DocketNumber: O-5607
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
.i -. . 22 F 9 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF ‘TEXAS 1 P AUSTiN iioaorablo 000. H. Sheppard a~Dt?Oller Of Publio AoOOUata Dear Sir: septembar 7, 1943 the Bouaton Land op$nioa or this re ~sold in order ebta of an estate, ad suaoesaioa taxes, is blo o thar than on the 011. with ths sale? In ax payable by vlrt!m or the to benefiolsrles, althou& e !Viill under a Sill. Is a transfer tax a able (1) on the trenstsr under the WI11 and 2 in oonneotion with the *alo trh’iehis neoeesarp 5f to erieat division of the estate? n . . . , * :: Honorable Gee. R. Sheppard, pagv 2 In our Opinion No. O-G34 (Conference C-pinicn No. jZO?l ‘19 held that VmumZers by operation of lawa are, by nsoerr8ery implioatlan, exempt from the tax imposed by t!e Texas Stoak Transrer Tax Aat (A&isle 7047111, V. A. 0. S.). Proaeeding from this pr6o1se, m also ruled 13.said oplnica that a tmnsrer rr0m an lntsstata to his heirs or next or kin in a tranafrr wholly eireoted by operation or law and hanae io tax sxompt, bat that a transfer imm a tertator to hi8 legatcer 38 taxable aa e transfer etrected at leaart in part bF the rat Of the parties thereto. The Tmaa Stook !kawier Tax Aot follows almost verbatim the Xew York TraMi6r Tar Aot, and it 18 oomnly known that oar rtatote ua8 adopted frola and modeled after Ohm Xew York Aot. Likewise, our aat la ldantloal in no& .nspeots-iriththa Federal. Stook Transfer Tax Act and with the rotlr-via Coossquently, in interpreting btbar,etater. .~ oa.atatute vm.have -beelriooustomed te hollow the dealsions and adminisitmtf~ Suzingo: or these other jurfadiotionr, and pmtiarilsrly thoal) of ~Xer York, sinoe, as is aaid In 39 Tex. Jar. 264-2651 ,*‘A phrase, provisign or statute adopted rroa ths.Laua GS another state or ootantrywill ordi- ,muril be iron 2110 8wimioonstnt8ttism~in Teraa ,:...``~. that I t ha 3 ruceltod fxths farisdiation from uhiah it uar borroued. If it had been gi+t~ a tixed and defiaite meanlag by the aoarts of that jurisdiotlon, it will be given the acme meaning In Texas. The rule rests upon the presumption that the Legislature was aware oi the judioial interpretation given in Me jurisdiotion rrca rhioh the atatuts am tak%, and that ia adopt- ina auah sfetute it intended also to aooept suoh oon5traotlon.* Under the HerrYork and federal acts, only one treneSer tax aocruee Men stook psseiw by ~13.1 to 6 legate6 but la sold by the exsoutor to satisfy debts and expense8 of the e&ate. Axtiole 15(16) of the Be* York Rolsa and m3gulations~ brtlole 34(n) 0r Treasury Regulations Ho. 71; reprinted in Christy and 230L8an,Tb6 %h~Sre? Or t%OOk, pp. 683 sad 602, mapeatively. This is oocaaioned by the Paot thet tbsee Jurisdictions adhere to the aomnoa law rule whem- by title to perronclty paesce frowna test&or to his exe- cutor and thence from.suah sxeuutor to legatesa, to areditore 0r the estete, or to posslbls vendees. Consequently, these ’ ; i - 24 Bonorebla C&o. R. Sheppard, page 3 juriadiotiona hold that the transfer m the teatstor to hla itxeontor is tax exempt 813 8 trensfer by op&etion of law and that the Odly tax8b.laevent ooaura when the 8XeCiutop mkaa a further tmmrer 81th~ to a legates, to a Or8ditOr Of the estett, or to a vendee to whoa th8 stook is sold ior the ~ur>oa8 Or securing iunda to diaaharga the debts or ex- enaea oi the estate. Weloh t. Kerokhoif, 84 F(2d) 2QS*106 A. 1
