OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN haor8ua Burton 3. Burk8, Page 2 authoriga auoh ell@opmrcsntweuld it be le&!!blfor thn -1omalYl court or &lbboak county to au- thorb!ietheempl~tofmmhAttonmysta ab$ar& s18oC.oCper mMm to k paid entirely k Countyun&sr a ~tlpulatlcm tbnt the 'z&o sudlol~l DirtrUt is oampam&of kfbbook, Eb,, Hook&y al% lhohmrl oount¶.as la k County thaau am tvo Dirt&at Oourk,*the %!!z- (tbotanRaofvuahvarnmaoaoartirmcnuin all four oalmt%o*by the l8ttWO)8Qdth.@ 99th Matrlat caurt vhooa tila Dl8trlat ccnwta “E&eaSSl&wOS Andntaat D%dzlot Attam#y af the 72aa tudirI.63,DirtHut vaa omtml Lo Mm&i, l929. The sot amtiaq mmh OfYlae 6ppMW In #a Rc3 68 AJFtlole36!&L. “Ia taddltiaalto t&t Article 6uthoricIaag the offlaeoSA~IatantAtto~,I PM tlmt AMAale3902 Rc3,4Ba 6malxm br the Aats of lg'59, zs fd Latplv 3peau.l km pp. 74c, ProvI~6 v%zn POP 6ny Dintriot, cawity or Preaiaat offlaer nh8Il WquIw tw MrvIoa of t¶eput10s, mrlstwltll or xo6omaIe Burton 3. Burka, F6ge 4 '%b.3. l'b 4sIrtsnt Dlatriqt Attomey provlddtaaia8eatIan 1 f'thicr Aot8hall ti- aelve8tiannLlalrslaxqrof s2.500.00,ps~?&3 ualthay, out OS my IMIIII)JT net othervIse appm- prlate& upon tha worn 6oaolmt or lnlahA8sIst6nt DIatrIetAttorney, appzwe& by the Matriot Attenwy." ‘Tbe4toroatIllg the ggth&ulolalDi8trIotaf Toasn 6Emg other things pxwIlle8rr "me Dlstrlat Attoaney In old rw the 'p2nd aaIaI6l DI&rIat ahal 6at 8IaO 68 the Dlatrlat At- ior the DIdrIot Comt hemin ertabllnhetl aailamted.* tAFtIa1. 199, lwnOSl'8 krnabted CpfIl statuter). '"ArtIda ygo2,VerJloa‘8 Amotatedapil BtatutQ8,lel a~.F4alRlk````appo``toibrputi~8, 688I8tsaw, or oler%a by a lliatrIat* aewlty or prwiwt offi- aere btlelm386-L, Vimm``8Amot8ta&CIvIl8tetute8, I8 a a p eW’ialtstute regar+zlbg the Dlstrlat At~tovnc$~e~ .JlldIalDlatrIatpnrcridimgfertb8~ lI8tM tdlatrlat Owio~. ve tb lsk t la th is8p ea ifia M s. tb a 8p sa IfIa sta tute mer ea.eiw4 - tblnten- tIionoftbLagI8lakurthlulthegeJ&8ralolrs,aadt;lurtIt VillaeltroL 1tInaur la?.w thmtArtIale.1902, 8upm4r, T &mrratauWumIxetheDbrizrtAt~afthoT2m%Jbdloisl DintrIotoilbs6a tonppoineanu8%8t8atdf8trtcltattorrmy. APPBovm OpInIalOQllriNoe By B.W.B. - ,“’