OFFICI? OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS en the follov4 qrus aotlrrr k e lloation ror R PI llhOUldBOtiOer lng 0r an rppllo4tion rot sale l oertifloatr, lr it or not neae8- 8 to k i18ued for ruob hearing, an4 to rhora ah0014 they br mat?* The Xotot Carrier Aot oroat* thre4 amiairio4tionr or 44zrbrrt eoao8, aontraot rnd spoo``1lsodrotor oarrirr. Them are nov 1SCl rarrlmm holdlnc permit8 in the80 threr 864 hllroad CoPlie8loa or Tmae, page 8 r~aeelfieatlone. Xoo stat& otti that lt ha4 bwm the ourtom of tha Rdlru6 hrirelon ia the 9aSt to luuo notloee to roh o? t&e potit holders vhoa 10 rpplloatlon 18 aadr ror a permit, regudleee of tb tm of glrmlt sowht. Your rirrt t&m QUOS- tlone n&to to the neoreeit7 of thle praotlo,. Artlrlr *Ur, Torno8*8 hnotatrd Cl+11 Stetotee, is R lorprrl!o``el+r regulatory Oororla# motor btu traaepor- utatato, trtloa. It pmia08 for rpplloatlont0 k aad* by 000 u@ril4 R permit to operate motor base* over tbr hl#wrya or this State. 8rotlon 9 of luoh Artlalr 9ro~l4*81 9 "@on the fliln~of raid ap9llutlon thr Co, aleeloa sh a ll tlx l tlm 8nd plaor rot hoar%* nn4 tbo 9koo OS heulng shall beth oityofAu&a, Tous, unlwe otlmvleo ordorrd by &id 00lual88ioa. n0tm of tk ri3.ba0s 8ai4 a9 uoOtion, d tb tub9 arl 9faor .ot hoarlng shell k 6!VW “,yll not lose aa t$ the Mayor 0r uty iaoorpo~kd oltl or tam, tbroa& vhlrh euoh meor Oarder8 luk to operate.” Wn4erscorlag owe) Artfolr Ollb, Vermon'e Anaotnt.4 Clrll btuter, ?O~Sibt~S lPtOr O&filer8 VhO tXWBS9Ort prOP4rty rOr hi19 OWr tha poblio highvaT or thle St+. Ther are 4lrld84 into bon- traot eullere em6 8peolQlztd motor ourlere. Th* kot MY.8 pro?l#ion for obtainin& 1 pwlrllt,4Bb ~eotloa 11 thrrror roads: *Up6n tha tiihg 0r ~114 applict2ti0nror a osrtlrlsetror permit, the Coamierrlonehall~ilr l tia 0 a n4 91`` r0r hurlaft, a4 th0 9haa 0r l&wring shall be ln the Oltr or Aadtin, %x48, u~lrre othrnlecl ordered by the Qomalerloa.Hotloa of thr riiitLgof Oal4 4ppliOhtilOn, an4 the tiar an6 9l4or o? hearing, shall be &tOQ by an11 not 865 RdUor4 Coad8rlon or Texas, 0468 3 bee thu tea (10) days, l~0lu8lr0 of the dar of la dto th eupr o f lnt m0rpo~t0a oitr 0r tom th?ow rhleh such ourior ee~ke to oporato.. (Onamp- loorln( oars) A oa?erol.rrarohor the authoritiesor this State does sot ?eyral that the Courts Odor aver sonel48n4 the quoetloa ot vbo, unda the dorm lt8taSor7 provl8ione 8ra wown8re ot lx letir r~ traeportatloa raollltiee oter the highways,' 88nlag eooh ta??lto?q a$ lppll’aantn&8 to lono.a we hollow that edoh Word8 uo olou u,d UauWgUoUS 8~4 raptAr@ no ooaetru- t1on. 10 bollera that mtiro ot a 3ondln8 8pplloatlonke rm- qolrod to b sent to all oompotLng traluportatlonaganolre vlthin t&t te??lto?y sought M k lenod by tha new rppllorat. Tin lxlrtrnor oi transportation aganolee vlthln any girea to??;- tory 18 l utter peoaliul~ vlthisloar kaowldge md reowtalnr- 'able