A-ITOKNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS AUwrlN 11. Tlmxs a@&tc mud or Mwatloa,~ pwe 2 ?hlir Et&lit. 69p6W8 t0 d8& 6p8CifiCd17 with the V6w 6656fW Of your iIqUirYa Md appl166 the UWar tbrC= &llebooka 8entlooedare not la an tmflt aoon4itlcm the E-b6 th6y~l¶6YWtbel~8SLFe Udi6CtLFdd books FOw lls6d", the prop-try of the State." Therafon they u b6 dirp.0886 af by the Stat@ Sujm'lntcndentof iublfc Instruction,ulth tb8 a;ipruval of the &tat& Board ol &ducatloa. The effect of Ws itatute reqplreat&m jo intlo, tltm-tht it, by lnl6itlv6 md eppxvaL-of th6 PF,trrtoSqmr- OStJRawb