OFFICE OF THE AmORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN shall hare filed with the head of the department In which ho or she is employed an pitldavit shoring his or her marital atatua, and if married, whether or not the spouse of suoh employee is also ekwloyed in one of the Departmentsof tAis State and the name of t&o Departxcent where such spouse is employed, to- gethw with the nom of suoh epouset the head oi au& doportnant, in addltlcn to the statutory nPM- &wit ~GIT required to be attached to all payrolls, ~21011 also set forth in the payroll aWizlarit that * 6%‘. tronorable L. J. lardlaw - page 2 all of Ma sployaea hare made the required affldarit sad alma loa f8rtk tha taota Of aw maid relatiaaahlp employment am dI8o108ed by latd aPp10yoea~ affidavit, together with tho name of the departaent where suah apouaa la anplOVed, ud if such rolatlonship aIlplOy- tent doea noa exlot then uirl affldavlt ahall lo atate, and teehaad.of the dep&r+mnt and the EtataOomptrellar o h m 1net 1 lpprwi for pamout or iasua rat-rant8or cheaka for lalarlea to ,dther the hueband or die where bothaal4bosbudaSId+ife*re aaployedlinthabopart- wnta or tMB mate lUbd8Ot, hOTWerJ te the fOllOT%ag proTioloM . Affid8vlf8 Of praaaat aaplwaa8 shall be made ami filed tith the heada oi dapsrtmentaof the State 7lthla t8a (10) days before the first da7 of each flsoal and persons thereafter eaplged ye*rJ ahall file auob rffldarltr before thw begin work; ._, ,.. all of, aaid.affid$vita shall be preserved by the heada‘afdepartoenta for whiob appropriation8 ara made for at lea8t two (2) year8 after their datw J which sffldavlta shall be open to pub110 inapectlon# e&d OmplOyeaa' effldarita aball be ooaolusive evl- denoa of the right of the haad of the dspartmmt te approve,the pqroll, and the payroll affidavit of the hoarkof the dopartmnt shalV'be aonoluaive widonae to the, State Comptroller of him right~to laaue the oarranta,if ID the event the CamptrollOr shall hold up iaauanoe or dellveqof any mawran W reason of theme provision8 he s&11 notify the head of the dopartmant affeottd of his aotlon aad auah aarranta shall not be iaauOd OC dmlirarad Until the pl’OTimiOna hBT8 baaa corq~lled with to the aatlsfnctlon of the State Camp- trollerf and In the went the head or heada of said departtientaJ ao eqloying asid husbard and wife, or errid husband and ,rifa tJ&eolselTeBe.amOf agree on which arfeoted employee la to be retslnod ln the State's mployJ than the State Comptroller shall iasue and deliver the warrant to the affeoted eaw ployee who ham been contlnuoual~ employed in t&e state's senioe for the longer period of tine, and refuse to issue and deliver the warrant to the vthor affected employee who has bocn continuwsly eqloyed in the state's service for 8 shorter porlod of time than tbe other affected relative. Tbo prc~islons herein shall apply to dspartrent heaUr and mxcbora OC Comilssions but not to the zana$er nnd Eatron of tbo ~orec State Farm. The lord *Ilep.prtzcnt*3s used ! - nonornblo L. 4. Iatdl8r - pago 3 berein shall mean those departments named in this Aot alai t&o Soil ConsetT8tlon ldo8rd olml shall not 82~17 te other ep;encice of this state and the employee8 employed theraW.* Attentlsn la rpeocisllr ditaated to that portion cr’ the para~qh vNch provides In part8 .Tho vord 'dqmrtmant' as usod heraln shall sib(Lnthore departsanta named in tblr Act .and the Soi1 Gonsottation~bopd and shall uot app17 to otbor agonoies of this &ate and the aciplopeea employed thereby.* This deHx%itlon of the vord vdeprrtmCvM makea tt >Laln thirt thl8 ridor door not apply unless both tiusbaud ana wire are e&ployed in dep8rtrentr named In the Depwt- cmrtal Appropriation PLll or in th0 Soil ConsCrv8tion Bawd. Xou ‘ore ckmrefore advised that thi6 eeotioa doam not pto- hibit the osplopmnt of u husband in one of the Statr de- partnontr ombruced in tho Departmental Appropriation Bill, r&an the rite Is cmplopei in auother institution or depart- ::.antnot numd in tlro Dapartmentul Appropriatioa Bill. very 1truly yourr AiPliOVIZAU3 21, 1943 ATTURlGXGl?WUiL UP TEXAS R. 1. Fairahild Amdotunt