. ... 3 f > , 1 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS 1 AUSTIN IERALD c. MANN .TTe.*m. O*IL”*L Eonor8bla Oaorge W. Cor D*B* a rdmlnistrstlon for any plan lulmlttad rr0a Taxar. The law 8aking tha appzoprI8tlonr for eaatg*noy mt~rnltg apd !.pfa$ pars stated-that grants - wore _ _ to be ado4 to u14 states uaaer plans ae~a~opsa ana admlnlatered by Sets health agencies and spprovsd by tbo Ghia? CU tha Children's Buraeu. . . .Tha Taras Ftmta lhpartmant of Raalth awt aasuma full ra8poruiblllty to* the nmdloal luper8lSlo8 o? tha plan 88tsblirhInfJ8tandarda of quallrI4atlon4 r0r prsotItIo84ra p4rtlalpatlng In tba plan, lto. ot . . :.. (11 Tka qualiri08tloae raqulrad for phy4101888 rendering my medIaa (other than obatetrloal) 84nlae8 under the plan rhould ba 88tabllshad by tha 3teta health agoaoy. Thee4 standards 8houl4 not be lower than thors derraribed on page 9 of MOE Informtlon Olroular Ho. 13.’ "(Em: lml rnrormstion CIrouler Do. 13, ps* 9, ppioT,ide8: *zaedl481oara provided un6er tha plan IMY be authoriaed only when the 8ttsnding php8Ioisn or oonsultant Is 13gMduat4 of a aabioal rohoo1 rppraved (8t the time Of &radUatlon Or rub8aquant t0 gx'odu- atloa) by tha Counoll on Madloal Eduaatlon and RO4pIt418 oi the h~ar~oan Yadloal AS8OOIatIO8. . . Spaoialist8 pho are oertlfied by their r44p4oti~a Anaerloan Board8 (thaaa bo8rd8 (Ira 8clt up by tha A84rloan Ma~tiael A88oolatIon for Lt. D.*8 oaly) or whose trelnlng and axpmlonaa meat8 the requicara~ta iU 8UOtl boards 8lwuld b4 dael~;ted a4 4orA8tlltant4 by the state haalth dapartzaaat.. . *'It la no* nao448arp to bva I4tX-7r1, the oertlflo4t4 of tha Stata Attoraay Oa84ra1, attaohad ta the EraarganoySlatarhlty and Iniant Car4 plam9 Tha qU48tiOtl8 submitted by you r4i44d in tha llgbt o? the above quote4 8t4taYa4tktsfrom the ilfraotor’s lattar are substantially restated s8 foll8Wr 1. Would tha strtemanta and rulas quotad pro- hibit the Tama :tata Dealt& Da 4rtm4at fro8 entering intO a plan to admlni8ter the fUndO P0 quastidn? .I .t 87’0 iionorableGsor~;%3. Car 9aea 3 2. dould the r~sr,uix6amtsacnoernlng t30 yuallfta~tiocr of phyyrioicus as FTaSOTlbed by ths Direotor and the gko8cd rule ‘IRabove set iOt8h O~JaatibUta Illsi;% dtsari~1nnti.m 1~ Ttx%%, 4Bd ii 40, uould bhe T%t,e% Not.0 Sealth Depart- a-sot be prohibit& rror3 6nttring ht.0 8uoh ,&a Sor 3ttalnirtration7 3. soold it bc poa%lbl% for t~ha Attorney Ganaral to oartitg on t ha :~!Gi-73 oartfCtostr rrgalrsd by the iiwc%u a% %%m% 1% quoted la the:- raqu88t’t Yoorthe purpose o: obtaining aoru li&t on the F,urrstimr perested, sL our rac.usst, you furnished ua vith the raoencly publishsd oiroui~r forlpsocntaising ths ml%4 proclul&atedby tha TUted Strtais Chll-3ran’s Bwcau, Dqmrtaeat of Labor. r, “* 2935, 7Btb Gon~eoo, known %3 tha Labor- P%dnr?l .Ssomltp .%p,TroCrist2msot 191/,,undrr Title I thereof, oontaina tha follo``in~appropriations ior tho ;)5Fnxt0entOf labor. Grants to 3,~t.m 3s~ maar~ecnoy metsrnity -and lnf.at uam (nahlatal drfsnm) : For