DocketNumber: O-5309
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXA8 AUSTIN Dear Kr. Bhepparbr genoy Hprlinee, IZIO.may smplo~ euoh oontraotors and snginesrs and enter into ruoh agrmment ritb then a~ It daema advisable, ._,. - . ..__ ._ ~.. .- 562 Hon. Wo. H. Sheppard, Page X ia thr name of the Defonrr Plant Corporation,ald paroham maohlnery ana rquipmmt nror8rar~ for the projrot, rubJeot to thr written approval or thr Derenrr Plant Oorporation. IB all or itr 6p8ratloer uearr luoh oontraot, the morgreo PlpwlSnrr, xno. rot8 aa lg o et ror the Dofoe8o Plant OorporrtI on, The DOrOB OOrpWatloe 16a8.8 rOtOr tehiol88, rhioh are ured b thr Ourgrnoy Plprliwr, Ino., aed orrtde ooetraotorr or tI8 Dei8e80 corporation $n the oonrtmotloe of ruoh pi llne8. Bone or the80 leaed retdolor arr a804 upon the pubrlo highway8 Of the 8tato of T8x.a~. Othrr motor w- hlolea are leawl by oontraotorr from their mar8 aed 8ro used la the ooertruotlonwork, but thr Mien88 Corporation rrlmbureer ruoh oontraotorrfor the rentals paid br them, YOU NqU88t Our OplZllOBUpOB the iOmwing paertlonrt 1. .X8 thr Dbfsnre Plantoorparatlonllablr to the Btatr ot Texar for th8 tar lmpored upon motor fu81 ured upon th8 pub110 hlghwryr or thlr State in rehioler leased br it and used by the ltmrgeno~ Pipeliner, Ino. and its other oontraotorr in the ooerttuotlonof it8 pipeliner? t. 18 thr lhergeno).Plp8llne8, Ino. llablo to thr Btate of T8xas for thb u8e tax Imposed upon motor rue1 seed upon the pub110 highway8 0r thir state le rehlolrr leame& by .the Dsf8e8e Plant cor- poration ae4 ored by the lmrgenor Plprllnsr, Ieo. urd thr Dotoe Plant Oorporstlon*roontnoton in thr ooertruotlon of rpoh ~l~rllerr? 31. Are the oontnotor8 llrblr to thr State of Toxas for thr ne.0tar lapore& upon motor rue1 u8e6 apoe the pabllo highway8 oi thlr Stat6 in tehioler lsaesb by them troa third persona and used la th8 oonrtruotlonot th8 plpslleer for the Defense Plant Corporation,whgre suoh oorporation relmbur888 suoh oontraotor8for rdntal8 pai& the owner8 of ruoh Tehlolrr? Roe. 000. H. Sheppard, Page 3 ne enswer your rlrat queetlon, no. The D~fOXiBOPlant Corporation was organized under Seetim BObb, Title 15 U. 8. 0. A. The purpore (am rtated In thr AOt) want "In oraer to aid tha aorernment or the Welt06 State.8ia it8 national det~ero progran . , .* 6eotioe 610 ex roaaly prortded that auoh Oorporetion should bo exempt from a P1 8eht8, Poe, storage, end purohaae terra impo88d by the United Hater, or by any state, County munio~pallty, or looel taring euthorlty. Real propert of ihe Corporation wan medo rubfeot to State, County, munloi 1, or looal taxation *to the 84m4 oxtent eooording to ite k clue am other net pro- perty In taxed,* A6iaO from this expre88 aongre88lonelexempting from taxation, we 6,reof the opinion that the Dersnee Plant Corporation would have the same 8xemption upon thr dootrine 0r implied DOUBtitUtiOU4l’l~U4~t~ of the Federal GoverrnWnt end it8 inetrumentelitlesfrom state taxation, )LoGulloohV. Caryland, 4 meet, 318, 4 U. 6. (L. Ed.) 679; 26 R.C.L. 95. The legal lnoiaenos of our motor fuel tar 18 upon the ultimate user or oonaumer or the motor fuel for the pro- pulsion of motor vehiOl88 upon the highway8 or the state ot Texae, end not upon the seller or vendor of motor fuel: Art- lole 7065b-z(e)v. A. c. s. seotlon e(a) protlaee: "Ko tax Oha11 bs lmpoeeb upon the mati, use, or dirtribution or any motor luel, the 1lEpO81S@or whloh would oonetitu *an UIllEW- q ahd whioh tul burden on interstate oomneroe 18 not rubjzot to be taxrd under the Cm- tution of th 5% t f Texas and the Unltsa ~teteBl' (~;h:8f8°0Ur8). fn Faders1 Land Be& Of Sifti&:'t?;ll v. Binmark Lumber co., 314 u. S. 95, fj6 L. Ea. 65, tbs court eala: "The Federal GoVerW&f le oiie:i3delegated powers, end from that lt neoerearily fOllOW8 that any oon8tftuti0nalererol8e or Its delegated power8 564 XOn. 0.0. I?. shoppmd, PIgO (1 18 (OVeFll@4Bt41 , . . . It 4180 iO11OwB thd rh8a C)04n00 ooa8tltutloMlly orrat I oor- oration throa& whloh tha Fodrral Gmornmoat L stulll 8Ot8, the rOtiVitl.8 Of 8uOh OOrpOrr- tioa era ~orrrrrmtal~ . . .