. R. l434; Christy and XoLean, op. oit. SUVM, 164. Obvloaalywhen the atook la a01d by the exsautor to aatiaiy dobta end expenses oi the estate, no tax ever arlaea on a trenaier to a lagatee beoauae au& tranarar is never msde by t& exaouter. 0-+3-jf Rower, as maa pointed out in our Opinion No. ~Artlela 3314 Y. A. C. 3. abrogatea the a~amon law rule inthis State by prorIddiag,thattitle to peraoaalty Teats in the lagataes upon the death of the iarss4bit8l.y t88tatQr, rubJ8ot to the power of~tha exaoutor,fo sell or otherwlab appl aaeh peraonaltp to aatlaS .debtsof thb estate, funera3 lx p ena a aiunily , ellowanoaa; and other expenses oi administration. tiOrr811T. Hamhtt, 24 S.W.(2d) 531 Rlaherda0n t. Vaughan, 23 S.V. 640 (Sup. Ct.); Leal T. Isa i 291 8.3. 340; 1) Ter. Jur.~S%; 15 Tex. Jw. 172-173. Reoa$e oi t&i8 fe8tare oi our deaedants' ~estets law, mm- osivably it would be poasibla to aar thet~trro:frana$er.., tares aoarue In the situation above deaoribad--one when tha title vests immediately in the lagatsaa~,8nd anothar when the executor a8lla~tha atook in ths uoura8 ot adidnia- tration. Traotiaally apeaiclng, suah a oonatruotioa of our trenafer tax eot would result in taxing a tranarer in whloh the tranaiarae never raosivea the us8 and enjoyment of th8 atook 8nd never reosivea an urknouzbered legal or equitabl8 title thereto. !uereel that such 8 result was Iwfer within the oontaahplatlonor intention oi the legislature at the time of the passage oi our stock transfer tax eot. Rather, wa real, when OUF lagialatura adopted the New York set, it must also be deeasd to heve adopted the oonstruotion plaoed on auoh ect whereby but one tar accrues in tha altuatics under diaousslon. This aonolualoa results both irom the prinoipla of statutory ooonatruoticxn above set forth and from the rollowIng sdditional oonalderationr Upon the death oi a te&atOr, clay int%r8St aoqulred by a legstee ia SUbhOt to a peer of sale in the executor whloh may be srerciaed under presorlbed oonditioas. Until suoh the a9 it la known ðer 07 not the executor lnust exeralse this peer, alI rights of a legatee 8r6 contl.ngsnt. 11'the pcmr la ersrolsed, i- . X@lOrable 000. H. Shapprrd, pegs 4 ell rights OS a legates are extin&ulshsd. Consequently, w&en stock pessas by will and it Is wocssarr for the es8outor to diapoae Of ths atook in order to eatiafy the debta and expenaoa OS the estate, wa feel that the atook trenaier tax aocruea only when auoh diaposltloa Is made, fOF the OOQtfn~enoy Milch prevents th8 oga- platioo of tbe tFsnaSer to the 1ag8tSaa has ooouxred and no oomplett transfer to them la ever aoooorpliahad. Con- vera81f, whaa no auoh diagoritian is neoeaaary and &en the powtr of ash ‘porraeased by 8n txtoutor is artin.&ahed b0osua0 no neaesabty ror its txarois0 has d~isen, we itO1 that the tranaier iroa the testator to his lsgatata is omplet0 and thst auoh.tranaSeF la then taxable under the pFinOipl88 snuaoiated in our OpiaiOQ NO. w. o-+//y These vrinoiplsar are ala0 applioabls to in- stsnoes of intes@'oy. ahen it is n0o0aaarg SOPS8n ad- ministrator of the estate Of 'any inteatclta.,,tO,~la~oae OS: &oak to aatiaSy:~thedebts.arnitxpenses~.of,t&0 qatats, 8.taX 6OOFUeS U~U,SU4h'~S8bB~'f4~ th4 lJ4~6``U8BZl+,;bt aeld tO be one In which the transstr is eSS,eotail by op- eratlon of lsw. Contrarides, however, uhen no auoh sale is neotiaaarJ,and when the pa;lrer OS sale in the ad- ainlatretor~ia axtirrguiahs~, -the tranattr to ,the halra or nert'oi kin~,is theo'awplttt Bad,,88 our OQinioB Ro. afadb adoh tzanaler: lti’ ...affoeted ; :, wholly by o&!