DocketNumber: O-5476
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
!; 381 OFFICEOFTHEATTORNEY GENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN titUWrabl0S. C.kioylQ, Jr., Assistant county Attorney Jira?ios county Rryan, YexaB mar 3&r.uoJ1at stated 80. 44 passed at th* aturs la 88 ro11oret es having jlrrsoL1eboarde, fnlah @late the CoLlnt‘y Court or one or trict Courts to be the Juveniles Court or Courts for suah county, and such de&g- nation E#aybe #$hngpd iron time to tLmt by each Jwenile bms. In 611 other oouutiecrthe Dis- trzI,ct court or tthowmIltp Court &all be the Juvenile court as a@t?od bettwm the jwkgea oS each roepet5tWo courts, But until suds tlxm smh Caunty Gaurt cwt Diretriotkurt shall have eon- current jurindiotiozkin 63asseof ctildrm cm&g within the tornreOf this Aot. THL GENERAL OR PIRST ***ISTAM maombls 8. c. uoyle, Jr. - pqe g %tia provided, hopowr,thatt&e jurb- diption, pcwers aad dutiee thwJ 0onf~od am% imposed upan fhe eetablislsedcourts hareuu%c are sup0raadal jurl~ctions, parers and clutieo, It Being the intention of the Lcglfiluturenot to weate hereby another offLoe.* Pt4.ole 6138 of the nmmd 5iril Statutes incofaP 8s pertinent 161aa followst '&Xl4UtJ'COUDty h8ti?I&' 8 pO~bttiOtl Of OtlB hit&red thota~ or ovar* aaoordingto the pm- oa Puieral oatttue,the judges of the sever- aldletrleBtao;Z ar.&admldlrtr!lotaourte of Bttohcounty, tcyethor with thQ aottntyJtadgeof en031oouaty,areherQby aoastitutearrJmarrile mard fcr eueh oaunty . * * 0 .g Aacord%ngto the1840 o(msus, HratQe Qountyhas a gqul8tion of 86,Qw. We amum that your laqu%ry -- rhioh you data hata beens?adeupcmtherequeet of both theMstrletJudg8 ard the couaty Judge - arisettout Of the taot uk8t SeJctlon1s of 6. 6. Ro. 466, M. Q6, approwd Woh 66, IQM, ereatilmg the 86th Judioial =8triCt, Cooed C? %%WX't~On am% Bx``oe ~snnties,declaree~ W&at the Quttty Cow% of BFasoe Cmtaty f&%11 have ollde~(1~l8e the $exU5r8lJurlediat- ion of probats oourts, shall probrbtev311.0, appoint 6uwdAans of minors, Idiots, lurmtios, person0 nam ompoa meutie and UesSaimcwtmkmw, grant lettere testarsaatarymidof adidalatra- tiOt.I, Settle; tbOOounf8 Of SaOOUtOrS, -fttt’8- tore 8nd guarcfioae,atkitr8ns8ct 011 bueinese qgwr~to estates ofdooewed pe~ams, mdaors, idiots, funatlce, pereom non aoqes meatdesad0seraon~ ineludlng part%- uon, eettlement aad distributiozxof estates of deoeused ps~sons and to appremtioe minors PIP~Oo-filedbJ 18W, SIkit0 i8SUe 011 Wits XMBCeSSaFJfOP the ent"OrG~nt of its oW'IJ $Wi8- dlotioa, to pfntiahcontempt ruder all smb pro- visions 86 are now or cny be provided by the general law gemrnkng county marts ghroq#wut the Stote;aad theeaid county oeurtof6razos 5ount~ 8b811 &We no OthS jprjsdiatlrm, ostll or ttrindnal.* 383 6onorable 8. 6. aoyls, Jr. - page s This 8eotiOn, Of course, does not aboluh t&b County Court of nraeos County. On the contrary, It mr.+ 1~ dlrrFtishesZh@ jurisU.ction of that txw.rf,and the County ccurt as suoh ia ;I6LXICJJ a part Cf t#~c? jucj,&ciq a5 before. Sines mwos Ccunty*s population is less than one hundr~ thousand, them is no Juvenile Bo;ud for t&batcounty. So t&G, us provided in Section 4 of the Juronllo Act, the county Court may 8of concurrently irlth tie District Court,as a Juvenile Court, and upm 3p aeee- meat betwocn the Judge8 of those courta, it would becka the 9016 avenue Gourt for that.county. While the Eannor of agresmcnt betnecn the Judges is r&t provided by the bat, XN3?W%h61SS8 we think it should be ovidonced by order6 of oaah, duly eutered upon the ndn- utee of their rsspect~ve courts. Any confliof ia 6. B. lo, 488 and 8. B+ Ilo.CQ mat be resolved in favor of the latttw. COMMn-rEC