‘i. _.. ._ 44- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENE?tAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ma. Coo. B. Bhem Coaptroller of Fabllo A.la44Yunts Auatfn, Tesae Dear sirr dewsit shall be mds in any rson in thd nasteof suoh depositor or aeposltor aridanother person and wit& that 4uuh depoeit ah311 be paid to vor of thea, euekdepoait and dllp . may be paid to . . . the surviror T ;aa of then, ad s1103pap;acntsfrall ass tasnah bmk. . i ior.al.1pq-mnta male. . . prfor to the receipt by suoh bask, . , of aotloe Fn .writing . not to psy. , . . Bon. ceo, R. Sieppard, page 8 ~8cotion la. That wken an? safety depoalt box h& been . , rctnt&lby any 'bank. in tke nmle of two or more &s*n*, wlth 7220tighf'oi 3404~3 given to either, or tn the survivor, . . . either of suah parsons, whether the other be liring or not, shell have the rl@;G of aooaas. . . and my reacta tkere- g:s&% rxa$aats thereof, azd ia all such oases. . . shall be exempt.from ell~liab~llit~ whatsoever ?&*a&:pcrron whomsoever Ior ,*srtitti-~e each aoceee. . . or reaovale . .” 38otlon 16 oi Artialr 9144.~.veqw5~4 Annotated .Cl~51 Matutea,.was enacted by the legielst&o Ii 1953. The pertinent.porti.onu of t&et sot are as folio-nar belonging to such a ~..deaeilaat’an~ ~ode~or~-are~psr8on~; shall 4eli7er.the SrislG~40 th4 . . ‘. imrrlvor'or m-8 wh0a held tn tliis joint names of .adeoedent aad cue oe mor4 other, persons, or upon their er2er or requcgt, unless notioe be served upon t&e Comptroller aad delivery to ~o".&e~onl.y in the preseaoo Of tbetC&~trollez or '. . . .*., ~agent., '.i ;;-``ia.@wss tlx4 .xioa**.ller c,.,.~..,~oon8enta :: .' -~ailuPs td-~'rerYe: ~xJ5Oh yaqtl;i+.: g$;;l*.. ,;;,::;;..*ib* .W4& &&x&ion &all rend.ersuah . ."i bank. . ‘,*liable.:.:.I;;.. *.*L.., to ~35%japiant of the"amouat,~oi ~.tkkEaxor intereat due or~rtafter to become due upon said dyqiosite a penalty of mt less than $1003. &*pi&s thk* ?&X0.; azzdthe yayaeaent of suoh . . . my,54 4n:iwced in any aourt,0r competeLitjurlsdlotl0n.O The 1929 law RBS expressly repealed by t&a Taxa Btiling Code of 1943, ,paesedhy the 48th~Legialeture at ita Re&ular Sese~on, being.?;.2. so. 79, Chapter 97, page 127. Chapter 9, Art:cls 11 of tba nforwention~ atis provides a3 r0li0x4: *The f~lloring ststutea, together wit:?all other law4 03 pexr;aof lnwa in oonfliat herewith, are hereby repealed; .'. . Aota of 1929, 4ldt L8giebMZ'e or TBxdP, p. 264, oh. 117, 3ectAons 1 and la (Articles 54116and 54le). . .* ‘-1; . 4.3 !iWs Aot beoane efieotive ninety 4~s aiter adjourbent of'the Legislature. 'f58&at8 Of adjOUrOZ%nt was Ma-j11, 1913. Any doubts existin~,tl;erefore as to whether said Articles 34ld and 3418 me still In effeat have been dispelled by the 'expr833repeal of thass srtioles by tba 48th Lrgialature. :_