596 OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN rion0ri~bl.e c. i’. iockh..rt, Ch.3Irwaa b0im-l of Ineurwcc Co .dcsionars hustin, Texan hla d*pattmcnt ) in yo ( prennts tha qusetionor wbethu ppmprlation8 to the 6xdnlng Did n0* cc4AAlmrloner# iOAm bill, mob item bring amount naaessary to dofray Oal year 9UdiAg hU$Uat 31, 0 are to assume that the tained i8 85rrioi~ti.f on8 thereworn aa well BE our rsquelrt. 0r 8. 8. sea, Fortp8erenth llB9 of the @nerd and and relate to the queatioa oonridered: “2iiXWT~N,iNCE ?:SlDIQI42C%l,L,~?i$OUS lor tha yearr Ending August 31, August 31, 1948 1943 “Ifor the purpx%~ of puping the foregoing 597 extsonination expense and eu0h addItiona OX su?plem+ntal e~$etwO a0 la MO*OOarY lAOld*At t0 t&e ersle&nat.Ion work, and for the ?aYxIentof the oaltrriee and expensea of a~j addItl0Aal 6MIpIAer8, ateno``&phsrs, alerka and awh help aa ia AeooNary in tim a&n~AiOtrcltiOA Of th0 0X05iAiAlJ div151OA (provided any additional 6mplOyWO I?QrfOXtiningaimi- 1~ ark to the poaltfan designated hereinabove 0hal.l mt reoeire a greater aum or 0omponaatIon than that hereio provided), and for def’raring all other lxpmaea neoeaaary for the admlniatratlon ot the pr~vialona of Chapter 15g of the QenerAl Lawa of the Regular kieaafoA of tlm 43nd tigialatAr8 and Chapter litiof the General Law of the Regular &a- aion of the 44th Iagialature md an7 an6 all aaend- mento thereto, and aa amand& by Senate Bill 399, iota of the iiekgular 8eaaIoa OS the 46th Legialet~re, 1939, there la heraby appropriated all fma sod Aa- aeaamnta aalleated uAder authority of aald Wash- ing Law, auoh portion of the ieea oollooted w&da Artlale 39160, Aota 1939, 46th Leglrlature, S. 3. 404, aa may be tranaiarred by the Life Inaumnoe Oomia- aloner together with any baleaaoa at tha end of a preoeding fiawl year, for e&oh OS tha iiaoal yeara lnQin(l ktquat 31, 1948, and August 31, 1943. The head of the departmnt aball aako appllaatloon to tho 3oard o? Control and reaeive Its approval in writing before employeea, other than thooe itoafs& inth eappropriationb ill, are lm g a o yed. ada a p pllaatlon shall aet out the re&ona, and naoeaaity Sor the craployaent oi the additlanal employeea.* Looking to’the foregoing proviaIo~, it lppaara that the Leglalature expressly euthorimd the lrploymnt of additional exaaiaera to the number ior whlah opoolfle appro- prlatlona were made in the bill, provided auoh help uaa neoea- aory in the adminIatratIon of the lxaAlAati0na eondusted by the g~i~ti~ing Di~i810~. Only la 00 IneOtfoA with tba cap&y- ment o? addttlonal exaaIner8, we think, aaba by epplfoatlon to the Board of Control; with Ita approval IA wrItlAg, 16 it neoeoaary to aonaider p&ptOAtO iron the funa over and ab0ve each acmaal $45O.O0 appmpristsd IA Item 64 ior the bIoanI0A cmding August 31, 1943. 598 Bonorable 0. 3. &*khert, pee* 8 Article 46900, Y6lTiOtl'8 &motat*tl Clrll Statuts8, 8peoifiooll~ requlre8 laah oxamlainer and assistant examiner before entering upon the dutie8 oi hi8 office to %nter into a bond payable to thg State to be approve6 by the Couniseloner and dopo*lted in the Ofrlae or the State I;omptroller. We know OS 110 oth6r ln8urance or bOWi Qr&U;U for whioh the appropria- t&m8 under Item b4 are made other than for thoe8 bon48 r8- quire4 oi the exadner8 and their a8elrrtantr authoriwd rrad8r Article 4690b, Y. k. C. 8.. fo rwh io 8puYla h lpproprlatlona to pay ralerle8 are made in the bill. Thl8 Item appear8 to be 8~ expense, preriotmlf born8 by the oxamlnerrbut in the 19411- 1943 8ppropriatlon blll, expres8ly allowed a8 an or&~188 of th8 ofiloe. When oonstrued with the 8p%olfle appropriation8 ma&e by th8 47th Iaglslature to the lruninlng Dl~lrlon, the 8bov8 quoted rlder provlrion lxpre**l~ authorlur Itu 64 to k mpplwaented a8 an ~8xps~8 of an7 sddltional ourlnar a8 are neoa88ary in the a4aliWtretlon of the ExamliniqgDfvl- *i&n. It la thelufore the Qpini011Of thi8 dOpr&Wit that Item 64 or the 8pproprlation8, 8.'B. 48s. 49th Le6lrla- tare, mad8 to the Board of Izwranae Commlrrloner8 may ba luppl*wnt*d out of th8 to** and a8808sment8approprlakd to 8uoh Divlalon to pay ln8uranooen6 bend pr8mleu of lwh 8Qdltio na l lxamlnor8 8utlwrilced to be 8mploy86 a8 an sxp*n** aeceaecrryIn the admlnletratlono? the Jxamlnln6 Dlvl*lon. Tour8 very truly, t