DocketNumber: O-5621
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFicE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL 01= TEXAS AUSTIN ‘\ Eonoreblc Cen V. Jackson rJ1st.rict Attorney Houston, Tcras ,i : : Altcentloll: Hr. John Snell, Jr. li -..- t.Ebr sir: O~llllOIl No. o-5621 -\,, vhf* doflne peace officers?" \ Peace transferred this '1 have raaelvod yours of Ootober 28th; and, in reply, wlsb to olte you aortain section@ of the city Code of fioustoa,Taxasr "sec. 1643. Specie1 Offlccrr for tempor8ry aorvioe Sn ewgonoy. The mayor, in 0a8e of 8 riot, flood, fLre, or other public emsrgenoy, crhallhave Power'to sppolat, for temporary 8eroloe only end i i j~cmreble Dan U. Jeoksoa, page 2 not to excseC thirty days, any number of apeclal 0fflCers and to Clsohargs the same at uill. salid specl.aloff:cua shall be paid by the city for serrloe renduwd the olty in the dlsoharge of their dutlos at 8 salary rate to bo determlned bs the WjrOI-. "3~. 1280 (firor.and last parsgraphs) Po- 1100 Chief LO adopt rule8 and rqulatlona; publl- cattan of rules; luxlllarx pollco force; air raid vardon8. vhe ahlef of polioe. 8ubject to the approval of tba l a8yor, 1s hsrsby uthorl8etl,directed and sarpo``ad to prepare aaa prom&ate such rule8 and regulations, lw.3rarlslons and amabents thereof, as UT, Lo hi8 dlsaretloa, be neoesnry for tha oonduot oi puaau8 &wing air raid prlods, and la ordu td carry out tha expressed intent of this 8rtlOlo; pmvidd, &VOV~F, that no much rule or rtgulatloa8ball be aoatmry to the prorislons of this artlole. %a chief of poli4e, subject to the approval of the rye?, amy armto, tora and cODduct lg auxti- lary pall48 fop08 or other orgaaaltatlonor appoint suchair ralav`` or oth* peraoas vhomay, ln hia dlaorotfm, bs naosssary to our7 out the pro-. ~1814~ of thla utlole anA the rub8 and rogula- tlw adopted paau8mt tlwreto, "saa.1681. Aathorlt~ $0 appo1ntj pollee parers; Th4 myorof tha alty la h4r4by luthc4?144d to ap- point, from tin to tiw, lpwlal officer8 to 8crva 4ad 4at at private pU4es of bu8lnea8, ln8titutlons or h wa far duty in a n4 at lu4h plaoea only, upon the requsat a& r*oma&atlon of the omu8, ten-. urta or peoprleter8 of s\rahplasma. Any 8pe4lcrlOS tiou *ho ha. kou rppo1at.d br tha ryo~ &all hsvc full authority of a pollae offloer to protmt life 8n4 property at tha plsoa for whloh he hs8 bean sp- pplnred. n . . . . pnoratle Dan c'.Jackson, page 3 “Sec. 1683. Salary. OffiCel-8ah411 SpeCld receive no salary from the city, but #ball be pal6 uholly by the person employing them. "sea. 1664. Can4ellatlon of oomlas14.m. The o~S#iO,, of auy sjmli.1 0ffiO.r Sh4llbS Sub l4 t to aanoellatlon st any time by the aym or ohiof of pOliCa, for Cmg WUSC that c&y or either of thw deea luffialent. Yea. 1685. Explratloa OS 0orri881olr. All CwiSSiOnS Shall 4xpim 8UtwttmllJ 8t tidnlght on the thirty-flrrtby of Deoenbu IO any jeer. *. . . . 