288 OFFICE OF THE A’ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN aOr and CIOlhOtOF Of tAXW, OOUAty $X&Q COWltJ ettarwg, incrluding orialnQ1 dlstrlot attornry0. and county attorneys V&Uperform the duties of dietrlct ottornoya, distriot olerk, oounty clerk, treeaurer, hide on4 cin$ml inspaotor. &oh of said offioer5 ahall ba paid in money on annuel selary In twelve (18%) equal ilmtemrmnte of not Less than the total SUDI earn04 a6 oampeasation by him in hi8 offlolel onpffloity for the fleool year lOs5, ana not more than the lliumm aBlotint cillowed su&h orfioer wlQ9r Lowe exifstiAg OA August 84, 1035; provided tlmt 10 ootantlee havlq a populetlaa ai tutmy thousimd (80,000l ena 10~1s than thirty- nvea thousand five huntid (37,500) laoording to the la&t pnoeQi~ Ftd%rd CQ~QUI and havInE 843 e68e~ew ~alttdd0n In 61~0eb8 0r dfts`` m.ni0n ($15,000,@00.001 Dolx,aro, BOOOrdiagto the 1ase approved preodding tax roll of suoh oountp t& PaxfifM mount allowed ouoh affloern a6 oalarles my bs In raaaed one (1s) per oont for saoh OZUI Killion ( g 1,000,000.00) Dollars valuation or frao- time1 &mrt th.rroi iA eX08#8 at aaid Fifteen Elllion (~lS,OOO.oob.OO~ Dollare valuation over and above the lnsrimummwunt allowed suoh offiocrrm under lawu ~xlt3tlxl8 011r,uguat84, lOStli...@" ’ Thla Departtmmt he14 in our opinfon O-SlSa a aopy of whioh ie hemto ettaohod that om&saloni~ eutho&d bf AFt101e 3941 Bmriseu civil !kiatuteo LO&S*otAnBe &m&or be oharf~ed to the county ia those oountiee with tmstlty thousand (80,000) Inhabltante or more, oamequcnC2y ouoh oom~eei~as are not to be depositad in the O?fioere’ 8alary Fund of the muntY* Sootion 6, (b) Artlole 3812e Veraod’s Annotated aivil Stetutee, provides that the Cdaraionors* Oouti shall WonBier from the general fund of the County to the Offloero* hlaxy Fund ox Fuada of auah Cciw~y, euoh fun46 ea mey be nwwssary to pay the selar~os aud other olaiehs ohex’&eable egafnst the sfme v&m th frtonies Us osited thestb fin, LA- BQffioimt to meet the ofe3.mi &my% bi 8 theretroin. cmly UAder and in 6ccorQaaoe tith tkis provialon my suoh an amount Mlarssary, not exoaedi``~ the mount fixed a8 the salary of Fur Count ‘PreaeureP, under the pmviaiono of seotion 13, Article 39s 26, eupm, be tmmIerred into the offiosrot Wary mua. ‘. 290 Bcmerable Wewell Gaarbron, page 3. It 1s the opinion of thi@ lbpartmnt that your quelrtian be, and it is,thomfare, anewwed in tti ne&s- tivs. Yours very truly, *UG 4, 1943 FIXiT ASSISTANT ATTXWZY GENERAL BY t