* And La Pittma v. Uoma Owner8~Loan Corporatloe 308 0. 9. r1 84 t. u. 11, 60 S. ct. 15, lE4 A. L. R. lE&, the Court uidr “COMOB b48 XbOt the porot to or~ato 2 l oorpora loa to h8Ui thr poriozaaaor OS ~otwamatel funotioaa,but bra the owor to pro- teet the operebtonr Ohua validly aat Iierird. ‘A pwar to onrtr~lnplie8 l p o wer to ~iteBWV@.' Wcullooh r:xerPlead, rupn (4 sheet. p. 4~4,4 Lans. Ch. M
. Thla power to promerr aeo~aaar- 11~ ecuaa d hln thr range of thr lx p r er r pow0 OOBfO~Oup d oO nOly r 88s t0aakr lU 14W8,wbieh ahall he aw*rrry ead promr ror orrrylag lnb lxmoutioa all pawn rented br the Conrtltutloe la thr Oorarnaeat or the United Staten. aonet. Art. 1 8.8. 8 In thr exrrolw OS thlr powor 40 protroi ihi iawfal lotlrltler of lta Con@‘888 h48 th8 pt%Mr to "protidr iOr the OodvDoD bsfWU0 . . . di tha vBit.6 StatW.* COllBt, hart. 1, 8.0. 8, It in lubaitt~d that thla tunotloe $a~gownmoatal. The Fed- ora1 GOVlrnDsPt hAb OhO84n t0 $WiOm thlr fUBOtiO;B&i ;;;Bt prrtlellf through the miO?IB~ Plant CW'pOrEtiWh w pOrtlOB 8lOtiViti@B WBt b0 r4gBrdOd 44 ~OTOPtWBt8l, tad antitbd to i&iUBity rr0t8 8teta texatloa. to tax 11 duo upon 4 8414 0r motor rba to the Derrnrr Flant Gorporetlon. The purohedsr Of mOtW fuel by thr tarr~r~oy Plprllner,Ieo. 18 ln 108 oepeolt 88 agoat tar thr mr0tt8s Plant C.orporetloa.Thr notor r401 I:8 4oturllP pi6 *- tw red ir thr property ottb Detinro Plant Corporation, Ph. trot thet it allow thir 6arollnr to bo ared la lamed rrhlolrr upon the hhhuayo ot the Stat, ot T~xar by tb zBor&onoy P1Qa1ixlb8, III@,and 1tr other Qontt~Otor$ La th Wnrtrrletion ot thrro ~lpoliaw doer not a&e it liable tar the a80 tax brorurr It lr rtlll dleahrrgl~ ltr Federal flln0t10na. He mawe* your seoond qwiotlon, no. sin00 tb was trrrgrnor klpelinrr, 1s rotlng 41 an went Ino. tor the DOten@@ Plrnt OOrporation all of it0 ln oporatlonr,u* are d the oplnlon that it ir sot llablr for tbr uno tar impor. tymgloc turl ared upon the gubllo highmy in the Gtatr Thb motor ,turl b&a-s to the Detonsr Corporation. It l\lrr&h.r tha llmergonoy Fiprlirer Ino. utd lta other oon- traotorr with motor rohlolrr tar 08. in the oonrtruotlon or it0 plp4llnrr. Glnor the uoa of ruah notor trht8ler br such ooatraotorr 18 tar th0 8olr benoift or the XhiWm 'Flat Corporotioa, *hiOh ir rxproo8ly ereapted from the payuent of mctor Sue1 tams, and lr ongaged in tha alecharge 0r a frdrml tuDotlon, wb do not think that cuoh oontraotorr or0 liable tor the use tax. PIaare unable to a8ver pur third quertion bsosum we do not bavr rutfloicmttaotn upc%i uh~lohto base our opinion. It the leoturice1 lr rup lha shoes@oontractorr by the Duiwirr Flaarrt Oar oration unbar !. to ocmtraot, rnd no title to ruoh P lwr mo tc a rtuur vortr in thorr oontraotorb,tha we oan not 100 how the ooMzactora mad be limblo tar the payment of the motor ia*1 ta1. Cm thr otbsr head it therm oonthotorr twoharm tho rotor tuel and t16e it upon td hi#l!wrrret TBma Ia rrhlolrr leaad from thir4 breonr then va boltire that uoh oontrao- tore would bo lirblr tar Ihr motor iwlr tar rr6wilrre o? whothor they two rolmbunod to? the rantalr paid for thsrr Trhloler or sot. PI ~111 be s$@d to &ire 7'00 l ROW detinitc, u11)u.r to thlr qurstion if you ail1 rupply II@IPOM trots). Truding that the rbore fully anawl~r8your :uotttlans, we are Your8 tory truly