- oordin(r to tbr faote In the pertlouler oaeo vhleh paire oocegloa for Jo* Wu*J* Aeelrtant mK:db