DocketNumber: O-5403
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFiCE OF THE A?TORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN . ‘_ tionurebra 0. P. l,#QaW*t, page 2 ;'ewlwith nfmwrlaeto local maual aid aaaoolat3.ona, enwted Lrr 1929 by the 4lac Leglalatu`` ot !Fema, provideas *For filing Arct4lea of aafsool&lcaa and ap- proval 0r~oon0tatuti0n, bplawa tmd ce2-tlfimtea p%o*t00rgcalaat 0f ths mwd cioiz ststut00 0r m, i925, i8 3em~lapecrledamdalll0v00ndywt0ofhim in calfliotherewltis.Aota 1929, 4lat Leg., B* 563, *r 27% i 3L0 uti8le 3920, farmd b m8ptm 2, Title 61, mea 0r wftce, Verrram’Annotated a Texas cwll statutea, am amelded 'by theAem of tb 46thLegla&tureof~, inl939,lwada &xpartsufollowas. "SmBaale of x&awe C"aam%aabner6 ahall &arge and raaelm $0~ Cl10uae of the state the iollawug fee08 i 6 ...l ‘P e r filitlg th e a tu u a a la t& t( YDID3ta t a n ia - aerldflaate o a np a ny , o r in lie u th e r ea t! :~o o ammadea~Lotr1Snl,4~fn .12 2, 012 iS;,'j'L;J~ iwt0 1939, 46th w3., 9.3 & f .2 Your quoatlan raquirua the uonatPuotion of brtitieo 3920 snd -31. !me le@.@~tlOS NatorJl o? themeet%tutea 433tbmr0m ugh3.y gmamt. mm0 3920 a0 8 of the ````~i~S``~aof1925,prwided,~o ti?ertlaukg8, thst theBoard oflamranae Comniosloneraehould ahrrrge 8 fee 0X $20.00 for fll.&g thsauaual attstement of an insuranoe oom- ,7anyor oertiilastoin lieu thereof. Axtlale 4075a-31, vu ..;, 10 3anorabla 0. 2. Wh-3 a.acted~in 2929 am a DJJ,P$Of MMte Bill 22% 81Ot Iagb&b- .a.m orTex&a* andapeoiS``provided tlmttba Pea forfll- ani: CLMualmporta of loaal autasal old uaoobtlona vlth usa 2onxKi or U@ hozd th6t I?rticle &675a-31 A&l&m 3920, R.C.8., 1925, Of !ul lnauronoe croPpcuy,or aertlflo6Se In Ueu t&emwf ma :10tmuaged at all but vu mm304 (ufifbd ?omfardati&ra- au%oted. Prtiol03920vae8g8uamaa&uial939``46th s3*aaura or mua by fsetda BLu.404, vlth rampoet. to pro- vidc3g for the 8ppwpriatbn or tha reoa mn11wd uudf~r~ the lxlG;‘or the purpose of gcrflog aertaln 6alarlea and expetueo jr’tEt6xnauraaaeCaadaaban. lteohangevMaladevLthm6- pet to the $20.08 fZllng fee abme dew~Ued ‘mt ata8e vaa M!s#lg carried rorwad amt -tad., ve thintr the f~ male0 or Otatuto~ lsonatrua- ticn are Dertlnent and atdleible to mnw aueatioa. ue auoto fmla Lewli sutheiland stitutory cona’oPtlocson, ~$igir 44lk?+ 4, 524~56, 8s~follmat *Taleoonatlt?t- pPovlalonlqublng amend- mentoto bs lam&by 6ettLlag out the vl%aaea`` aaaluexedwaaMt~t68uledtu~ ml&' a6 to trI6 erfaot or auahmmdmaa Ti6. so far aathereetiamiaeb8agedlt6a10tmabfvea`` operation. but 00 far am it is not ohwged It vauld be dangerous to hold that the mm tmtZnal se-enaat- xt6nt should have tkm effeath of d&atmblng the vbole body or ~atatutea Zn pm% mate*is vh%ahhad bear paawl slnoe the fint enaaMt. Them auat ba ~omethtngin the nature of the now leglalatiian to dov such an Intent vlth maaonable oloq``wa be- :‘om aa lriqwad mpeul aan b6 maognlmad. ‘3y 3.1 Honorable 0. ?. Lookhart, pa@ 4 %&bit ud 2+mrrtrtkt - wm0t 0s m- sarabmnt- or f.ntemedlato aota.