OFFICX OF 7’HE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTiN Eonorable J . Ii.Udd, Jr. County Attorney,,l&berg koaty Klngsville,Texas : of this de-sent on e atepa SLTB iuitorneyof Klsbarg County, u alnoa 1935, have been casleoted kp~inducted into the seroice? It ia not my intsn- tlona to raaate tb offioe hut to mal11tai0the saoxe ead appoint au Arelatent CotintpAttorney. It la al84 rqintentions to file for m-election at tho future 005lng ,prlma~iPs. "I d&u 8 salary of #Lts.oo peermnth, pIas raoa whi#h,aso corned. Would I be autWorlzed to hire an Assietant County Attorney and retain ay se?lsryto $125.00 par tnonthand pen&E’ him to recelre ‘anddraw Bonorubla J. E. Xi;ld,Jr., p.+a 2 tho fees of office and request the Commlaaloaers Chid to allow him a'saleXy f'ros$1.00 to $138.00 per month etlmay he a&reed upon by the Commiesioaers Court and SLySelf,aa Ocuaty attorney. *I will probably ha90 to rs$@rt on or about May 1st and we ha?0 e n&ulsr eesr1o.aOS aoert aeet- ing on lOti day of April and it would bo eppreairted ii year offloe aoald fatilah se wlth~inf~a&ion re- quested prior to t&at t&w.* Ia ilpbloa Xo. 0-S448, a oopy or whloh 1s sno’looed for y&.ru convenlencs, thh departsuit held that the offiae of oounty attorney did not aatoaatloolly be@me vacant aporkthe induation of the inwiabaat~into th4 Azay. It wes tartherheld, that the ooun'tyattorney was eatltl+d .$ohir eelaoy or eompenea- . tian during the tom of hli qifioe or aatil a raoanoy Is @@tab- llehed; Thor dopertaeat baa follo?ed'ttie itoil la aaid opia- ion Ia atiroar other opinion& Axtiolee 331 and 3908, Vernon's AxuIotatodCivil Statutcf8,provide t&t OoUUty attorneys, b oousent bf the com- ~nia8loners~ooart ahall hare powerto appofat oae or more as- si8texat8,but it ir spaoffioally preridrd in &tlole SO08 that the 00mmls8lonsr``OOW~ 6hel.lnob attempt to $nfluenoe the ag- polntnbit of any potsea an an w0lstant. This depaartnaat held in Opinion 100.04599, a copy of whiah ia enclosed, thatr "(1) Whare the county attoaney ha* taken some action SE ths oam for the 98atO in the justice court he would be entitled to the $5.00 fee QISa plea of guilty in the jastfca aourf regardless of whether he was preau~ntin the justice: court at the tit* the plaa was entered. For example if your eortnfyattorney filed a eomglaint ia ~justfce court before he left to Join the Army he would be entitled to the 33.,00fee it the defendant subsequently pleed guilty. \. . ,. . IC LIonQorabLe J. X. Kidd, Jr., p@z? 3 I -(ai) It the couoty attorney h4r oot taken any a&ion in mch a wide asd is not preseat aiidready to reppwent the State at a rsgul~srtera of justice txurt aad a defendant plesda guilty at suoh mgular term, the couaty attorney rould riotbe entitled to the tee. fforuould t&c county be entitled to the re8. If ne rm iv due the ootmty attornsf It should not be e&gqd against the’dehndant. ‘(3) fr the defendant pl.eadguilty ia jastics 00-t at any timother than the regular term of such doart the aouaty attorney would be entitled fo a $5.00 fee even thoagh be naa not present and had taken no aotion 14 the easer.* *+ + l fib a a o a a t or salaTiea paid to as- r%at.aatnand depatbs ahall also .lm clearly ahora ...* ~,. by ruohotricer, gl~irq$the nam, positionand tha aiaonnt psld eaoh; aad la ao event shall any offi- oep show any greater amount than aotuallr gsld any such esalstant OT dspity. The amaucltof such bxpensm, together with ths aoroust of aabrieo paid to aasiotmtsr, deputies, an8 ClsFka, ahall . In flew at the fore@lng, you am raepeattullyad- vised that it is our Qpiltb3 that the offioe Or county attorney doe8 not be&me rsoant ~3012yaw indUGtiOn into the Axa6d ;ierv- lcea and that you are entitled to your oompensatfoaduring your ttPiPOr Office, OT W&ii 61VECWUjr ia eUtabliSh&. It la OU;Ffurther oplaion that yea are authariz~d to ‘. 1’7 Eoaorsble J. ii. Ridd, Zr., gsga 4 , l appoid an asalatan , under the provialons of .~tlolea 351 and 3908, v6rnan’s innotstsdCivil Statotes, provided, of COWB6, the ~.SWlhS .daero*court or said colintganthoritw suoh apgointaorat. !hc salary of sach aaeistest,when ap- pofnted, rata&t be,9s A out of fees earnsd by the couat$ at- t+lXiSY. ma aoaal IU~O&~T~* OoPrt O$ said eGunEy has RQau- tbority UhRtrovYsr LO pay the salary of the aasiatant out 0r 00my rtuid8. s ;ated mother wayi the salary oi the ao- l?ta ltslua btep a iL by the eoimty attorney out or ices earned b y#o a ohr fi mrr ‘IlouTs very truly