'ho. 1694. Eight to lp p a lnt temp4rar~ a p a 4 la l offioers ln wrgewy uot rffooted. liow ln this artlale shall In any ulaa llmlt or abridge the rl@t oftheuy4rtoapp4lnt,atanytlrs,f4rup4aaae deem& luffloient by hlm, la ease of an enrgauiy &:.;``;&@$ such as fire, floods, riots or other eYrgenol48, saOh #peOl.aloffiOer8 as my be r4Quir4d for a pu- iOd Of Pot t0 4X4eed thil'ty&yS. "soa.1695. bobjeot to -11 in 488e Oi pUbll0 lnrgewyj arb4 p&o06 orrpelloe &ewtwrt psp roll aad given badge. It 18 8180 rurtbr expreaal~ gPOVib4d th.tti thO.4 hOktt* -SW SC SW- , 8181 oifloara, ~::*!:j/j:j:. a&n ba rubJ#t to the ~11 of the myor sad tha 4hlef of pollae ln ease of a Hot, r144d,rlre m other publl4a4rg4a4~. upcmth4 44- 4 -e. Of Sa ylueh lmerguro3tb4 -JOI, alullSl.6~' km4 th4 pOWU t0 pba4 St&y Sp44ul OtfiOu ob the nwar deparwnt p~oii pou44 r- a puied not to @rood thirty days, aad lx muahla a e&ha ohid of pelloe ahall laman to rauh spoolal 0iriur a regular polloemn*a badge t4 be wed by umh otti- 4Or tw tb8 p4riOd Of tin4 that ha t# 84wa a the pollee deputmat durm ruab wrgauar. Yhe auxiliary poll04 offioen of th4 citr of &UStOn Serve by r4aSOP of the lbove 84OtiW,8 lf the city Code. There la no executive or&r under vhloh >I::, th elu*illuy police foroc 18 operated.” Artlolt 995, Rarimtd dt8tutea. 1925, provides a8 follow8: “uhoaever the M ar duu it Mco8sery, la order to la r o r a otha L 18 of the atty. or to avert deagor, or to gwotoat life or property, la aeoe of riot or any outbreak or eelamity or publla dimturb- elwx?# or when ho hee roe8011to fsar euy 8orlous vlol``lom of hu or or&r. or any outbrmk or my othsr Ua&pr to ~16 oity, or tbo lnb8bitant8 thorr- of, he 8hall 8OIDIL Lnto l*rvloe 88 e aipealal PO- lice rorco, all or 88 mj or ths Cltl88as as in N8 jupewnt my be aeoo8ury. Such 8usmoasnmy ba by grr#lamtlaa or 0th.~ ardu eddre8scd to the c1tluae gsserally, or thou of ally ward of the a l& y, o r lubdi.risioa thereof, or my be by person- llmtL!x~tloa. swdh 8p0oiel pollao r0rcttwhile la 8OCVloe, shell be 8uhjut to the oders of the uly o r , eimllp o r fo m luo hdutiee a 8h er a yx wq llr e, cad ahell heve ttn eam~ pour vklla on duty aa the rogulu pollae tore0 0r 80id oity." maoh 36, a0d0 0r cr-1 ~OC``UIW, protithe: "~8~3rbiiaviog u+0 *p0800 0rflo0r881 8h0 shorlff amlhi8 6opat%os,ooastabl~, the urnhal or polluM8 of aa lumrpomcod tolm or olty, the 0m08~. db0+00u8~;0~d 0fri0ul8 ti pm8880 0rtb0 stet0w sw0O,OeGuypmmt0 perOm ep eo ~lly lp p a sa ta eduuutoo r iea pel r 00ue.~ &tiOlo uh7, &mtiO%.l, l'.Orlthd-0,prOrid* “Aa leeeult o r b8ttuy h e a a vs e@ p a ma a vh o n conltted au4er a8y of the follovlq~ OirOOUOt8WO8z Nhen aamtCto0 up06 aa oftlaa ia t&a I.eALw ~8 oi a# dUCi08 Or hi8 OmOO, ir ituaehowaordular.dto&heorrwxlerthetthe mr ea ml8uultod v8e 80 orf’i4r.r dLsoher&ng en or- ri0id du8y. ” . . . . To oonatltute ths offeaoa of agSNvated lrtiult vten SQ sauult 18 oarittul upor 80 orricer there must be -- rlr8t ~ofiorcblsCam i;.Jackcon, page 5 cn