l$i “’ OFFICE OF THE A’lTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS ’ i AUSTIN Honorable 8. I.. Wert 652 Au orrioerawhe are 0mpi88t0a an a ml&w baala 8x0 ap0oifioallg rsquhed to aelle0t all r008 8154 eotui~aiena *hioh are pemfttsa br law to be raaeaao4’a?adwlle~ted iOx 6&l ofrlolal aerrleoa.&terroxmte by #WJ& an& aural fo*a an& leaaladoaa, w&an oolJ4atrU, awt'bo aepwMe4 ln ,f&e Oiftoer** 8alar$ ?und. Thererorr; it is tho @4ey‘or row Qetyktt ,&A&o 'ti heposit in the orrioexa* mlary Tiwd 811 rka and doqmir aienr earme and collwtad by him ~der Ar%lsU 3986, 8eoOLon 1. Bonorable8. L. Weat - Paw 3