DocketNumber: O-5269
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Konorable Gsorgs H. Sheppard Comptroller of Pub110 Aoaounte Austin, Texas Dear Sir; ould and eriif re- 010 Your letter requesting an opln- ion OS this depart3 . His 0888 released :tram e -date was aorumotion with the re- and his habeas oorpua prooead- in a letter addressed to thin 6 by San Uleveland, Distrlot AVilb, Tsxacas, rhioh letter Is ohn Ednaadson, Sheriff of Palo Pinto Oounty, presented hle olaim ror mileage in retnm- Rayburn from Harris County to Palo Pinto County th ‘Y a department refused payaent of aafao on the ground that ths bondsmen wers liable for thst fss. Hr. Cleveland alaim that thla department is In error in that partioular and alaim that the bondd- men were dlsoharged when R@NWA was arreeted in fiarri 8 County, Honorable George R. Sheppard, Page 2 “I will thank you to advise whether or not the Stat. should pay the mileage and sxponae ao- oouut OS the Sherifr or Palo Pinto County ror re- turning faok Rayburn to Palo Pinto County under the faota stated in this letter and ths attached letter from the Distriot Attorney at Stephenvillo, Texan.” The letter of the Distrfot Attorney of 3tephentillo, addreesbd to your department and referred to in your request, after omitting the argumentative portion, reada as followe! 7011 have reoeatly had for oontdderation the aooount of the sheriff of Palo Pinto County in whioh a afd aooount them war an itea relative to wnreylng Jaok Rayburn from Harris County to Palo Pint.0 county. &burn was indioted in 1932, oonvioted ln 1937, his ease was appealed and thereafter af- flrmedl and upon the mandate being r&mmed by the Court. of Criminal Appeals he waia subjeot to arrest and delivery ta the penitentiary author- ities. l . . “Rayburn uas resently looated in Earrlr County, end was arrested upon the not ioe whloh had been plaoed in the hands of all ofiioers early in 1938 after his ease was afftirmed, After his reoent ar- rest he waa oonflned in jail in Harris County, the prison authorities were notified, and they were ready and willlng to piok him up iA Harris County and oonvep him to the prleon at Riuntsville. . . 4 ‘0~ the other hand Rayburn at this stage, had the right to have his 088% reviewed oa his appli- oation for a writ of habeas oorpue, whioh he filed in Efarrin COMty. l . l -Upon the ifling of his # cation in Barris County the WUWJ wae heard by t 8w:t who deter- Pined that Surisdiotlon was la 0 Pinto count itf$$#g&th” oasg transferred there. for fi Aai . . . 359 Honorable George R. Sheppard, m* 3 The sort ulain(( oat of t&e retural~ of Jaok Ray- burn to Palo PiAt0 Ooplrty imr Harris CountJ was due to the faot that the eaid Raybura had filed his applloation for a s writ of habeas oorpue in Earrle Uouat;l led t& OIPSS was transferred to Palo Pinto Oouaty. El8 ruaoval w&e IndopeAd- Mt and had AO oonneotion whatsoever with the main oaee uAdar whioh he was eonrioted or with the mAdate of the Court of Criminal Appeals, but his treaefer arose eolely out of t&e habeas oorpw proceeding. Artlole 1W Oode of OrImiAal Proooduro, Ohapber 7, Title 3, reads as f&u81 9lha the return of the uril, hne boa mde and the applioaat brought before the oourt, he 1s no longer dotaflwd oa the original rimrant or pro- 8888, bat under the rtlthorlty o? the ktabew 6orpw. The lafekeep of the prisoner, pendl~ the emsi- Antion or hea2 ne is entirely tmder the direotioa and authority of the judge or oourt leanly the writ, or to whloh thr return is mado. Ho nay be bailed from dey to day, or bo nntandod Co t&o same jail whence he oam, or to Amy other plae8 of lafe keeping under the oontrol of the JW4ge or eorut, till the eaee is fixmlly determined.” A habeas oorpue prooeeding Is a prooeedlAg tbt 18 IndepertdeAt o? the originll oauee and the ooete a?181 lnourring out or euoh a preoeedlag ehould not be oonri “g ered Or as oorte of the rain oarsa Thi8 olnt is browht out in the oa6e of YoCoraiok t. Sheppard, 128 Tex. 29
