. :’ 238 ‘k ‘h h i OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS I~ AUSTIN Eoaorablo H. D. Stringer County Attorney, Ball County Memphlr , Tsxar Deaz Slrr Thlr ir 1s trapoar nquemtiag tha oplnloa of matter: aatioa tk gorerament other looalitier rhldh nt rmwrr wlii apio~ 8tirrwd prboaerr to lnruro l retura 0r tkrr lspeaeea. .I hare adrlsrd thr oourt that I oan ilag no lagal authority ior the ooant to oadrrwrlta raoh an undertaking ar this thougc ti all probabllltf there ~111 k ao llabdit, oa the OOUntf. ’ •Be``~sa oi thr aoato farr labor lhortagr bore thr qt4ertloa0r raourlng them prlroarrr 0r war Ir tiiootrd with ooarlarrablr intwart, and I round rou adrlrlng m if them ia anyway the lp p no la te oountr oan onto? into thlr matter legally.. -I:. 239 Boaorable IL 0, Strlaw, Paw 8 . YOUare or lour80, fadliar with the prnrral ruler aat rorth is ll &a# Jurirgrudenor at wge# 868-b8 to the OrrOot that l f l bring ooaponrnt part8 0r l C0u ntie8, th0 state, harm no poorrr or dutlO8 OXoOpt thoO0 whioh a~0 oleerll ut rorth and dtdin04 la thr oonstitutioa and rtatuter, The rtatotrr hat8 olearly 4oIlned thr powerr, prrsoribed the dutlor, and Imposed thr llabilltle8 of the oosnissloaerr* oourt8, the m~dlum throagh rhioh the dlfisrent oouatloa aot, and iron those rtatute$ zt,ooao all authority rrsted in the Oountle8. “* l * Co;nrl88ioner8~Court8 are oourtr 0r limit04 jurlrdlotioa ln that their authority lI- tradr only to uttrrr pertafnlag to the ynOra1 wlfaro of their rrrglotlre oountier and that their powers are only thou rxproeO1~ or impllodl~ oon- ierr06 nwa them bf law, - - that ir,,b{ t,fte ooa- crtitutloq.and rtatuter oi the Itate. YOU an 0180 radliar with Mtiol8 6, SOotion 16 oi th0 ConstltutLon or Teey8, rhloh llmlt8 th@ porarr and jurl8- diotlon or the oounty oo~isalonerr* oourt to 'oountl burlns88' and with Article 3, &otloa $g 0r th0 Con8tltutloa, whioh pr0- vldo8, in part; "ThO L8girlaturr rhall harr a0 power to aa- thorize say oouaty l l l to load it8 ondlt or to grant publlo moao or thin6 0r talur ln aid or, or to anl indltii y~,,~80oolatioa, or 0or- Doration what8oover~ TOP do8lro to know whether or not Ball County mar t OatraOt to lndmify thr IO&r01 ~TO?lUMIit in BOTiIi6 build- hW to year oountl to hour0 war prlronerr) the raderstandlng ! b*h ihu Cfmnty will rslmbUrn thr gorotnfaat. ii not ; ZWh that iarmerr take adtantagr oi prlroa labor at #1,!50per t Y per prisonor (to k pai4 to the Government) to ja8tiry tb .xp*nao, gonorablo IL D. Btrlacer, Da60 6 via our opinion, Pndrr the authorltlor oltrd, Ball County ha8 a0 ruoh authority. Jae. 0. Siiil1.a A881 stant JDSIEP