.‘:. 395 .- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN in Tour with in 0~0108 or rrfora truer truokr and mud- v. A. P. c., 887a, Beotion 6 limit8 thr total x-018 I rrlght 0r tzuok and 10ld to sc4,ooo pounda. Tour dirriou f ty ``18.8 rrom tho brlioi held by nom. oarrlrrr that the orri00 of Defrnrr Tmnmportation ha8 I##~64 order8 rhloh under ear- i 396 !-Ion. Aomer Cmrrimoa, Jr., Fmgm 2 tmln ooa4ltloom rmquirr. b*arlrr loadingmad to tho bellof sx~roms04 by a dlmtriot ltto r nrtoyyou that thim drpart- ment, la Oplnlonm no. O-5165 an4 no. 5341, role4 that tho rtatr laws mumt glrm rmy to thm ordera of tho 0. D. T. In tbonr opinion8 no !1014that the ~odrrrl nr Fowsr 18 superior to thm Stmtm*m Follom Foru, that in mama of confll~t the iomsr would prevail, that mooordlnglyit soul4 not b8 punlmhablm ~4ar thm 3tat.Olar ior l o a r r la r to do what thr 0. b. T. require4 of him though muoh lotlon; night ooaillot with tho writtrn gsovlmlonm of th. Tex68 p.igh- way Law. .::arerm not asked nor did wm ama upon thm qummtior, of rhrthrr or not tho 0. D. T. had adopteda rulo rwplrlng motor carrlorm to oprrato under oorwlltionmoutlawed by th0 Texam 3tatutrm. The .?tat0Statutm la olssr. The only thing to bo drteml~ed la whsthor the 0. D. T. by lawful orb? rm;uirmm motor oarrlerm to operate with a gross load lnoludtng v&lo10 in 010088 Of 88,ooc pOUDd8. Ix bmllere that thm ardor8 Or thr 0. I).T. menlfemt an lntrntlon not to rrqulm l motor ourier to trmnmport ln a manner that la promorlb84 br 3tatm mtatutmm mnd that the oon- rtruotlonm plaoed thomoa br it8 own orrlolalmmm in moo014 rlth thlm-view. xm qtiotm the rOiiOI#iBg lxomrptm iron a letter rrlt- tan by Jomrph K. Kollmr, Conmultant on st6to Bmrriorm in tho OifiOS Of JO8CQh B. wattma, Oirrotor of tho osrloo or ~mfmn88 Tranmportationto f. x. Longlry,.Chief of thr Liomamm ma4 %l&ht Dlrlmlon, Taxns Department ot fubllo Safety on /,ugumt 13, 194er mYour lrttrr c# July 15, a4dremse4 to Dlreotor ?!amtman, ham been referred to me. I mmlnolomlng hermwlth a Copy 0r a psmmmrelsamo ar DlrWtOr Emmt- man~m, lmmumd OILftiy 9, in rhlmh ho SIULOUBO`` that all outmtandlng O.D.T. ordmrm ooverlngtruok oonmmr- ration would be amended 80 that they would not ocn- fllot with any mtatr lewm. Canrral Order O.D.T. No. . 397 Eon. Romrr Gmrrl'ioa, Jr., Page 3 17, Immar6 on Jul7 14, mmrrirm thosr 84Jo#t- meats Into OfrOot. *Thr lnolomr4 oopy of 0. 0. T. Ordu xo. 17, ~motlon 501.4 (o), romdm mm tollowm~ *tThr prorImlonm oi this subpart lhmll not br so aoamtruo4 of rpplle4 mm to ro- qulrm 8ny oomon orrrlu to p4rrom anr tnnmportmtloo lorvloo, the prrontmor of rhloh by It la no tlotborIzm4 or-amno- tlonmd by law or to rmndmr lny muoh ler- ~100 bryoud Its trmnmportmtlon ompmoltr.t* In OmnrrmlOrder 80. 3, rrrlmo4 Jrilr13’ 194Z, wm find this prorimloot "(0) Thm.provImlonm of taim mubpmrt mhmll not be so ocximYMm4 or ippllmd ma to r o q ulrlny r oomimonomrrisr to pmrSorrr any trmnmportmtloa mot- vi00 tho prriormanoo of uhlah by it la not mu- thorkmd or rmnotionod by 188 or to rmndmr any suoh mmioo bryond ltm tnnmportmtlon orpmolt~,* Tb mubpmrt refrrrod to 4omlm with oomrionoerrImrm or propmrty mnd the oonmmnmtlon of thmlr motor mqulpaent. In oonnmotlou dth thim ardor on tho ioll~lng dry the O.D.T. mmdb l relmmem la whloh it mtmto4: vo truok will bo rmgulrod to p ufo r m l mrnloo rhloh Im *boyon Its trmnmportmtloa ompmotty* or wbloh $8 not rothnrltm~or •mno-i~ tloomd br lmw.’ ..i- ,A YOU arm mmoor4Ingl~md~Imm4 thit the 3tmtr statute prohibiting thm weight of a motor trhiolm and Its load irom 4xoe4dins 38,000 pounds is still in full forom and dimot, and that the 0. D. T. ham not 4lrmotr4 m0tOT OmrTiUS ln Tmram to lxoomd tbLm limit. YonormblmBomrr Gmrrimon, Pago 4 %a trut‘tbmt tM8 18 ruiiy rmmponmlroto your rrqommt. It nm oan be of turthmr lwvlob, plmrmm omll upon us. Yours rmry tntlr ATTUWKT GKHKRAL OY TRXAS BY LiJztwaw~ DmV14 1. Romth AmmImtmnt