%%%!& of la,w, .', " no tsx aosruea thiwetinP``‘ -~ Your aaaond question relates to a situation ia whiah a trensisr OS atoOk is ntada to etieot or to faoil- itate the dlvlaion ot an estate among the various legatees. Ytaltiple18gat888 hold prO@rty i138 fOra Of OO-OwIleMhip olossly 8kZn to, it not identioal with, oo-tenehoy. Any divisicn efi6ctSd Smong suah tenants or eny sale made by thea Sor the purgoa0 ot dividing the-prooeeda therm3 neosssorily is a transfer efseoted by the aot ot the parties thereto rather than a transfer affsoted by operation of law. Such tranaiera are tarable under the NearYork and fed- 8rd a0t8, Artioh3-15(19-22) or the taw York Rules and 3eg- aatlcoa; Christy and YoLeSn, op. ait. auprs, 56.b565, and tvtn without the aid aiiorded by the ooostruoti0m3 in these Jurisdlotlona, xe would feel aonatrainad to hold auob trtlns- iera taxSUe sin08 thay tell Within neith0F the express erenptione aontained in our atetute AOS the tiplied SXSZP- tfofi eoeorded transisr8 by oparttion of &5ii?.COnSo~U~tlY, you are respectfully advised that in auoh 9 Situ&ion two . - -. 7 26 Xonoreble Gea. A. Sheppard, psge 5 tren3fer terse eoorue--on6 when the trensiar to the mal- , tiple’lagatees becmies aoinglete,shd another when swh leg&sea effect 6 division emong themelves by Ale or otherwise. Xotioe, hovmer, What if the division ie being eifected by fiultl?leheirs or next of ;tinwho have taken by fnteetscy, 6 tax aocrues ohly upon the diviaicn eaong thtunaelveaeinoe suoh hotis or next oi kin receive the stock initielly bg operation of la**. Moreover, should an axeeator or admMstr&or uell stook for the purpose or effecting or recllit8ting Q diV;aiOtlaPlOti6 th6 lQg@Xi#b, htiir8OF IieXt Of kin, and not r0r the purpose of paying the debts and sxpensas or the estate, the 88`` prinalplesare a?plfoable. Tha parer of sale poeaessed by an exaoutor or admlnistrstor extendr, aa has been said above, only to axles which are necessary .to pay the debts and expenses of the estate. Unless tho atook is aold for this purpoea, the transfer to the lagstess, hsira or next of kin beoomes oomplete. If the ~stook8hould be soEd for any gurpoae other than thla, the aituaticu is tha Bane as lf the trensfer to *thelegatees, heirs or next of kin had first Boone oca$ete, and euoh persons had then aoted to effeot a division emong themselves. In mating auoh a aale. an ereoutor or adviinistrator acts as a reprssentei- tiva or the legatees, heirs or ,aext of kin rather than aa ,a represantative of the estate, and, for purposes of the atook transfer tax, hia aets bo this~respeot ere to be treated ae if they wore the acte of the prties x%osnhe repreeents. Consequently, in auoh a aituatim stook transfer taxes would aoorue fn acoordanoe with th8 priaoipl~e dieaueaed in the last preoeding paragraph. ~Trustlng that ths foregoing disoussion sstisfao- torfly bnawers your Icquiries, ae are Your3 very truly