OFFICE OF THE Al-I-ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Xonorable A. E. Hfokereon County Auditor Montgomery county Conroe, Tar88 /- l i’ Your letter of hUgU8t l’a,i343, request- the opinion of this c&e~+m stated therein iS 88 fOllOWSt paared OVBI? one of our light bridges\.)?aa’ou) 9in.gdlstrtot, broke thrwigh~,thebrUge muI ia``arklngthe County to r&mburae ) for day68 ..-. $QI’A~ to hi8 truok. / ?iould``Ont~o&& ‘. County be re8pOIl8iblOfor jd&ge8 oC,thix kind, end could thir party bring S.+t\+tlC8S~W%'fUSe pam'd'llt Of thl8 Ol~%fn.~ \ 'x / OpinS6& 100. O-2779 OS thi8 department held ~,,, Liberty Coupty, vaa not liable for 8 truok wreak under the facts relatAd.~/Ve enclose herewith 8 oopg OS eaid opinion for your infom8tlon. . Opinion No. O-4754 of thi8 department held that Hill County ~‘8snot liable fOP damage to an 8UtolnObile or oompenaation for injuries to the parties therein under the f8Ct8 related. We a180 SllOlO808 COPY Of that OpiXliOlh -- - - -. ___ __ --. . ,- ;lonorabloA. Er HIoker8on, Page 2 We quote frcu Texar Jurirprudenoo, Vol. XI, pago 6fl 88 fO11OW8I ‘It ha8 ltXl$bt3Mlth@ hYin2OX88 thllttl County 18 not llablo in damage8 fOP injUrio8 OOZl8eqU~Oe Of tQl'tiOU8 Or,X48&11- 8U8taiXledfmZI g.nt sot8 Of it8 88Ollt8 Or-@@OJOe8, tie88 lbblllty theaWon be oreated by etatute, expre88 tema or by neoo88ay impll- or ooume, the oounty,.l8 not lable for thi aOt8 Of it8 OrriOeFI VhOn 8UOh aOt8 ’ an not perfomed la oonneotlon vlth their , offioiel dutle8.' (Also 8ee the authoritier 8U8tatiing this propo8itiOn cited on page 628, ~0x88 Jurisprudenoe, Vol. XI) fn VieV Of the fOlvgOing WlthOI'itie8it 18 th. opinion of thl8 department that Wontg*ery County t not liable for the dfm8ger done to the truok in Question. With referenos to that port&on or y0u2 question esking In erreot vhether or not the party ovniIqjthe teak oould bring 8Uit In the event the OOUDty rOf'U8edpayment Or the o1ai.myou 8I?0 resDeotiallY advired that it is OUF OpiniOIl that V8 knOV Of-n0 8tdilt88 or authority whioh vould Drohibit the party from brlaglag the suit, hkev8P, a8 abok 8t8ted the oEtya;;uld not be llsbl8 for 8UOh daUIage8 OOOuFr~ to . AU: if Ellol.