OFFICE OF THE A-l-l-ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN , 3.l Konorable I. c. m~irtsr county duaLtar xunt county Gretuwlue, ¶kxas Dear 8lrt P&-e0inet m, 5 in te aeteee ae to aarrlea.ana the borrdaware issuaa ana atid an8 8ome several tiles of eutlbroada were ooaetruoted; that it mm tieoeeaaryto purabeaa oai-taluroad iionoreble I. 0. Moihhirtar, Iiego 2 i miohinery and equipmentln order to ad tha work undertaken,thet auoh maohinery in due aour~e waa pruohaeedby the Coaalaaloner'e Court with the advloe, consent and aealatance 0f 43ar 0pp0pointd 0itiz8n*8 00dttee or Just&e Praoinotiio.58 ror out Or and paid the money obtahid rrom 6 sale 0r the bonda; that the work has now oeaaad, at least ror the duration, beeauacr or the fallqe Or the a. P. A. to operate, or baoauee or the die- continuanoe 0r the rri t. a. Yrojeote.