HoAorbbl~?nyno Lsfeure COVAty AUditOF Clay CouAtiy Hearlstk, r4r*t ror,uist4ag the above etstad mnty 4 afar Yate d a.11 .3und, this otmred to 0 rata x Zata Uho Commiraioner8~ FuAd hAv0 borrow6!d .~' lS* thire i8 A0 n6rd iOr U !A th6 Courthoeaeand Jmil ooiul4 roQw8t wet you oh till *wea Alwale 1630 thar word8 may the oaamleoloner8* -srorder OS the owrt tranaSsr the AOAy8 not AM&d &I tha tiurth.Xiae 8Ad Jail Fund to the reapstire aonmt8sloner8 &W+YOinOt8 and Uhe general fund, thereby sanaalllqgthe outatsndtag warrants e-&h uera 188Ue4 when the te8pSOtitA g@eaiaats so(l~6~61 SW ba?roweUthe above 5M3AtiOAad anney froa thr CourUbauseand Jail %a&" Article 1630, Vernon'~ mnotatea civil Ydktutaa proMdoe: . - 909 M o?eu ba that hand rrom OAR 910