OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN %anorrhle C. E. Cstaess State Auditor Austin, Texas Dear klx. Camesar ve hare gitaii0 letter of Septeder 20 ,-’1 ear lssl, they opinion as to whether .oo ii-cm the books of the State Treasury Deya.rtntsnt . If he does not, how em suoh clearance be mdeTa Under the Escbeat Law, aa it exlated in l%%l, it V;LSspeciPically provided that, whera any property in mesas zzs in existence to rh-ichno perscm olaixt& an intsrest, the L)istrict Attcrney or Ccrunty Attorney could bring s-nit an2 h37e smrd3esoheattv% to the State, and pro- vliled that the judgisni af the court shnnld place the title to ssi:l proptwty in the Stats. %e presume that the 111. tmo notes describe4 in your letter were under said statutes deer.eod to be the propeTty of the State of Texas. The note for $275.50, a copy of a1ti.i.h is sbtacher? to gour letter, shcws that it wss dated F3wuary 12, ly6¶, and is poyzble to Phurmart and Zatscn, anil has a w&it thereon of $lSo.oU, of date Bcbruarg 13, 1881, and ia sign- ed by J. Ii. Stevena. ?h% note Por $~O~.QCJis dsted April 8, Will, and' Is payable to XI. %. Diadericl, and has a eredlt of $r)S.c6 thereon as of date February 20 tb, and is signed by L. I. % . lamis. These netes are uore than eighty-eight years past due, and unquestionaly t&e signers to the notes hate long since passed to their renard. Horcver, there is no way fcr the account to be olosed and SWSC should be csrricd on the books.