, b6 S. I. (24) Uj, in whioh t&o oerrt stated as follower A writ or habeas oorpw lies when a pereo``i~ ~etralaed ef his liberty reg6rdleer of the offense oharged. A Jmbeae oorpue proeeadiag I8 Independent or thr offsA oharged, . . , we think that prooeediaga for write of habeae oorpw are to be regarded a8 IA a epeoial 0111811, and the ooete lnoldent thereto ale not to be rogarded as ooate in the maln ease. mo date r0r various rea- eons 18 peouliarlr 1ntereated in proteotfag the liberty of the individual. In muq inetanoee the leeuanoe of the writ 18 oaloulated to lvllen the 6tate or ooonty fro8 large rxpmm*. There ir theta- fore ample ooaslderatlon to authorlse the payment or the fee by the state, . . .” Slaae the offiooro of Pale PInto Uouatr aro 00~ Pellootod on R fee baolo, otld tho eount~ havlly o popalatloa of 18 458 aooording to the lad 0OnOUO, Arti low, Cod0 or Or Linti Proo8dar0, Chaptor 2, Title 15, 10 the proper artfolo to aonoldorin dotormin.lkq tha roei 0r its ohorirf and aonotable. This artiole, in part, protldoo: ”. . . . % ?or attod a prleoaer on habeas eorpuo, for eaoh day four together with mIloa&o as provided in oubdl+loloa3, uWm ram7 ouah plooner out or tho oorutty OBdor an ord*r 7 osued by a dlotrlat or rppellatr judge.* 8Pbdltiolon 5 roforrad Co ln Seatioa 8 oi MI- ale 1030, oapra, roads in part am tollowor . protldod, that La oountiro that km a pOpUlOk~O'Oi 1000 thu forty thOUOalid inhobitanto, as ahowa by the preobdiryl Podaral oanouo, the rol- lowing roe0 shall apply8 For raoh Irile thm 0rri0er may be oompellod to travel in lr eeuting arlainal pmoeoo, owaonlq or attaahlng wltaeeoeso, ton aento~ provided,that ia no aaoe oh0l1 h0 be al- lowed to doplloatr his raileage whan.two or mom witn00000 ar0 named in the oa58 or dirrermi writs in any 0880 emd ho oh0l1 lorvo proaoso 08 thOm in the same tlolnltg or neighborhood, duriql6 %a ~saao trip, ho shall not ohargo a&lea60 for soning oaoh witness to ad tror th0 oouaty Oeat, but shall oalr ohargs one aileago, and ror suah additioml miles oalr as aro aotuallJ and noa~osarll~ tra+c4ad In ounaanlng or attaching eaoh additional wltneeo. Whan prooeos lo sent by mall to any offloor away tror the oountr seat or returned br mail br suoh orricer, he ohall only bo allmod to ohargolairoa6. ror the miloo aatually traveled by hti In rxaoutlng 0~0h pr0000o, atid th0 roturn 0r th0 0rri00r ohall show the ohamotor of the oaniee and the tiles aotuo.llT tnralbd ln laoordaaao with this oubdiri- olon; and his looeunto shall show the iaato.’ When th0 oOU?t Oi &rriO OOUfbtJtrUOfOrd the oaoe to Palo Pinto County, it bweur the Oourt’o duty to 363. Honorable George H. Sheppard, Paso 5 deliver thadoreadeat to the sheriff or that oogitl, The lhmrifi of Palo Pinto Oountr nent to Harris Count7 took Jaok Rayburn into auotody and transported him to Polo P&o County. It is thorstore the opinion or this department that thn lherlfi or Pclo Pinto County, tier the raoto stated, lo mtitled to ree0 rmm the state ror his aeniooo in rrtwning Jaok Rarbburn from Rarrio County to Palo Pinto County as pro- vlded IE Artiale 1030, oupr8, Yours tery truly