i?o8 mar reoorde. Xa @aew@r to your rlret threr quretloae,whloh we dlepoeo ot as ona, it la 091! oplnloa that yea uo not repaired to aho Eotior ot a wndla( l ppliortlm to all Oamlmre op0?at- 4 vithia this 8t8te ii 300 O?O lbio to reoortain fr08 y0or ptope dm ‘the owtyre of l xlotinu treneportatloahollltiee lo?dn(l luoh twrltor9 as lppllwnt sods8 to earv~,~ an. &rin( ~otormino4 *ha thaw intorest part108 uo, n4tlao to thu as ml1 as to the orrlol8,le namd in th rl tstoto, vlll bo l oirlehnt. Pur&raph tue 0r 3eotlon 5, Art1018 Qllb, Vcrnon~e innotated Clril Statutrc, protldre, in part: “&IJ Oa?tirf@m hid, OUBed Or obtalnd br an7 motor urrlrr operrtltqi 48 4 ocmmon aarrlsr ueder tho p?oTleloneof this Aat MJ br sold, creelgned,leaee4, t?uieiO??O4~o? ~nhrrltrd;``~lid~, howovar, tt8t aat pmoporo4 *alo, 18a8e, aertlparnt or truuUrr 8h811 bo rust pnerntod in nf0lag to the Co~l88lon r0r lte lppnnrl br dle~pprovil,aad the Coaunl88lon ary die- l99?otr luoh proposed sale, leelgelarnt, 14~180or trane- 866 iei lf lt In found Sr4 drtSrin8d by the Corlaeion tur th a l h p r o p ol e~ lo, reeWut, Soaeo or trmu- far 18 Mt la &BO&faith or that thr progourd pur- &wee?, leel@m, lease8 or trrnderoo 18 not able or bapabla or ooatlmlng tin operation of thequip- #nt~9rSpa886 to k iold, 4881gwl, 1Ot188dor trane- tO?Zr(l iS rueh U;wr U t0 l'Wl4- the 84?V~OO8do- mada by th8 pUbu0 MO~BBit~ 4~1d OOn~Oni~00 On and don( the dea~atod. route, or that lald proposed sale, as8 at, 18:8$ $f tranetu 18 not ket ior thr pub- lie If”ntenet ) o& Qllb, Yornoa~a mot&& CirllSt4tuto8, gkrovl~oe, Fa party “Any rortltloato brld, .omod br obtalnrd by any motor w?rio? opuatl~ u a tep401411sodanbr ~)arrld md4? tho 9wwlelon8 of this lot, 4 be cold, 4eelgmd, 144md, trum?or?od or lehoritod~ prrIldod, howovor, thrt 4at propowi 8410, lo480, st, o? tmnorw lh4U k tlrot pnnntad U writ f"ng to tho.Oomleeloa for its approval or dleap- proml, nu4 tbe Comduion my dlupprom auoh propored ealo, aee~ot, I.8480ortraaefor it it be r00d ad latarrlwd br tha ti~1881OS that 8uoh p r o p o l sed lo, l**ianaunt,leheo, or tranrfw 18 not ln mod faith or tht tb proposed par*hwer, 4881gau laee*o, or traaetrreo 1s not lbla or lapaB10 oi oonkmlag thr opw&lolr or the lqulpmat prqiomd to k cold, ae- sign&, 108~4, or tranrtor?M ln luoh muuw ,a8 te randor the lsnloo8 brrn4d by the publie oro48Slt9 and roatralon4e la th8 trrrltor;lrororod by tlta owtl- float*, or tlut.ml4 propond ala, 488lm.mmt, lyfoJr or trwerrr 18 not brat r0r thr pobllo latrrret;. Sut10~ Q, Sub4ltielo8 (t) of Artlele Ollb, V8t7hOn'a Aanotated Cltll Statrrteo,pmtl4b8, la part: “Aa? rontmat oarrlu parrit hqld, owned, or obtalnod by enr mbor rSrrla opaatla8 ando? the 867 &oh Of 8UOh 8@OtiOn8 18 8ilOllta8 t0 whather Of OOt thr glvln& Of nO%iOa 18 rOqUiT6d Upolr pnSOatatiOn Of an ap- pllc8tlon to rell l psralt~ it 18 our opinion that no not100 18 VQUird.