OFFICE OF THE f.TI’ORNEY GENERAL OF TRX.- AUSTIN 'Zenorable Gee. H. ShepplZ'd fJomptroller of Publl.0 Aooouuta Austin,Texas 'bearXr. 3heppa-lt Opinionx0. e-5317 Tou request the winion or thla departmenton the 'following questic+nst & isSue awarrent in payment or the Legislaturewho Is 0 Oomtitutlon sf Sootion 04ntiinS oertainexoep Tit44 ma$erialto thie disaussion. The plaoe ef member of the Legialat 17 an bffioe 4i boner, truat and rmoftt und4r Hennonble G44. Ii.l%h4plm?d- p~go 2 & person holding a positien of “Field Werker" in the Dspartment of Pub110 Uelfape la fan "appelntee". (844 enr Opb.iea X0. O-2&7). Thher4f4r4, ,seoti4n33 pro- Mbltr 4u frea.dro?inga vrnwnt~upda the treasury :t4 pay t~h4 salary es a "Piold Workera, who heldr, for th4 period fer whioh thb.salary is 014isledto be due, the 4ffi.44 of Mglsl&or. (see Oplniot~ of the Attornay General, 1912-19n,,~. 873). Y4ur a40+id que8ti4n ie aeye gen4ra1, and wiii re- oelv4 a gen4ral answer. .It the plaoe in the F4d4ral ditil Servlae is an *4rffaea; then, upen aoeept;ingand quallr;ringtherefor the Bomber 4f the Legl8iatum tiFl1lutoautioallyforfeit and raoat4 his 4fti04,aa~.n14mbezr4f tha 'Iferss LegLslatur4, ep- f4me of th4 prm-lsieus ef th& Bou6tNAtlelr,&rti414.1., % (lootleo12.'.It the~.plaooin.th4.FodeyIIciril Serrioe ia n4 t ln.?4ffi,a4u%ut.a ,``'poeition"~:of'.~4ner, trwt or pretit", then,.under-Seoti~ 33#.the.memb4r of-the Legislature oeuld sot buoempenaated;as~a\ if, oper~$he'pexGd fer whl.oho~lp- peuaatloti aa 8 memb4r of the.Le@O.atu3?e,varolalmd, ha alre h4ld.the:plao4In-th4 F#eraL Q$til Bervioe. ,Sinae maobern.4f the.Le&lalatum are..@+id.per diam lhly for the day'9during vhioh~th4.,&.3gislat!jr4 is.iu seasidn' the 1~iePlb0r of th4.Legirlature:would.not prejudloe hla``rl.@&te 04m- .Denaatlena.(~ suahi:~f.he.heldth4 poa$tlon in the:F4dsral QIdl dervtocr'ealy:duriag pez&di'lu irhtohthe Lbgialatum Va8 not in seasi@&;::544tlon 33.deprl%65 the l rfiaer, lgsnt 4r a3bpointee.4fthe$right to b4 04mp4mfst4dKjth respeot 4ulP %4 the period duA.n&whloh he.hoLds another errioe w P4aLtL4n 4f h4aers trust *r:pref%t. : AttorrmyOenera?