274 c, OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS 1 [. AUSTIN -G#UAMN- -- Honorable John R..shook cririnal District AttOrllsJ BaXar OOUIifJ San Antonio, Texas httention: s. Banton Darlea mar sir3 ate Ot Title fees o Tax Colleotor ba ha orrlcera spooial rol oi the oounty n a carttrioate of er the Tax,Collao- Should doputiea of dtor ua&*r the Corti- la Aot ba approved by 15, 1943 requostfng the opinion or t rtiorra stated tharaln rrab aa roil auditor he~pro@unded to u8 thrai ing our interpratation or'senate the Mth La@alatUra, Regular SOB- 1 amaMa 8Wt.iOSh 67. of Artiafa 1466 or the Rovasad Penal Code of the State of Taua saiQ artiole be&g the Motor Cartlfloata of Titia Aat. - "The quaa$ions propounded are thase: Ron. JOhoR. 8ho&* Pa#o a Ghoulathose c0rtiri08t0 0r Tit10 “(11. Fi.8, ool&otd by tho hx ~Ollootor, be do- porite6ia the orri00t8 spcmial.mna under eon- trol or the cosutty .maaurw', or in 8 cutiirloato or Title run4 anaor tbo Tax collortor~r ooatr01? “(8). xr you hold thd aubiri08te 0r rith r-8 rhoOld be aOj40mea in th8 oOrtm0OtO 0r Title ?tuuIaa4or tBo Tar OollaetoT*aooatrol, ir the Trr aOllOOtOt otaployr Doputloa for thir purpom0 rhm thby bo l ppror04 by tba Oaaia~loaor~* court? “(a). a a nln or th080 ruti8 b0, tran8rerra to tha Road and B rzdf. Funa? *By ny or brlof on the r0ng0i4 qu08tioa8, wo oito you to motion 86 of .~rtlelo 14S6 or the Rwi8.d Peas1 U&e whloh provia. ‘the ten dar- &gnaw agent moan8uoh oouaty tar oollootorin thlrr8teto tie amy pertarm hla duty uadar thla r\ot throocyh ~JW &s&ular aopatv. motion b7 of the 8aw Aot whhiah is 8-1~144 by sonsfa Bill 2X1, ma8 the umo l8 8uoh ueadt .+roopt ror tha 8aaitim. of the lr8t two mateno or samto nilt ~0. all, prorlal~ rot the auploymnt OS arrimtcrnta la a ror mittiry any reaolnin4 rundr in the dorig- natea 4m*8 R-a wa pridg0 PW~ Or h8nb to the hi8 oouaty. ArtSolo $9188, sootlod 1 of the Bevia af+Ll~8*tat00 prmiae8 *that the ~8ao880r lpiaaol- lo&or or Taxor rhell oontl``~ to lolloot aa4 re- tatn for th8 bemattt CK the Ofiieora salary rioaa OT id8 hudn8au pawiaa4, allteor'aad oam- rirab~r whtti ha $8 authoriati Maor law to -mUbob and aioh dmii b0 )air anty to lobuat r0r, ua to pay rll aroh mairr rwdvod bf hi8 into the fund w ma 8 emt0a la ppr0ria04-ior ~40~ th0 ~0. Vido88. of Bho bet'. Gotfon lo, jmr8grwh a, eud Saotfon x or thla ~ttiolo SBlts #r o ti terthe lppointamnt or 088irknt8 aa erslploy008aS th0 tax oollootor 3 . son. John R. Shook, Pago 5 and ror tho payaont 0r suoh l88lOtenta from the orrioor~ Salerp F-d, end furthor provide8 r0r the transfer from the Georral Fund of the oounty to the offiO0r8 Salary mad Of 8UOh monier as are neooasary to pay the rlarloa +d .othor 1egelJ.y authorized olafma Ogainst 8UOh funda. n~r61~lo 16, sootlon 61 of the Stat0 con- etltutlon or Taxem, neda am $ollo*e~ 'all r008 'i earned by Diatl'iOt, OOUoty ?snd Preolnot Off1008 ld 3 8m1be paid into the Oounty Tmarury where , luned r o r the looount o r th eproper fund*. ..