DocketNumber: O-5412
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
: . .. -. 53 ‘1 . OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS . AUSTIN -Honorable E. R. Kott; Prosldent .oi this department as to vhethsr o sells custom-built an ltapresslon taken th3 practice of ; .The maker does not t and his business is strict- lined apove. .,... _. ._ -``(Chiropodp’ means the diagnosis, medical ‘ind surgical treatmant of ailments of the human foot: A chiropodist is ono practicing chiropody. Whoever professes to be a chiropodist, or praotices or assumes’the duties lnoident to chiropody, with- . out .flrst obtaining from the Stdte Board of ., , -’ &nombl% E. H. Bctt, Pmsldcnt, ti~ 2 Chimpody t$onlners 8 llcanoe r.&hor';G~ the pnrotice OS ohlropody. shall bs lin%d not cx- ceadin;; asi% hundred dollars, or bs confined ..- in jail not to exceed 30 days.” - Both of thn provlslcns quoted abow IXW dmivsd et33 @KQter 159 at pfiZ% 357 of tha hcts of t?le 38ta Le~lS- lotuna (1323)tind only minor changes WPQ nade In the codl- fzcE%t1al0s1925. : ., .’ ~’ The statutory definitlaru of chiropody as sot cut above are aablguous. 'Dlagnoals, mdlcal and su3+&al trsat- tan&” is the rOngw~g%uaod. 20% this rccn that the dlamosle plus a treatmat, etthcr medical OF swgical, is required to constitute the praotka of chiropody, or i.8 ths @i.agno3ls alcae sufflolent? In ths absence of jxdiciel iato,qrefiat:ou of ths - statute w look to ths Act as a v3olc, esi&tis to dote.zztis the legiolative Intent and thereby resolve .tbs smbi&ty of -- the definition. A rticle 4570, R.C.S;, 1925, .as acended by ths Act8 OS 1933, tith Leglslaturs, @se 363, rscuires that an ap9llcent for a licsnso to pmatios chirop&y-“‘shall prs- - aont satlsfaotory ovide~ce of gxduation ~TCU 8 bona fide ’ rsputablo school of chiropody in the fcm of 8 diploea “hi& has conf~rrsd tha de&m% of Dootorc-r-Sur$cal Chiropody . . .* Article 4573~ke8 9,mvlsion for the revocction .of a chlrono- dist’s ficsiw~so and u!.ziq oth%er mouails specifies that cno nvho.. .~.glves swag or sslls drui;s or elcobol for ct%er than logitlmts purposes In his praotioe; or who 0eg be convicted of amputat- _ ing ths hman foot or toe c F of uaizq an anssthetic cthor than local”, may have h20 llcenae rsvoksd. It n%emsto ws that Srm it reading of tie abovs quote3 &vislons that the Jie&slaturs otitsnplnted thst a chiropodist as re@ated by our statuteo is ens wlm e~ge:oe not ln the dlagnosls of ailmx2t+o of ths Soot alarm, butt in’the medical troatmmt a@ minor aurgarg of the foot aa trsll. Furth*mors, in repulrlng a tiiplom fTom a *born fide reputable school of ahlmpody” w thlii~ it was the intention of the Ito~lslaturo that n ~exz.13chlro adlst should be oqu+ppod to praotico am.l engas in .ths pmc e fee Of chiropody ti aCc0I-dtx.W with general-. 1~ acoe9ted stnndards a& in t?w accepted field of his call-. 1~ &.ev of tho snbibuous OsfialtLons of ch+cqp&y and tho lmpllcat’loris gleanoci fxm a read- of the rc,-sula tory statutes on this subjact as e vholo, vo believe th9 qusstion _ : .’ _’ ‘~ i r . <. . . Ronorable E, H, Hott; President, Page 3 under consideration should be ruled by the deolslon of State Board of Medical Examiners VS. Uchln,156 Atl. 285
, a IJew Jersey case ln which the defendant vas charged with practlc- lng chiropody without a license. In that aase the Legisla- ture.had not, attempted to define chiropody vhlle In Texas our definition 10,ambiguous and indefinite. Relevant quo- tations from that case sre as follovs: *The faots, as they appear in’ the testimony, are that professional vomen investigators employed by .the State did, on several ocoaslons, venter the shoe store of the defendant, vho appears to be a reputable dealer of some twenty years stand- ln the city of #ev Brunswick, and complained of pains In the feet. The dealer suggested that they bathe their feet ln hot water. use soaD. balm. and Powders: he also had the vltness& remove- their shoes &d - stand on a. pedigraph (electrical &chine) to take Ia _ picture ~of their feet’. He finally sold them some nationally knovn proprietary preparations ln the original packages, havlng pr’ated thereon ‘a written statement as to their uses, and tlie price printed thereon.. Defendat else sbld a pair-of s&h sumorts. The dealer called their attention to the directions ., on the paokeges. He did not hold himself out as a ‘doctor of chiropody, nor did he cut any corns or i: oaflusea, nor did he make any charges other than the -.:. prlnted price for the so-called remedies. (Under- scotiing ours) w .‘. “.. . “L&we ati enaoted to be~read and obeyed by the peoti1.e at liirge, and vords in oommon use by the people should b?‘&i.ven the same meaning ln the law as they have among the people’ who are expeoted to read them. j Adais V: Lansdon,18 Idaho, 483
,110 Pac. 280
. .%hlle the removal of corns and calluses con- stitutes chiropody, according $0 its commonly ac- cepted definition, I am not ready to hold that the other treatments alleged to have been sqgested by the. defendant come within its scope. State v. Arm- strong,,3a.I*ho, 498,225 Pac. 491
, 33 A.L.R. a362 _ ,. .~ ‘. .‘~ 2 ., : , . - . . -. ,I 56 Zionorzablo Z. H. &tt, Wealdent, Rpgo .j+ ila theicforo concludo, linltlq th+b o~iniod to t3e facts stated $n tha outtet, ti-mt .thcy da not disclose a CXi81c . of the pxaotice or chlzqmdy mdcr mr !Wcaa atatutee. To hola othe-rulss, VoUld ,subject th? cu8tcz1&me and boat asker . to the re@atltma horse u.?or cmsidomtlca cs ha mmt’mcoa- sorlly igw,* tho ph7slcal o!!23\moter2st~oa of tie foot irr orc!or to provide the doolred ccsrort end sugpmt in a Gme for his ouatcwr. It would lilroly aI~bm~o ths shoe tZfik3ESKiuh:, re- cccmmdad a certtln last or mah to cor?t?lbute to the foot oazfort di bla gstrcn. Ue bo~love t.@t such a bcldhg vould be roro4Qjn to tho Lntontor the Legislature. .. .* . very rawly youra i: