91 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXM AU8T'IN Xonorablo Paal T. Rolt aounty Att0rB.y Trrrir Oountf AU$tiB, Torar Attontlonr u1111lm Tmld.rmm Dear 8lrr Of 6O?kin of ml~. Bill 40th b61#1+ regarding rrglr- OB Oi bnadr aad O6tobrr 1, 1943, mad roquoatr ~0~ perron who bar oattle, hogr, ahew or goat@ to reoord or re-noord hlr brand in rooor~no~ with Art. 6890 aad Art. 8898, Tha rroond parrgrmph oi the Bow -...-.. -- -.-- .--....n 916 art1018 rotid. that thr b&a1 Wn.? Of 8 b r a ndlBp/ or mark ahall hare a prrrorratlal rl ht to rroord luoh brand or lrrk ior a por- &of two ywrr from the ilrrt day oi Ootober, . Thhrfourth wn#nph Of the 8.u arti provldor that any prrron mat rooord ruoh brand and/or mark a# ho my 6orirr to a80 potldod a0 other porron bar rooordrd moh brand or mark without regard to rhothor or not ruoh porron ha8 prrtloarly rooordod 8 brand and/Or rrk. qnder date of July Sl, lOIS, in Oplnlon Bo, O-548@, your Drprtaont hold that no person oould raoord nom than one bnnd. The tourth mragraph oi Il.B. 170 nnbma to lndloate that a perron ma raoord aof* Mmn one ulrk or brand broawo it I8 rpooltlorllp p r o vldr thda l tar porron mat ?ooord any bralEd’and/or mark prorldod a0 othrr porroa ha8 rooordrd ruoh brand and/Or mark, and without rrmrd to whothor or not ruoh porron ha8 vrrrlourly rooordra ruoh Drand and/Or aar)r. 'Thr ~paolflo inquiry made 18 whathe or Bat II.1).190 ha8 thr 8SSeOt Of 8ettiBg l8ldo lttrr it8 ltrootlvo date the oplnlon rour Depart- aont rondorod on tul~ Sl, 194%. Eouro Bill lfo.190, In pad, protidor a# iollewri *All rooord8 or urkr and bnndr hrrrtofom m&o a8 pretldod in thlr Qhptrr, lxoopt 811 oounty brand@, 8h811 baoomr told rad of no for08 and oitoot on the lrt dry of Ootobor, l#dS, aad 0-o who hw oattlo, hog8, #hoop, or goat8 rha1 lp``~ hi8 mark and brand reoordod or n-rroordrd in ao- oordanom with Art1018 6890 and Art1010 6098. Vhr legal owner of a brand la d/ o r ~ma r k rhall ha+0 a proforentlal right to reOOrd ruoh brand and/or mark ior a prrlod of two (8) per 91’ BOB. Paul T. Bolt, a60 6 from the 18t dry ti Ootober, 1943, but it #ooh prafrrratlal rl t la no t lxeroiaed dthin mah two (S) fO#r# t %h 0 8-a B&11 bo torio1t.d md lUOh brand rad/or 88rk #hfi bo 8ub~OOt to rugi@, tratlon by ll porron, and the flrrt parroa to raoord thr #ame 8hell bo the OWLO? of the UM. %n7 brand troorded ln looordanoo with tha requlr~ntr of thir Aot ah811 br oouldored 88 the property Of th8 ~lr805 08U#i.5#lUBh rooord to bo made and #hall bo rub .Ot to 8818, lrrl(ln- MBt, trmrfor, deVi#@ and dO#O*Bt the #am. a8 othor porronal property. ‘Anr perron uy r8oord lUOh brand and/or mark a8 ho 58f darlra to 080 protidod no other porroo ha8 r@OOrd@d BUOhbran4 and/or mark, without regard to whether or not woh prrroa &a prrtioarl~ rroorded a brand and/or mark. "ThiB Aot #hall 5Ot apply t0 any OOU5tf whloh ah811 harr ra-reoorded 811 bnadr and Mrkr within the paat five (8) pm@. Artiolr 6890, Ravi#@d Olril Btatuter, prOvldO8: Or805 who ha8 08ttl8, hog@, lhaep or 1 ha+0 an le aark and brand dlf- io r I@ fr o mthe o a rM r k lnd brand Of hi8 BOi h- bOr8, whloh ear mark and brand #hall be moo A 04 by thr oount olrrk of th. OOuBty whom 8UOh lniralr lbd 1 bo. RO pwroa #hall UBO more than oao bnnd, but mar rooord hi8 brand 15 a8 aany OOUBti.8l # ho drama WOO888r~,' fB Opinion RO. O-5459, w. hold that our 8t~tUt.8 dealing with braadr and Bark8 oontemplato and have bow 80 oonrtruod by our ooUrt8 that 8 PWBOB ny U#a or reoord for U#@ Only 050 brand. 