~ TV@ alto you furtherto tho.oaoo of stati, et al versa8 (ilearn,16T muthwoatoru2nd, page 296, whioh oaao dleouaroa 811 of the prorirlonr or tha atetut oo~oomo4 In the lo a wu or th e qU08tiOn8 prOpOUBa06 t0 U8. -The monies lnrolvod la thir partloular fnrtenoo are being hold in a apooi8l fund erait- ing your opinion upon the quoationr propounded. Roth the Tax Collootor 0nd the Auditor will appro- Oiat0 IWO0fTing your OpfniOn.at ths larli88t poa- rib10 moment. -Thmnldng you ror your ua~al oourtdouf3 attan- tlon to the80 metterm, we are --n Ho Wi#h t0 On#ln? firat th0 gU0!3tiOII NO. 2, ad W0 shall ao8*or quoetlon8 NO. 1 60a NO. 3 together ertor enawor- iw qWItfO11 HO. 8. Art1010 S912A RorlaodCiVll StatUt08 or Texas providing for e bud4ot In OOWtf88 "fn whloh the popula- tion aooa+din4 to the la8t proO``iCg Fe&Or01 ConmU 0XO00d8 three hwx4?od thouaald (SOO,OOO) inh#bItent#, and door not exceed throo hundred fifty tit. thou88nd (355,000) lnhibltentor applies to-Bezor County nhioh ha4 loour4lng to the 1940 COn8U8 a pop&&ion 0r three hUndr04 thirty eight thbu0Md OQ0 hunarea seventy mix (&?8,176) inh8bit0nb8. Thl$ ertlalo proTide aaOn(l other thin48 -, . . -oh hQet Ohs11 bi oarefully 1fWfZOa and shall lnolude the 8eler~o8 and number ti doputiea 8ad aes18taat8 In oeoh or add Ofrid08, and all other lrpeom o~oor*arY r0r the operation of da 0rri00r.- 277 Artiolo wI;pS, cub-dirlaion (h] of tho Rorlrd Civil Btatotea oi Tam, 9?0riQ08 that: lshono+or oar dlrtrlot or oounty offioer, 8b.11 roquira th8 s*nioo~ of d8pdiO8, &lhunt*, and a loyoor ia tho perfomanoo of hi8 apt.108ho 8halP l991y to tha Camlr8loaarr* Coort tor authority to l99oint muoh dapotloa, 88alat~at8,aad u910~008, ltatlnq by suo8m ap- 9lloatlon tho numbar noodod, tbo po8itloato bo fill.4, tho dutlaa tu bo parferaad, aud tha uoat to ba mid. &old 89pllootion ah.11 ba 8ooa~nl.4 by a statuwat ahowing tha probable rsoolpts tru iaoo, oaai88ion8, and compaasa- tion to be oollaotod by aald oft100 during tho Sloe.1 ya~r and ths robable diabur.raiwnba tiiob aa!a rIma and lr9anoea of ralb oourt -11 Earn it. Orb? pointmoat of .+oh doprtl.8 or& and fir the oomparrutioa to k pld thu rlthln tho llmitatlonahorein 9rOaorlbod 0n6l do$ararlno tho nuabor to be l9poln- to4 so In tho 6laorotlon of 8alQ oourt aay ba pto9or1 provided the0 in 8. 08.8 ah.11 tho Coul8rionora'Court or war marbor thorooi at- , 8upt to 1ni1Pon00 th e lppolntaont of any par- < soa as deputy, 888lrtant, 4w elork in any of- ;^ rioo. wpon tho ontry 0r 8Uuh otior tho offloor 899lJiag ior ruoh Iop.ti.8 sraiotantr, aId om- 9107000 l ohall be rrthor~t~ to 8 point tha; pro- rl4.e tbrt emid ou 1 not ox...4 tho B Uopnt ham The- totN8out. oupsnsa8iou .uhlohw be tihvm4 to tbo 'da~tlor, sosirtsnta o r llo r klbow o a.~.4 for their mr- +lo*a rhsd k a. folfmm:" ha. I\ bou hold I&h. Court of Civil Ajqaak 8hst tho 4utb trpoa+l tipen t&e Tax A.r8oaror aa OOlleOto? by Ar tlOl@ 1 4 864 ,Y.A.c .8.lM dutioa of hi8 oetlo@ (stat0 at al. 1.. a1..*, lt 83. 169 8. d. (ad) see). mu8for0, in lnaw.r to ,0ur.~doCOn~dQ(b.otloIa, it 18 err*09iOiO~thst the lppolnmont of doputloror l8.iOt.ntsto PoriOrPr the duties ro:&rod by.Artiolo 14ZM-1 muot bo -ma&o in tho aam 278 . R. Shook, Pa60 6 laj other lppoiatront of any other lrairtaat OP we! $floorlamf-th+ lppli?a~Ion to the (rorrim- 81oaarV tJourt r o rlaSnwltr t0 appoint rush aoputSo*, nuet bo ma60 by tho Tar Aasasaor md Collaotor, stating bl 8wom allogatlonrthe mmbar noobd, tha poritlonr to k Sllla6, tha dotloa to h 9orCoaod aad tho mount to bo pal&, looomgmlod by a rtatouat rbowfa(l tho prohbla nooipt8 at otiioaOS provide6 in Arti 39lZg, Sub-Dir- Idon (h); and the Comirrionorr* Ocurt rhall nko ita order lothorItla( thm l ppolatmnt of auoh aogutlba attar datami#dn( the number to