Hoh6rable Ed Guhn Dls'trlctAttorney Cameron, Texas Dear Mr. Gunn: Opinion No. O-5314 Re: Would a duly elected State or county official be excluded from~serving as a member of an advisory board for registrahts: Said official rendering such services without compensation. We have given careful consideration to the question propounded to us in your letter of May 14, 1943,,which reads as follows: ."woulaa duly elected State or county offi- cial be excluded from serving as a member of an advisory board for registrants; said official rendering such services without compensation." As we understand the duties of "a member of an aavi- sory board for registrants'!he does not hold a position of honor, trust or profit under this State or the United States within the contemplation of Section 33 of Article 16 or Sec- tion 12, Article 16 of the State Constitution. As we understand the duties of "a member of an advi- sory board for registrants" are simply to assist the regis- trants in finding out what are theirrespective duties end advise them how to comply with the various orders promulgated by those in authority during the war. His acts and advice are not binding upon anyone. He receives no pay therefor and aswe understand, he acts purely In an advisory capacity, and as a courtesy to the registrants who request his assistance. The registrants are free to accept his advice or not as they see fit. Per your request we enclose a copy of our Opinion Nor O-4542. , I Eon. Ed Gum, page 2 O-5314 Yours very truly ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS -. ..~ By s/George W. Bisrcus George W. Baficus Assistant APPROVED JULY 2, 1943 s/titi. J. Fanning (Aetlng) ATTORNEY GENEUL OF TEXAS Approved Opinion Commiti& By s/BWB Chairman