91 805. P80l t. Bolt, h448 d It la ow opinion th8t HOUBO Bill NO. 170 IEOmly void! all mark8 and-bnndr, #XO@pt OOUnty-_ brondl, - _ !a- Of Ootobor 1, mu, 85a roqulrrr a ro-rooormtg or au won68 end mrka, end door not rttompt to ohongo the law with roforono8 to th8 Bomber Of bread8 lB inditiduel ma7 rooord for UBO. Th18 18 evident frM the bOrdi56 Of the ##id bill.. 15 that thr now r4OOrdi5gB BhOUld bo in 8000rdp~OB with ArtiOlOB 8890 and SC398Of the Rorlrod Oltll Statutor. Art- 1010 6890 iB UBOQUlVOO.1 1oEgUeSO 8poOIfIO8 th8t 110 pOr#On BhBll UBO more th.n on. brand. lUrthemOr8, we baw 8 &me1 rtatutr prohlblting the 980 of more thm 000 bran& by an ladIrlduol. Art1018 1484, Vernon18 Anaoktod Pen81 Cod@. IOU heto oellod o u rlttontlon to paragraph SoUr of Hou88 Bill Ro. 170, lbot8 quoted and haw lxpnrrrd the opinion that th? leot 018UBO theroot IndlOoto8 8 porron oa5 rooord mom than one brand. You are undoubtodlf intrrprat- in the wO?d ‘protiOU#l~,” 88 ilOtrofOrrlB6 to brand8 ro8OrdBd pr f or to Ootobor 1 1943, but rather to any prior raoordod brand. It ir l roil sottlad rule in lBtOrpr&Ing a BtotUtO that every part thoraor la to bo OOnBidOrOd in oonnootlon dth every other port. In Oe8o 0s doubt aa to the menily OS l p o r tlo u la r 0&U@. or l00t10n, it 18 to bo +iowod In ll@ht 0s all the 1IM45U8gOlm1oy.d. A protirlon will not be glton a moeally out of hamony with other prO~t#iOB# end inOOB8~8tOBt with the purpose of the lot although it may be 8UBO~ptiblO Of #UOh OOBBtrUOtiOn if BtOndlOg e1OnO. SO Tex. Jur. p. 811 lBd t1e. A8 we h&V,. hrrotof.oro #toted, ~OUBO 8111 AO. 170 d8818 with voiding prior b indi, lx o o p oounty t brand@, on Ootobor 1, 194s. and prorId. fi g for now rooordingr. Wfth thir putpO88 in mind, w8 oonrtruo thlr Sow th paragraph to mean a p@raon me, rooord any brand end mrk ho do8lro8 to ~$0, if ruoh brand ha@ notb8.5 r8oordrd by 801no01100188, notwIth#kBdIng whrthar or not ho ho8 prior to October 1, 1945, rooordod l brand or mark. further do not bolloto thlr fourth poragreph 'Jto oven #tanding alone, 18 8U8OOQtIblO t0 the OOB8t~UOt;~80~ ,,.rmittiM 8 Der8on to rOOOX'dFlOrO th.B OBe bred. Ira@Oph-prOiId88 that any prrron may rroord ruoh bread ind/or mark a8 ho drriror to un; it will be notlord that it 8 OokB Of 8UOh b rana ana nork 8 prrron do8ln8 to ~a*, and Pn this rorpoot brand end nmrk en in the ringu&r.- or OOUZBO, If l oraon d88~08 to U8. 8 brand elrr0rmt then hi8 rroord g rend, ho my for 6OOd OeU88 O-8 the . 919 Hon. Paul t. Holt, Peg. 6 rooord thereof. ‘60 80 b8ld la our OplnlO5 100. O-6459. It 18 thor8foro th8 opinion 0s thi8 dapartmrat that !i.U#O Bill NO. 170, 46th LO&i8htUlV, do.8 not peTElit a porron to rooord more than one bran&. Your8 *err truly ATTORWXY OFJ?~FUL OF TEXAS red 0. Ohandlor ABBiBtant By -C?!& Robert 0. Kooh ROK: r0