OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENiRAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN IIonorable,Oeo.W. COX stafo Iiaalth.orrfcmr AlwAp,: Taxar : Doer sir:.. i 63.6 Honorable iieo. ii. COX, pirge i; ~8 to the rirst oondition, we 58~0 rrearohedthe Federal Code mad heme found 110national 106i8btiOn rOg+zdi4 8anfttWy oondttionr on interstate dining oars. Her hare we.Also~rtreA that Song~ees has oonfuted autkorit7 utpona braaoh or the emoutlw arm or the Qbvsrmnt to make rwgulation8 ragmllng tlw mtter. 80 ru ma the amon eomdltion ts,o0noaxned, tr bellma rush ~m8e8 a8 166 u. 5. eee, sob BY* 00. I5 the Il. I. oak L rtat8 *tat&o ragdating the heating or pa8smnger.ou8 while .lxl.SerYork gtat8.W 8maSUoally ap- plyins to lnt~rotatr oars, wa8 upbl&Xn the w oaae, tb 8tatr mtatute rdatiag tb the rpood blW *8~ rppUed to am faterntato tnin ~ud'io'tho Arknaiar oan, SWW "tull 'orew lawI* were ap- pAirA to latustato triin8. Xono~.srtkt8````~.r&(tul~tloar were kdd to burden lnter8tPtr oorppaerh. Indead, b the F&y York oaaa, we rind tke Jfaltti4 Stat+ fkpred adurt.iafia(Z! ** * * TM ltatutm:in queotlon ha(for ftr. objeot to protiot all p&son8 trav*U$rig ip. ho Stmti oilen York ~5 msegu omfr ao+sh 'bytb agena7]oi r to m8a g a b ntte pa&k ltti*w.a putidb5hwrodr 0r beat aWh oar&. Thqp ma7 be “maIon TV doijbttn8 8t &or07 of aw@aatloarr .’ '"4! or tad irtd. Bat t&at was ‘mmattir for th8 State t6 ~determine. WI kmw rro8 ,the ths etatut. tkat it has a na~l,L8tlb8taatialrelatLq8 to an ob- JOot a8,to ~*lnh the State IS Impotent to U&l- lmtr, ~17, the pusbaal-nourftqor tho8q uk@ U8 ~88M@t# On OUS luri(l+&thin It8 l&&t'. wh7 may net regalatlona to tha’,aud b+mado appliesbles rktkia a Stat.6 to thr-a&PiaP ttillmmd oompaalas engaged In iiWr8tato eoonnetbea8 well a8 to oar8 used whol4 with&R 8u8k Stat*? PW86S8 tXeVeklir@ on lsterrta:tr,t*t%w rrcl a8 aup entitled, wM1e tit&bina Stat8, to tha~pr@tbOtiOn 0r that Btata, a8~tkO8. rho tratel 00 6OamStiOtralo8. !iqm 8tatUt8 in QU88tiOa %B .BQt QiX+Qt@ .&iia8t.ioteT- atfbto.00maeroa. ~QT %S it witkgn the ma%pang~Or the Ooertituttoa a regulation or o~mmm~',~al- though It oontrctls,in 8QpU d8Bfee, the oonduot or those aagaged.ia awk ooauubroe. k?kV rW.448 it mar efreot lntemtat8 oomae~oe, ;it i.8to w Feg@zAed ., " ~. a8 leglalatioa tltX*iA 0r.~ooaabraa``4 enaa;*~Aunder the porex reraalni,ng wkth the mate to rcylrrlate the relattve right8 'ant$Buti88 0r a11'prrroa8~mixdoor- poratlona rithln ita limit8. %@&I!. liigLao8d~bf suok national logi8latioa as Congress caT right- 88tabli8h under %t8 WWJr t0 ZWLtiata ?oa- rully merae with rordgn nation8 aa amonisthe rrerrml e&.afe8, the raliditr 0r the ~statute, SO rar a0 th. 003MIrOO olaU80 0r the co~stltutloa 0r tke United States ir oonoarned, cannot b8 qUe8tiOn8d. wC``8a1 ror the railroad 8ugsts8trthat a ooa- rliot imtre8n State rogulatlon8 IIIr88p8ot or thr bating or paurager ous us04 In lntorrteta oom- 8uao ualQ Uko 88f8 and raptd.tra58portatloa~lm- go88iblOl that t0 Stop U OXPM.8 tMh OQ it8 trip Sroa Ior York t0 B08tO5 at th0 -0Oti8Ut -8 h or&u tkat paUORgU8 ma7 108V8. the oars &ate6 a8 n~uind b7 hW et iHO’ OthU WI b8t.6 in l biirU& md0 rriOrrif7 With the hU8 Or Camwotiout, and than .tb m88&8hUOtt8 11Q8 t0 got lato 'warsheated bj rtfii laathersaado a8 %?a- @red b tme hW8 0r t&q. Ckmwawoalth, w0oltlabo a kardr JJ p on travel Watt aoold not bm an@& 4&88 #088iblO &BOOn*rDhlO88 ,OUUiOt WfOOt a gU88tiarr Or p0w.r in uoh 6tat. to rke BuOh~a#Oli- able. ro6ahtloa*- rot the uiot7 ot parnag8rron Iat0r8tato trains a8 in it8 judlpwat, all thinga 00n8ihr0d, 18 rpproprbiw8nb 0rr00tit0. ~IWW V8d8&WeS Or thlr Ohal'8Ot.r 08MOt br 8WiidOb 10 low a8 8roh staw ha8 pbnar7 8tlttvarst7 mft~hi5 its ~tWritOElalUritrito prOrid for tbe.8MOt7 0f tha &VAbuO,‘@a Otii5& t0 it8 OU8 Vi088 Of BWl8@8$t7 md publiegoI187’ .a& aa loag 80 Qangrear dnr It rtn aot to .otabdfrh ngulatioacl en tha mbjiot :tht would dirplctooway laoooillrtaatro$lpom:of the Statea OOV8ra the &me ground. * IO themfor adri8o 700~that, i5,our opinion, T0xar Pure Pood and lhu Law8 will apply 40 intqr8,tato dining bars while tJmyr&l5 ,in tblr State. Vu7 truly 7ours ATTORWEYCWhlAL OF TEXAB COtdHlHIL