OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN .~. Bxiorable Lee Preqnell County Attorney Upshur county a. Gilttier, Texas Dear Sir: r the Amqd e United States 8_.-rpr sexvice .I 1eatiue.serv- ccntlnue hfs OfiiCO? inion of this department on the questlo e ~+rirr 18 inafet3a et0 the , and that his deputies will l nloa thit, uader such circumstanwte, ounty boi~w coqellsated on a salary to the Army of the United Statee will ntlnuing to draw his salary as sherlir. the prh-iolplesset out in our Cpitiotr If the absslff beaomes an officer in the United States Army (tbs wRawlar Arsy"), as d.lstingulsb!d frcffi the National Guard ax@ the various maeme o&r&%, then, und6r, Artihls 16, Seotion 12 of the .$oosti$utionof Texas, te ``11 lose hlu right to bold the oitlce of ohariff. 6ea our Opln- ion Ros. O-4343 and O-4591. _ I : (” , ’ . ‘h. . . / 1 i Slnoo your letter hdloatee thet you hatiscopies or the oplnlcns referred to above, we do not 8nOlOae them; awever, if copies of then ati af38md. w3 will be glad to furnish thea. .i.‘. ?mA:db - ~au:fo. (8) -im : :