acccultt 8eaon6, the person 888aulted must ba en Officer In the d18Ohu‘gO Of hlc dUtl.Sj u&d, third, the l88ault must be -de cc cn lnterruptloa or ths ofricer’s offlolrl dutlsc. The foregoing prOpO8itioXl18 sUpparted by our OYIICourt Of Crl~lln- cl A9peClS. See Blrdctto v. stata, 150 3. Y. (2d) 1035, and the cuthorltlcc oltod tharmfa6er. Under th8 d140ru410a ar Pub110 ofri00rO In 22 Rul- ing a80 tru, 90`` 397, ~0 rm the r0ii0ving ~u~rgr; * on the grouadth8ttba prlnolp8lduty Or polio; &riOOrS 18 tkh0prO8OWStlW Or tb pub- 110 peaa*, VhiOh 18 8 Utter Or public CWQOIP, it ha. boon held that poll II We Dub110 OfriOOrS‘;- . . . hcabcmahcld tk mombars of ttn do- tectlvo dbputmut 0r 8 dictrlct pollee foroc, or- gsni~d t,UXiorSt&t0 8tauto uhlch OOniorrd an them tho ponrs or pollee otilccr8 end constables, cre pub110 oflloors end not wrcly Olrp1OyUOSof-the conccrmmlth." (tkld.~SOCWilrg OlU-8) h the MM Of XiOaiUS V. HUtChiruOn CO.,55 A.L.R. 1191
, ow Beacon ns ca erployoe or the Portland Thwtor snd won the urtttea requert or his employer he vaa 8ppointed cpe- cl81 pollcorm by the City Cowicll of Portland a8 8uthorlzed bY fba h8 Or thy Stat0 oi Jkw. 818 sorrlau nro pcld by the thutor end la the aarw ho oloaued up about the thectcr wN10 ct or- end dnrlng cbvv tlr hc wore his unlfcwm end Yam stationed in tha lobby amI kloomy md kept ardor, qulet- n-4, kqt the 81810s aloar la keopiog rlth the flro rub8 Sd 1 0l ~WUl -8 ~SOE’Vd th0 tht sata held that: “AS a ~orr``r~“``c``toO~.Cd Officer. Thor. 18 l ver y able d180u881arr0r l l1tuat1on rlal-' 1 ~ to th e005uuler la a #ldmtiOh mr 0hood in th eUh4 tle y Cc40 raporto4 In 3 S. Y. (W) 174 rhoroin Juotloe Wsrtln VWking r0c 0~ court 0r c~irlrui Appeals, bra th0 r0ii0hg to My: “&p.lbnt -8 00U~iOt.d Oflggnv0t.d l S- SaLlIt upon oar J. II. Ohuts, ‘ths uld J. H. Chocte them and thoro bclng 8 cpealcl p01loo offlaw of the oity al Big Spria&'I poaalt~, rim of $25. “A lUff~Ol8Ut St.tO..nt Of thS fOOt8 -OS- ~8l.y CO lllU8tXSte th0 bV FilltS d1IlOlUS~d 10 briefly 88 fO11OVS: #The procaoutfng rltnws, Choate, on the 15th day or nay, 1926, received rrcm the maym of Bi,.g Spring the following vrlttoo oppolntmntt “‘st8t0 or T-S, c0tay 0f ri~nrd, city 0r Big Sprlag. "2%8 18 to oortlfy that by vlrtw or rrti- Cl0 9% af the RMiCd StikUtOS Of tbs %&ta Of TeLPS, 1925, 3. n. ChMte 18 busby 8ppolntsd 8pd- clcl polioemul r0r the olty of B& 8prlag, Texas, vlth all and full paver glvon him under the uld crtlole and for the purpose of enforolng any and 811 the hV8 Or th0 8tate Or TOWS Uithin th0 8ity liPit Or BlgS)prlllgCadth0 OFdiProoW8 Or t!MJUld c1r.y. “‘ThiS OO~SSlOSl 18 t0 r#la ia fWC0 Ulltil the olty oounoll oi the olty of Big Sprlag chcll meet in Fugular 808~1oCL. **Oivoa under tho haad and seal or the olty of Ba Spd.n& thic the 15th4q or IU3,A.D. 1926, 8t m s-f&& 8OVU’dOOWtJ, ?OlUC. “‘al* u. -8, “‘(SskL.) ~YW, city 0r m8 SW-. "'Attoct: Loulu Hlddlotoa, S&Wry, City of Big Spring, by