DocketNumber: O-5345
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
737 1~ OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bonorable 3. C. Smith A County Attorney Boaque Golmty J&rldlan, Taus Dear Sir1 and does he have t to charge mlkmge stl.lag feea ln such sd quertione has '\ The supreixeC)xwt of Terraain the aaee of Heuburn v. Surhtuh.88~Sex &a 31 5. U. 195 bad oertiSLed to it the quuation &fh&& t4 maxebal of *'tom Laaorporatedunder the general lqwa of``thlsBtate, by virtue of his offioe, m- de.r the clroueietdaa 8peoUlsd in uhat is now Arttcle 215, Code af Crlmlnal Pxoaadura, aould lavfully 8rreat without 6 vex-rantone beyond t&e llmlta of the toun for a felony oofmit- ted ulthln the county, but not within the tomI Artlole 215, supa, provides for 8 peace offiaar to arrest ulthout * war- rant where it is ahown by eatlsfaatoryprool to eucb peace of- fia er u p o n th e r ep x a wntetlm o f l aredlble permta, that P felony has becm caprpitted,ad that the offender fa about to eaaapo, so there 18 no tlm8 to promme a waxrant. The aourt 7x-l Bonorabla 8. C. Smith, page 2 held thet independentof etrtute, the wthorlty or jurledlotlon of the amre&luouldnotutend beyond the alty Umlte, 8ad that the queetlaa was vhethor the etatut of thie Btata have %xt%Adea the 6uthorlty of the m6rah6.l In the mtatter or el6klAg mreete bepia& the alty lfmite. Iphroourt then rotsitedthet olty mereh6le uexe 'peame c&rlaer6,gmd pew0 o~luer8 00ul.d wrest ulthout 8 wrrrnt umler the 0oxuUtlone prsear%bwl In llrtlcb 215, aupra. That this we a strong lmpllcatl0.n th6t a olty mreb81 is plum4 in the mama 02ue vltb othw offlaere uhoee jurledlotlaaextends to the l.Wlte of tbe aounty. fh oouxt further quoted irat hut we then hrtiole 363, ~erieed Statutre, (now Artlale 9997 th6t 6 maretml "in the prwentlon 6~4 lupprmelti af orlme end 6xreet OS offorul%rehe ehell have, poeeeee arid wiwxm 1lk.epowor, ldhasltg and jtwiedlo- tion 68 6 eh6rlrr ai a oouaty uAd6r th6 l6ur or the ma%.' As to w&t extent this lansuags mlergttd the pover of a olty wreh6l to arN8t, the oollrt M&AC *. . . w are or the O~%AMAth6t the lmgu&ge quoted from ertlale 363, above, vae intended, 'in the prev6ntlon and 8uppr86810nof axlme 6nU 6rreet of offuhdwe* undffr tkbs stat0 lau, to aor&er upon t$%*laer-erfth% ‘powr, authortty, apd juaediotloA’ Thus, 6&6&w u-e dUwafedby the b!$giSlrittU% ;O lOOk 80&u the ShWifr’S $0 !pOV%r, ruthorfty,6nd jurledlatiouc ¶.Aorder to detexmlna th6t of the zan.hal IA lMklA.66rreete of ofeAd%re 6gaAst the state a.m. vithaut 6Ay intlx6t1oAth6t the 'power,authority, or jurl8dlotlon~of tlaelat- ter vu to be mar0 olrcwearlbed t&m that of the tlXlU%X. Powr md 6uthorlty, 6a a lied to exmau- tlve officoro, fmem to be oonvertl 81: e terms, ror the authority of euah officers le theis leuful povorI but me underetawi the uord 'juried.lotlon,' 68 here used, to rerar to the terrltery in which euuh pover or authority MA be exercleed. QIPCo the jurl.edlc- tlcm of the miarahalla mensure by that of the eherltf IA the %V%AtiOU SAd 6@inst th.S&US Of th0 et6te, it must re ao-utenelve ulth the llmlte at the 0ouAty. The purpose Or the legUl4itur•to u- tewl the jWfl#diOtiCPA ot ths aarahal beyond tke limlte Of the tClUA, 6Ad 6Ulk%it 00eXt6ASiY% with th6t Of the sh e r iff inth e ma tter o flrreete, 18 turther evl- clenoedby the hat that l g wx r 6At of arrest' mny Iionorable $4 C. Smith, pg% 3 be dlxected to him, and awh wrrent he may exe- aut8 anyvhexe in the county. . . .