OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN HqndrableJohn R. B&ook Crtii.nalL)istriotAttorney ~ &mar, county Sian. hntonlo, T8xas Dear Sir: reoonslderedeald opln- ** * * Bexar County, under the law, paye itrr orfloers from the Otflcera* Salary Fund. The County Audftor, howover, aa well a8 the Oounty Treasurer of Bexar County, are paid from the general fund of'the oountg. The oounty oommlesloner~ or thle oouuty be- in: *{aid from the Road and Bridge Fund or the oounty. Honorable John R. Shook, p. 2 Seotion (b) of Artiole 3899, Vernon*e Annotated Civil Statutes, Is applioable to Bexar County, and thla provi- sion of the statute expressly authorizee the oounty to. pay the p~3miuma on the 0rri0ial bonds 0r the Oounty Treasurer, county Auditor, and the County Gceuniasionere. Thl13 prorfsion 0r the statute al00 provides! . “All euoh approved olalms and aooounts shall be paid from the Ofiioera’ Salary Fund unlees other- wise provided herein.? It ia not otherwise provided that suoh preu&ums shell be paid, but a8 heretofore etated, said premiums shall be paid rrom the Offioere’ Salary Fund. It is immaterial that the County Treasurer, Gounty Auditor and County 0ammissioners are not paid rrom the Ofrloere ( Salary Bound. The statute authorizing the pay- ment oi the premiums on their otiioial bonds ex&eeely designates the fund tram whloh’said premiuma must be pafd, namely the Of- iloere* Salary Fund. ASter oarefully reooneldering our former opinion In oonneotion with the a$plSoable etatutee, we are oonatrained to adhere to our former tiing. Stated hnother.kay, the premlw on the offioial bonds of the Gaunt !@sasurerrl. Oounty Auditor and County Oosn~Uslonere of Bexar g ounty gazst.‘bs p&d out of the OfrLoerst Salary ma. YdUig .yery truly ;;=mLgz W. P. Watts Assistant