DocketNumber: O-5282
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
417 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. ho. H. Sheppard Oomptrollar OS Publlo Aooountr butin, Tour Doar Hr. Shoppudr ho Ukitod State@. PUW~* 1 or 800 Sqmrlon, 48th Log atutrr luthoriring the roportr oi the Vnitod trumentalit~o8.~ f suoh Hot180 Bill road8 &I )pUblio Property. o ?lquipunt o wa olxolu6itol.f d br f alto-8 State8 or any ot it8&oat8 or fnrtrumentd.itlo8, without rogard to tho -or or tho affix&ion of ruoh tixturra, maohlnrry, or oqulpmont to tho lan(l or building upon - HOE. 000. H. Shoppard, Q-O 2 or in whloh muoh proportf is loomtmd, until muoh time mm t&o Oongromm of the United States shall lxprommly authorlao tho taxation or mumh ilxturom, mmohlnory, or lqulpmmnt. llotwithstandlng any other prorlmlonm or law, for the purpose oi tuation, the term ‘Boa1 Proportr' am applied to propsrtg o wned lxolumltoly br the Unltmd Stator or a.w or Its h&ontm or fnmtru- nontmlItlem shall not lnoludo a4 flxturom, nmhIne4, o r lqulpment without regard to tho manner oi tho lf- fixation of muoh fixtures, mmohlnmly, or lquimont to ;~ol&y;;fwbulldlng upon or lo whlmh muoh #rmpmr%f Wr bollovo t&rt the lbaro paragraph o-68 omr premont mtatuto in at lust two pmrtloulmrmr (1) At prosent, mll prmporty ounod oxolo- mlrely br the United States 18 ere!sQtedfraa taxatloa br Saotlon 4 or Arti 7150. Tho first pmrt of Paragraph 1 lxmmptm all property bolonglng oxolumltely to the United States, proridod that muoh l xomptlon from taxmtlon shall not inmludo a4 real property mubjeot to taxation undo? l4 Fodoral Statutom lpplloablo thereto. ObvIouml~, thlm is mn lttupt to take mdvantago of the Fedora1 Qtmtutom, whlmh muthorlmo mtatms to tu qoal property* of lg e no lw and InmtrumentmlltIes of the United Stabs. It rmmmvom an mpparont oonrllot botwemn those Fodoral Statutmm and tho lxlmtlng State Lnr; hmwerer, It 1s bellmYod thmt mlnoo tho promont lxomptlon Is for the bonetiP of tho United Statmm, and It ham wmlred muoh mxemptku8 thm “roal property* oi mumhagonolem and lnmtruaentallt~em 1s now taxmblo undu thr lxlsting State Laws. (2) Agenolem mnd lnmtruaentalItlom of tho Fmltrd St&tom hato tho memo laplied oonmtitutlonal Immunity rrrivi tmxmtloa am the Fedora1 Oororammnt itmolf, but tho lmttor part of Paragraph1 of this Amt ummptm *anontm or lnmtru- mentalltlmm~ot the Ilnltod States. Slnoo indlrldualm mnd private oorporatlonm omn br amamntmaof thm United Statmm, wo bolloro that this oroatom an exemption of mn OntlrelT BOW 01~8 mnd one mot oontomplmtmd either by State or Fodoral L&W. It 18 oonoolrablothat this would work an lrropuablo InJury to the taring power or tho state or Texas, lnamauoh am &m4 lndlvldualm and private wrpomtions aro IWW aoting am mgontm of the UAit@d States and mumh aot rould grmmt thea oortaia exomptlonm from taxation. - Hon. 000. B. Shopper&, peg0 3 In rlmw of the fast that most Fo4oral Statutom luthorlalng at&to tmxmtlon et ma1 prmportr of tho lgommlmmamd lnmtru8emtmlItlem of the Unitmd Matom do not dofino *roti proportyn, wo bollrrr that ma&h tom lro to bo Intor rotoa am a t lomn law. ml0 oommda law portalal- to f Pxturmm la that uohlnory a nd lqulmnt, whloh 1s porumontly lfflxod to tho rral omtato In muoh wuumr am to manitomt am lntmntlom that It mhall bomou a part thoroof Is taxmblo am Vu1 property”. Wo rompmot- full7 submit t&at tho lb o toparagraph oi 8-h Aot doom mot take full ldnntago of tho Fodoral Statutom whoro Qoagrmmm ham omnmomttitm an& authorlao& tho mtatom to tu roil yowo;;t or tho agaolom and lnmtrumontalItIom of tho L ltu, booaumo It Is bmllovmd that at prmmoat rlxturom, rmhlnorf and lqulpleat aro Inmlmdod in and oontomplatod br the torn Veal proportp and the latter l part of this paragraph oroatom am xaption whoro neao e lximtod bororo. wo are of tho opinion that if tho umiibrc moored portion of muoh pamgraph 1 lm rotelm4 and tho lattor part ngt uudonoormd Is dolotod, this will r-to thm mtimtlng apparont oonfllot botwooa tho promont St&to and Fodmril lawm and lmoorpllmh the purpose of tho Bill am met out in the murgono7 mlaumo. Tours vmrytrulJ ATToNwEToBwBBAL OF TEILB TBD:AuD[