V. M.' “He th o r ur to rl8t.d l8 8Wti1 pollSomu ua- tii cttor a OS th 0rr0M0 at0 0t *hioh ami- lax& ~88 ooarlrtod. Xemmroaoplisod88a pellos ofriwr by the 0th.u OrflOOt8 or Bourd aouuty and the city of Bl.gSpring, lS -11 88 by the publlo. He UdO fTaQWltt WMCtS, OOlbCting fiae8, lPd exerolsing t!xcdutloc tuually ~rforrd by 8 pallcs ofrioar. on tho date la qUCStiOll,chute arrested rI:pelhnt cm l pub110 ltreot la the olcy of Big fi;onoreblc Can *I.Jnck8on. page 7 Spring for diaturblng the pcaaa and for belag drunk in a public place. Be further tertiflod th8t ap- pliant at the time was drlrlne a aar vhlle lntoxl- oated and uas clrunk and curslug on a pub118 street, and that this happened in hi8 pre8eaoe and ulthln hia rleu. Appellant ma8 arrested without a uarrant. Choate teotlfled tkat appellant knwv he ~88 an of- ficer prior to and at the tlmo of his arrest. Irosecutlng vltnem8. Choate, apparently aever qUrr1l- fled by takl~ o8th or giving bond, 8n8 he sated at all tlme# by virtue of the appointment above at 811 tlma, but vlth the la q uleso enc e oomaent of and the mayor of Big Spring and the city council there- of. 88 . . . . -A de hoto offleer vam cleflnsd by the court in his charge a8 follovsr “‘A de facto offleer 18 one vho 18 in po88a8- alOll Of U OffiOe &Id d18Ohrgm it8 dUtle8 under color of luthorlty, by vhlsh 18 meaPt authority de- rived from an llootlon or qpolntmeut, hoverer lr- regular or informl, 80 tbt the lnaabent be not a mere roltmteer.' lm-a 'Thlm deflmltlocl. to be la the lxmt verblAg of the ow lpprotod ip Bmua v. State, 42 Tex. cr. R. 418, 60 S. u. 548,.96 A& St. Rep. t306i. bfhatererright be said of it8 OorreCitW88 uod8r l dlfferont 8tate of faot8, me boliov8 it 18 oorreot under those exhibited la this reoord. "It Va8 Uid h &OVIl V. atat., 8Upa, tbt 'the deolelone irdleato that, before one a be a de faoto offioer, there mut be waa offloe vhloh he oou1d hold de jurei* It Is plmulbl~ u: d bT ap&bdlU&t tht 00 S&l OfflOe a8 8p8eia1 p0f" 100 Of- ficer bad ever been eruted by orOiumaa of the city of Big Sprln& ud aoae in Saot lx lo ted under the Uv, lxvlthemfore pro8eoutlw vltne88, Choate, oould not becor rurd0r any state of facta a de hot0 officer. A mufflcleot anaver to this 18 that article _ Honorable ;~n W. Jackeon, W$c 3 995, R. S. 1925, by it8 tc= PUthOrlZe8 the ep- pointPant of, and by swh, laplledl~ at lea8t, create8 the4 office of, rpeJlo1 pollee officer. It b8 been held that a polloenen la a peace offloer. Hull v. %8te, 50 Tu. Cr. R. 607, 106 3. W. 403. There being lxpre88 8tatUtwj authority under lald ertlole $495for th alppClntwnt of prooroutl~ vlt- PC88 to th8 OfflOe b,a &8YuY4 t0 hold, we are Of the oplnlon th8t lyecotid under 8 proper 8tate of fact8 be a de hot0 offlc8r. Are 8Uoh fact8 pro- uac la thl8 reocud? It 18 urged that the vrltten lppolntmeat oat out abow lxpre88ly limited hlo lppoFotm8nt to offioe to th8 next m8tiag Of the City OOUtWil, M6, thl8 OORt~rrO~ hW= htlpm- 06 long before the m8t in QtS88tiOn,he Ua8 there- fore neither es ofiloer de jure nor a de f8OtO. By the tdZU8 Of Uld WtlOlO 995, 8uch Ui appOintwat ray be orelly wde. The reoord lfflrutlwly a ho w that VitM88 ooatlnMa to *at vlth exprea8 con8ent awl aoqule8oewe of the oftr eouncll end ayor of Ba Spring, If 1lde~I It 4OV8 not 6hOU that he did 80 by their 8rpF888 direot1oa, until lftsr the al- lem oaami88lao of tin offew by appellant. It fUPtbsr 8hOV8 b Vh8 rgtt.d t0 b - Va8 PeCOg- tiud by th0 pttb~io a8 8Wh OffiOer. UO rO@rd the8e faot8 a8 -1~ lufiloieat to 8hov affirm- tire17 that br va8 8 DDE faoto officer. Fnrthermorq, ve lee a0 ru8oa to doubt that 8eld vitae88, if h8 continued to rot uader u lxpi.redooml88loa vlth- out iaterruptisn ud vlthoet qwatlon br tbv pub- 110 arbf#n offloere afBi# 8pring, but vlth their aaqulv8oomee, tht 8wh mot8 vould ooavtltute hir l de f-to Offlom. It u8 born uldr l‘YOt,althou@ ln 84dl’Vd CorriO81olr 18 Wt color of tit10 to offloe, still, if an llvoted or appoFated p&l;* offloer ooatlmn8, vitheut break, and vlthout queatlw by the p&110, to aural88 th8 fUMtlaa8 of theoffloe after the explwtion of hlr OOUf.UiOIt, thi8 18 l 6Wth U.d eXewl8e Of the autle8 Of the offfoe by tioqule8oeaOe, la Q, under the Bodero rule, eosutltuto~ the p~rron thm sot- ink an offloer de faoto.' Rx ?arte Traoey (Tax. Cr.) APP.) 93 a. w. 542. Honorable Den W. Jaokaon, pege 9 “Quoting from thl8 authority further; "'In 011 Of these Ca888 the doctrina i8 8U- aoumed chat, vhlle a de facto offlaer my be one uho hold8 under oolor of 8leotlon or appointPunt, vhich my not be altogether r8gular, there 18 rtlll 8nOthsP Oh88 vho my be d8 fOOt0 OffiG8r8 VithOUt regard t0 eny eleCtiOU or OppOiUtIiI8at; that i8, one vho eXerOl888 the dUti88 Of Ul Off%08 for a 18Ilgth of clme, 8Qd acquleroence on the part of the author- ities and of the publlo. fn 8uCh 088e8 the inour- bent, regardle8a of hi8 lnductloa,mg be ooiuldered 8 de root0 officer. l l l k de facto offloer ry be 8uch l * l vlthout a knovn lppo~tuat or 8leo- tlon, but under 8UCh clrowJtaaa88 of reputation or acqul88aence 88 vere caloulated to lad1108people, vlthout Inquiry, to 8ubmlt to or invoke hi8 lotlon, rupporlag his to be the offloer h8 088umd to be.’ *wthout eXpF888ly approvlag all th8 langurge use&h the Traoey Ca8e, 8upr0, vc regard it and the ca8e of Erovn v. State, rupra, a8 ample authority to uupport our vlov that th8 faotr or8 8Uffloleat to ObOti ~OSSOUt~ VitM88 a & racto offloer on the date fn quartion." In viev of the for8going authoritlell,you are adrilled it Is our oplnlon that an aurlliary pol$.aeofficer 18 a mpeace officer" a8 that term 18 defined by &FtlCle 36, Code of Crlmlu81 Ppocgdure, and 18 an "offloer" vlthillthe purvlev of Artlole ll!J'[. Swtfolp 1, of the Penal Code, vhen engaged la the ilavful xllabarge of the dUtie8 of hi8 ofrioe. Very truly your8 ATTORiTEXGEB8RALOF TEXAS r Je88o DVenS A8818tallt JO:db