ba lppointa4. After tho ardor i. md., th. t8X l8808I0f atld OOllSOtOr i. authorlzod t0 appoint auoh doputIari In nply to your In ulrla8 No. 1 and No. 3 It la our 091aion that the Cortl 4ioato of Tit18 Toor ooilaotd by tba Tax Co~laotor and AsIossor in l dsltirt@rIry tho CBS- tl?Ioato of Tit18 Aot ahould ba turned over to tho Couaty Trea8unr to ba dopoaitod in tho oounty daporitory la a lpooial fuad or looouat 8opuata on4 apart froa all othar funds and looountr 80 that a detarhaation oan be rda as to whothoror not tharo 18 b8l8nos In raid tunl or ao- ootlnt Ottor tha paymnt oi @To SO rIoa o f daputIo8 o r l88Iat- onto o f th0 Collaotor uud payaont ai noOaaaary orpo8808 in 8dminiStubg the not thoa, aitor tho dataml81tbn of tho amount of .ruoh sm L rior aad lx9oa8o8, auoh uomt 8hould ba truwforrod to tha oif~oora* salwy Fund, ma my b8lanoa In woh apooial fund, lttu doduotlly tbo amount ior sslarloa and lx p a na omust r bO &ttO(. to tha Road and lldd(;O wllhd of Cho Oouel. xa oonnaotton dth tbo rwogoing we oall lttantlon to sootion 61, rrtiolo 10 of the Stato aonatitutSon am oon- #tmad ln tk 0880 of etato, 0). al, 18. 0188s 08 al., sa9ra, aud‘fa tho osse o i SOttO~St,lt al. VS. Rarrf~ &buBt lb9 8. -6. (Mj W whoS.ia th8 tiw b8 boon SiXOa thbt 81 0-t ottlaorr -11 k oonjwamtod on 0 oats7 baela alme {'aad al r foes orno& by moh offioom ahall ba pold~into tho Oountt Trumry fW th. SOOOWIt Of a0 9rOPOr ilmd. Ron. JW B. Shook, Bade d 30-k Bill lo. tll, Chaptar 272, 48th H@gUldS soraion 05 tha kgl8lataro amondod Oeotlon 67 of tho Gortl- floa.tiof Tl%lo Aot with retuueo to tha twontf fire (Mg) oents to k rat8lno& by tho Tax dollmotor, and 8mung otbu thirqpspSo+idad am ?OlbWSt ". Provided any uah 6a a ig na ta leont 4 may wpl&*anJ and ok nuoosauy aaaistanta an6 . hour any aad all naoo88ar~axponso in 86mInl*- tUia# tti. Act in hi. OOUlbty. Suoh daslyutod S&8& @hall pay wok laplopod 8osiatantr and aaoh MWS#m lX9 OnDOOin.USWd b7 him t?OU the ?‘rmdS rotulnod by hia horoandor, aa4 any lmeunt oi raoh fuadara&sl lnhlrhudriaa *lent ah@11 be bf klm raltta 3 to tho R-4 url BrY @o m ot bi. OwnOY.” Al-tiO& 8*18X, YO~OS'S AB8OtUtd ROllWd Ci+ll StatPt.8, SOOtlolr1 PWidOS 88 iO1lW.r o n...nor Ihull tho Gtato or asky lE3o o t1 1. oauntr pay to ml oounty oitloor ia may ooua8y ooatalnlag a population oi twenty thouaadl (tO,@OO) lmhabitaatr or 0wa lo o o r dlqto the lsat pno4lry 8odonl Caaaua our too or oa;lllaaIon ?or ant 8enIao by hi8 9UfOm.d 88 SuOh OttiOor~ pro+id@d, howmr, that the l880~80S aad OOllOOtOr of taxa 8hall OOn- tIs6o to oolleot and rot8ln for tho bo&ailt OS the Oitloors* Salary md or fumde haralnaft~r prwl404 fOT, 811 i-8 aBd OolriSOiOM uhioh h, 18 luthorfrod MaOr 181~ to OOnaOt; ati it amu bO hi8 dUtT b3 aooount for ard to per 811 aueh laoaims roooirod by ILIB Into tha road ur funds anatad and prori&od fw undo? the ~r~vlrl~n8 ot thir Aot; . . ." It oan be moan troa the roryoing that prior to tho pa.88 lof Sonata Bill HO. 811, luprQ, ?OOR darirad fr- th0 aQlia f atmtlon of tho Cortiffoato of Tit18 AOt ah0~14 haT0 gone into tha Offloors* Sslary Fund an monti%ad in the O&88 rhea ooa8Msred in oonueoticn with the (aoral 8tstutOTY ``tiaions abwa puopeb. ~owarar, the zxmata Bill plo.211 ham _ . non. Jehn R. @hook, Pyo 9 der lg a 8lub a toth ab alur $ L!lr OS luo h or tholr rlDrlo8 ohall #O into ww Trtmtlag thlr u*uoTl all kg to rwla ..