DocketNumber: O-5560
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
- 3 1 1’ > OFFICE OF THE All-ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS , AUSTIN earroa.-~ a-@-- :!onoret4o A* z. Sutton county Auditor Xndersooa County Talwtlna, ‘28x1~8 IL thr5ucEtiaa of oaurt nloag with 1 raa ror SUOh oon- in the aounty court ia 08803 and a re- artian oonoaralBg ’ the St- unty at tonlay. oouutp court, 8hOUid the trial rbs the paaCe an5 the county court &eeePsed 08 cost* a~ulnst ttlo a+ . *%b o ~ l oasi is appealed Srw.4 Juetlce oourt to oounty oourt and thb derendaat la oonvioted or plead8 guilty in county uourt, should tbb county attofaby's fee asseaeed in justice oourt and tbo county attorneyto fee asaceced in oounty court both be asacered es ooste qainat the dofondant?* 3ono~tblc A. J. S&toil, ?ago 2. Artiole 1074, Vtrnoa`` hmoteted Code of Crlzloal Froctlure , provides : 'Inosoh ease of conviot~on in a ooiurty court, or a ccuntg ocwt at law, what&r by a Jury or by 0 oourt, Wore a%all b8 taxed lgolnst the defendnat or ? all defondsnta, when ssver2.1 am held Joi?itly, e trlA fee of PIvs %3llart, the ~::;a to be collsc:td nnd ~r1.i over 10 the EBSSC3anncr a8 in tZe o*se of a Jury fee, and in the Ja-tiao Court the trial iee.ehall be tho sun of Four Dollara. (Au araendadActs 1929 41st Log., 496 ch. 236 g 1; hCt.8 1329, 41st tss., lrt c. !i: p. f56, ch. 36 8 1.)" The tr%r;l Seea lb o teprD%ided to bo srsease.l sgalnot the Defendant are to be oolleoted aad paid otar la the aac~ z&n- .nbr de la case or 8 Jury fee. Jury fear sre taxed acd oollsoted as aosts in ruoh oaae8. ~Tlic.ooaditiun u;on whlo3 suet' ?.rlel Pees em6 ossessad, however, 1s rolely u~@n o&vict:~n, chethtr b3 a JUr3 or b3 3 court or Justior 0r the psaco. i'ihethtr upon a plea ot guilty or la oontested oasm, s;ich trlal.fee Is aseemed in leoh aast rhera fho defendant ie coorioted. In anaworing poor rirnt question, therarnm:, it $8 the OjSiBiOU,Of this deps~tsr,!lt t,tXt tier4 s deterdnat iS OOU- vista4 in the juatiPe oourt and on ap or1 to thb ONII:~ oourt he ie 'ltjally ooavlctol de aovo, I) tr ! 6~1 :oe of Fire 3ollaru in a~ldltioatii th6 Tour 3oller Trial iae atsoessd :n the Justioo oourt, as ~rovlla.3 ln ,:rtlple 1074, Vemon*r, Amotated Coclb ot Crifizzal Frooedure, ie assessed regardleae of rhcthsr R glee of guilty la atired or tpo aaat aontmted. brtiole 1061, Vernoa'a Anaotated Code of Crl~lng i Proobdurt, protl~e~t Vistriot and county attorneys shall be allowed the lollovlng foaa la oassa trial in the dletrlot or oowty oourts or a oounty wurt et Am, to be taxed -,galnst the aereada:t: *For orery oonrlotlon under the lewe'a~elarh danin% wtan r,o.appeal la taken, or rhan, oa appeal, iionorabls A. 2. Sutton, Pas4 3. *For bru-7 other conrlctlon in OQRG~or dnlr- demsnor, wherr ao apgrl 1s ,takea, or ahcn oa e2poal the jusgsmt la wire, ten fl~llars. (!aotrlS76, 2. 28t).’ Lrtlcle 1067, Vernon*a code of rrlA``11 fm~tlure, ~ror$aar: *ilhere reraral defeadmte fire trfod together, but mb rbe *hali te s:loaed snd tsxcd In the et?80 r0r the dlstriot or count7 attorrroy. 32ere tke ,!e- hadants sever and are trlbd se3erGtely, a rat chall oe allcved and texed ror lech triul.” hrtlcle.1068 of esfd Caleb, ~rcrldea: -Ii tke ibren33at aleek+ yllty to a obar;e behro a justlo.,, the ellowed hb t&e attcrmy rcpreseotlng the State shall bs five dollars. The 6ttOrn6r *ho r6pr6:6ntS thb stat6 i?r 6 Ulbhll action In a aourt 85311 receive, justlceSs r0r each ooavlctiot on a plea ::r not t;silty, ,rhere nd appeal 1s takea, tez dollars.m Uticle 1.069 of said Code,provl.lee: wSh6rr sever&l ere ;ro``bouted .‘olntlp, ,.nd30 n3t~zerar oa trial, t;lD on0 attorneg’r roe8 .:I&11 CO allowad.w Article 1070 or eels ‘CoAe, poridest -Ho ree shall be ‘~lloweb a* ilstrlot or ccmty cttonby tn any oI@b attro Co ,ia not pre5Ont and rspreoenting tbb :State,upxI the trfal tk6rbof, Un- 16~13 he .hcs talcan some ectloo thtreln for thd Sate, or 1s present en3 rac(;ljrt* represent the St-ah at eaob reyulrrr t..ra of the oourt la whl-h rueb orlslnat sotloo is pendifig; prori3ed, that when plear or guilty 8irc 8008;rtea la an7 jwtice oourt, at any ‘ot.“.cr tlma the3 tne regG,.r tars theroot, th6 aJuntjf attorney shall receive the sua or rive .30113rs. In no ca6e ahall ths oounty attorney, !n oonal~!rratlon or 8 plea Honorable Ai.& Sutton wee 4 or guilty reaft say pbrt or hfa lerrul roe.* .r Iti keenin olbef rr03 the, 16ague@ used in xrtlole 1061and 1068 supra
, nhsn reart together, that the oounty attornby'a ( rbe. la basesi, 12 suoh .~lsb~eanor oa.oea, upon the ooar~otion being final. The owrt oi orl?lbal appeals3 held in Yuizar ve. State, 63 s. 2~.329 that were the county attorney has a 310.00 Pea taxed in the Oouutg oourt aml also a.Gl0.00 fee taxed ir; the justice oourt, he is entitled to but one ree. r70 aigbt oall you3 attentlon to Art1818 lOl& Vernoa'8 Cod0 of Crl.zinal 2roo6dure whloh made: Tihen a aririaal eotfm or aroceedlng,lstakan by appeal fbZ,Ol6 oourt to another, or nlleneverthe sane la in any other rhy trausf6rrbd fro.3 ono oourt to anothtr, lt shall be scoo;ipanlbb rap c complete bill or all uoeta that hart auorued therein, oer- tlrled to end algne3 by tbe propsr~ oiiloer of the oo!i.rtfro3 ahloh the~sdoa le Porusrrled;" Mm&lng.y~ur seomd questlm, thereroro,it 1s our opinion thst where a oe6e is appealed to th,b oounty COW$, froze the justice oourt, the oountjr attorney would, la a popar oese, be w&,ltlod to aaly tht $10.00 fee protlded ia Article 1061, Varnon*s innotetcd Codr 0: Crlnlnal iTooedure, whioh my be essessud 6ni taxed aa coets ngainat the d6rbIhBt. XJX":nod