OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN to him within the of your 1ett.r of thlm drpar$mant oa ads In part a. fol- onal Doions*, War of Independant auy a truetee hire a ted to hIm wlthln the ~acoda y or within the third degree by oonrangulnlty?” Artlola h32 of thr Penal Co38 provldesr *Ho offioar of thle State or any offI6or of amy blatriot oountr, city, preolnct aohool dIntrIot, or other mun i olpal aubditIslon or this Stute, or any offloar or mombrr of any State dlrtrict, county, olty, lohool dirtriot or other munlo~pal board, or ju&gel of ‘: 589 Emwrablo Y. r. Kirks, Paea 2. & ooufb, oroatod by OT uadr? authorIt of any guaord or rpbolal law or thlr atate, or my QOPI bu of t%o kglrlatur8, 8ball appoint or vote ror, or oooiln the .ppoIntm..t to any offio., porltlon, olork.hlp, lr;Joym.nt or duty’, of a4 parron ro- l.t.4 within the saooad by .t2InIty or wIth- in thr third drqrbe by oon.mguIaIty to th. prreon 80 appointin@ or 80 TOtlag or to any other member of any .u.h board, the k&l.tur., or court of rhloh 8.8h pUson so appointing or voting MY bo a mmber, +hu thr'ralary,fwa, or oowbnaatlon or .uoh ap- polatoo Ia to bo paid for, dIrootly or Indlrootly, out or or rrom pub110 rundr or roe8 0r orrio or 64 kin4 or lhnotor whatroovor.* Art1010 433 of the Poaal Oodo I3 lnuaoratlng tho offioor. to rham tho lnhlbltlona of thl8 law apply epoolfloal- ly moatIon umbbsr8 or rahool board8 and rchool tru8t8e8. It thQ8 follow8 that a school trurtoo ouuiot appoint, or voto for, or ootiflm th8 appointunt Or 8ny por8on who 1s related to him or any other amber or the board within the atlpulatod degroor of rolatlonahlpu&on tho oonpenoatlon of such apaolntso f. to bo paillrr0rrpub110 rund.. AooordInS to tho inr0nati0n In your roquoat, tho supervisor tor th. Xatlonal D.f.n.o, 1(ar Pmduotion Course Is hlrod and rirod by the looal trastoos. 410bollero thlr oloarly 001~. rlthin the purvlow or *appoint, or roto for, or oonrlm the appoIntaentw or any per8011 aa rot forth la Artlol. 432, rupra. The faot tho oompen8atIon to be paid 8-h appolntoe la rma fedora1 fuaa. 4008 not romwb th. appointment from tho .oopo of Art1010 432, rupn. wo quoto from 42 Am. Jr. P. 710 l* follarr Vubllo fund8 are moneys belonging tho to mltod btat.8 or a oorporato agonoy or the tod- oral Oovorsmont, 8 state or lubdItI8Ion thereor, or a 8un101p.1 oorporotIon ---* Our Ilepotlu Statuto spoakm of ‘pub110 fund8 or any kind and ohuartcr rhatro.r.r. Thlo la our opinion Inaludrr fedora1 rua4.. 590 Bozwrablo Y. 1. Kloko, Pago 3. I. .*! 9’. :t 1. ther.ioto tho oplnioa of this doparta.nt I that your quortlon bo m8won4 in tho aogatlro. Y y*04 0. Ohu6lor A..lrt..t