* plhsltetutee upon vhtch the foregoing opinion vee baeed,wre l ubet~tdlythe same, lneofareetheyreletsto 8rreete vlthout a uarrant, as thy are toda . Artlole 363, Revised St%tUt%S 1879, ha8 nOt beo~ lnaterirL a-4-N W the :eeal ooUflo8tlone or m ugabnmte lxoept la ozm parti- . Sela Artlale oontamd th% foliovlngprovlelon, to-wltt "iI0(city mar&al) shall have like purr vitb the sheriff of $ha oowtty to ex%oute the writ of (uorde 3.A gar%Atheelr al& em- ml0 &.U?OYi8iOA of ow~t,atetute (Axtiole 999, Rerleed Statutes) provlde8 ee f 9b au MY% lilrapaw~r, vith th0 8hmfr of t& eo o untx, to leo uteva r r a nte,’ ltb e~theeela e ‘eeerch her been The drpose ofourpreeuntetatutola 0Iaar. It gives the mar&al 8U the puver or 8utharltyto ueo u te l uer- rantpoaeaeed by the eheriff oftha oouuty. The ahwill of the oounty bee the undoubted euthwlty to ezeoute verrente ulthln and begond kle oouoty wlthle the omi%ue of the State, provl.bsdthat before auarrant lseusdbya oounty oamleelon- oourt, wpr or, ooetml.eeionsre~ or reaoxder of au inoorportttad tow may be 1egeIly exsoutsd in 8 aounty other then the ooun- ty share lamed, it tenet be indoread es required by Article oi the codr,or c2a ``006d~e. in 38 3bbr. JW., p. , ve rind tba folloving ltatemeatc ‘The powr of arrest poee%eead by 8 oooeteble eml 8 alty marshal 83.80utmde to the uhole ooun- tg, a d b e y o nd ufib nm3U.q u nc lerl rmti v-arrant, rince they are peaae ofrlaore.’ (CltZag the 0888 or Ilwburn 0. nurhma, 68 Tax. 268, 31 8. u. 195) The foregoing quotation le ewe %ppllcnblevb%ro the aoneteble or altp marshal eats uuder a?a rful aapiae. 8%~ nonoxable 9. C. IPllith, pe&e 4 Artlalee h41, 453 Code of Ci%nfnel Iroaedure,end Loyd v. state, 1.59 6. u. f2d) 872. Artlab 37 0r the Code of Crlauaal roaedure makes it the duty Oz a91 peso0 olfloere to arrest OSrenders rithout vurant in every UMO Were they are outhorlxedby lev. City marshals are peace offlaere. bti0Ls 36, c0d8 or cwiti~8i P?OC%dW%. Someor Cbaprlnclpal statutes, authoriaing emeete Ulthotttnrrat by pew0 OfrlOer8, we Artlolee 222, UUch I&SO ltthorlxee "tmy pereat to mke~ a~ axreet vlthout uarreritln i~tuto0~ the~ln ``06, W, 215, 244 0s the Code Orcwtiud wxmdure andArtlc3.e~;L56,687, 652a (Seo.l0),616 (8ec.5), atadArtdo 803 0s Vernon~e Paal code. XA YlW or the deal8luAor the supr%m8 aourt lA Hevbum v. Durhma, etapa, tbo statutes, and o th elruthorltlee altea, ve ere 0s the opinion thet the poear 0s arrert poeeeee- ed b? a elty wahal lxtende to the tile owty a& bepad u~MtiLls;~ra~vtur``toraagicu~ud~tvl~ his county, ho mey rmlu en arrest vlthout l verrent io ell lnetmaaerwhere th ea imr iff o fh isoounty is lxthoriud by statute to msk4 arrests vithout a verrant, and in sane in- stances, not noceeaarr &era to gPrtloule.rlLe, my m8ke rrreete olthlnhi~ clt~ulthoutaVarrant whichthe 8h%rlffl.enot luthoriredto meke. &mutt Ye mat% l36 cr. R. l92, l24 9. u. (26) 359; Can$hental Ceeuelty 60. Y. Uller, I.35 3. Y. (24 501. . We will~ovoo~al&r the right of a oltyieerebelto ool&at statutory be melme an arrest vithout the city llmlte vith or without l verrmt. mpbg a m.bdthat a aity nrarehalis a paae or- ri0m ad our answer to your first question, we dlreat your attention to certain aFtlo 0s Vernon~e Code of Crimlnel Procedure. Article 1065 preecrlbee oertaln reee ellovad to eherlffa or other peaoe ofrloere in mledemeenor ceee8. Istl- clelO67 provldee as rollovec "Coneteblee,merehe~ or other peecreofflOer8 who execute proasee and perform eervioee for jue- tlae8 5.ncrlminel sotloam, shell reoelve the leme iiouorabb 8. C. Z%ulth,pgr 5 Sea8 allwed t 8brirr8 for tIm aams aervl.cea.a (GrPghaaia oura? Articles 1029 ud 1030 geeaoribe aertaln red38al- 1~4 to 8h0rirr8 and codxble 8 r0i7 portioulm aerviuea ran- dmad in rd0nJ aaaea. Artlale lO~lprovlQ8 that vhun marv- ales, a&h osrlwr shall receive the name feoa Uutroforas era allwad tba aher=, uul pnaotibea the prouo6ureto be r0u0w for tbr aollmtlaa0r uw. -we,, it 18 ouc opini0lr that 8 aity 8w8ha 18 aitlrd t0 th0 8~ r-8 SW 80dw8 8many pdorpud 88 are aJ.lw& a aherlff Scr auoh aertl~ea wider ati Artlalea 1065,1029 orlO30. Truatlug we have 88t1afactwlly auavuw your lu- ww, - -4 Your8 very t-b