--Thir lub jea t h a a a lr 6edy b 4 4 nso M ld4 r edto a 4 la 4 e x tentln a fozsmr o h a p to ru.h 4 r 4 a B so tia a 5ended01 no la o d,a ndth efomtr aat o .xp ~4 0 o r~b yia - pl%aetkur a lx provlalaos r ep ea led, b h of #a al lli la va ma r ea ub a ~t~ lwwntb o ted we dea a d to b eoosstlnuoua.‘ALstePlWwhiohZOlPslWly a r e-ena eta ofent e, fc mw ~ddea not r o p a aen l iutmaedhte eat aoh h&a Quslltiaa OF lImited the f&at caae,but muds latemedlete eat vlll be cl4aned ta awnal 2.13forao, and to qmZ.lfy 0~ J L 12 Iael4 0. P. Lwkbart, Page 5 ateutl6llyr4-aaa4teditlaaaldt4ahovtbat tbaleglaZatumbidaotr6gwdltaa mpuppant toan lnte~to aotto 04ma oxtent aovor* the same tubfeat. A wwtl ohdie* grmbtedIn 1857r0md0 tb40a.40rlippo~. ALL-~ l5SUd4¶.lll&59gW~pOWPtOliO4SO*lt4Ultb; ~nl87otb8ohart0~0*1857~8 -t4dend ’ th4malt6ofthsto6aextend4d. !nLlavuheld not to repeal uAeafJtos1&59 but tebeamsre deolaauttmthstthmrstot 1657``0 atlll In oab we0a b80k to fa tisl* 0s ita, 0rt- r02-430, e-1 purrgs* seotiotl5oranwtorlravada 0s 1885 in n&ard t4 tb4 cicqmwat1onof OmIl- tJroffl44ra rzxcd the ac6apaaaa~ a? th4 wun- tiy0ril0et-00s ,811r oop13tf.aaag. ths ahersff wrksn feoa, the Biatriotattomrp a SehrJ of $2,000 aad th0 atpeet4ad4e Or tohsolr; 8 6~ 0r $600. 34lsw8l723,1887,enaotwaa t0gwetk0mherlfr0rEUrammtyaa~or 34,000, b llou 0s roes,. md tba asatlcm m- enacted tnoluding the 0ahrr 0s $600 for the aU+ 34sZntendent of aohwla. Lt waa held that the JnlJ obj~00tor the 0at 0s 1887 w80 to obaagp the caapensath 0r th0 6bm.xf to kt0tblar~, that It did not repeal OP afroat the set of Febrw!y,1887, and that tk~dlmtrtut nttomw v80 not entitled to the ,aalmy 0s *SO0 (u 0x off~oio suprlnmt 0f oMw0la. (IPnLahe'- 3WPJJ.W It kr alaroplnicrnthat Art1010 4&756-31, enmted In 1929, rimeled A*lole 3920, R.C.S., 1925, with mapeot to St340r00, filiog enanN wpo~t8 OS1ooU mutufblaid rraao- oi.atm. ft 20 our furt&* opraion that Lt vaa net the CntatLoo0rtbs42rid~gia&huaofaxu in293ato m- peal tb4 prev- of Adal wf*33 lrl th%P m-mast- wt urd m 0s Brrti0b 3920. xt b w rew apin- Ian that it vu not th4 intentian of the 46UrUgLal8tum 03 -Ttiylt pmvlalona of AaW.ole 4tPiTa-31 taimdwit’or APttile 3920. Itl6thmeforso?lFapsrlSOntlUttlaep~Tuld i0ga fimg r00 for fxmg tb amrmrl nport 0s s 10081. autualSUL 88aoolatlon vlth the Bowl or Xa8umkoe Ccmmls- slan*zYla Q5.00. Wehasab).spe8ii%0ellyove~,~a0?kult ocm- YU.atalmdn, the opinianto the oaav rem to la your lettes, wrlttanby fbra.SisbtoyBmbov, AaataturtAMOP- ney Catxewl,addr406ad to Beak*Mow4 ,StatoAuciltor aad ?3Si%e%onap mrt# dated Fe- T'8% 1932, and m- oordsd In Vol. 330, pages 699, ?OO-1213; lottev opinion8 of the AttOWOFCWepILJ. OSTeuO.