DocketNumber: O-5268
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
’ I.:? OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS iI I AUSTIN j46 Tex. 651 , 664, 66 Am. Rep. 666, aa fol- lowat w*lat. Baa there be8n a real or conetruotite annera- tlcn of the artiols in queetlon to the realty? *‘2d. BDaathere a iitnesa or adaptation of suah artiole to the uses or purposes of the realty with whlah it 1.3 aonneotea? l'6d. mether or not it wea the intentLon of the party msk-int, the annexation that the chattel should beoome~a"permanant aocasaion to the rreaholdT-thlr intantion bedng inrerable from the nature of the utlole, the relation and situatlan of the parties interested, the polioy of thalaw in respaat thereto, the mode of annesatlon, and purpose or use for whloh the annexatian 18 ride. **And of these three testa, pre-eminence Is to be given to the questfon of intention to make the artiole a permanent aaceasion to the rreehold, while the other8 are ohfeily of value as evldenoo as to this intention.1 *mile appellant contends that the orip,inel leeee- hold in guestion here from V:. T. Zaggoner to Barkley lb keadows provided that the oe&ng, roda, tubing, tanks, eta., may be renovad by the lessee irom the leasehold, we find only a small part of said lease In the reoord in this case and such a provlafon, ii made, was not contained in that part of the leesehold in the reoord. 355 r However, it stands to reason that the intention of the partiee to the original lease sontreet wmld be to place the oaeing,rods, tubing and evsn the pump6 and tanks on suoh a leasehold tor temporary use only with the full intention of removing the% onto other leases ii desired, and certainly in oaseproduotlon beoame unprofitable es was the ease with the leasehold iA queI3tiOn. The applloable rules are also stated in 86 0, J. 3. 89%. aa roilore I . Prdinarily the courts hold that Gor an arti& ;o beoams a tlrture thare must anlte the rollon- ing requisites: (1) annexation to the realty or something appurtenant thareto; (a) adaptability or appliaation oi the ahattel airlxed to the use or purpoee to whioh the realty is appropriatsd; and (3) the iatsntion or the party making ths aanexetfon to msJce a perrnaaent asoes- 810~ t4 the fr ehold.* lfhe requieit abeled “(I)* above is perhapa eaal4 eatleried. Aooorrliq \ to e t6ZnII ab the iAStraPl6At OOAvayiAg the right of way, the grant&s weeo to burr the pipe line Ln the ground below plow depth. Bequiolte "(2)" ia apparently uatlsriea ror the reason that the easement was aoqulred on4 for the purpoae Or maintaining a pips line, or possibly two pips lines, aorQa8 the lend in question. IA rsaent years mere and more weight has been gfrea to requisite v(3)*, until it is AOWregarded as the major test in determining whether ar not parsonal property has beaome a rixture. As stated in the ieregoing Texas deaisions, *And of these three tests, pre-eminence is to be given to the question of intention to make the'artlale a permanent aooession to ths freehold while the others ars chiefly of value as evidenoo a8 to this iAtaAtiQA.* Hon. Fred Erieman, page 9 The only eridenoe of the intention of' ths partiss with rsspeot to whethar or not they Intend ths pipe line In question to beomne a fixture is the above quoted exoerpt from thee oonrepine instrumant, where it is reoited that the grantee *may remove t?!e same (meaning the pipe line) in whole or in part at will,* Absent other and oontrolling svldanoe eatablloblng sn lntantion of the parties to make the pips line a fixture, we would be oonatrained to say that ths pips line is not a fixture but is personal property and tharsfore not subjest to being taxed as real property. In our opinion the pumping equipment Is a part or the realty. It Is losated on property owned In fse. by Ds- fsnse PlantAorporation. wa hare baon plaosd In poaaaa8ion of no fam whloh lndloate the pumping equlpmsnt was not .intendedby the parties ts become a part of' the realty. A number of deoieions support the propsaltion that pumping eqtiwnt beoomes a part of the realty when annbnd tJmreto. (See Blain Y. Corbin,51 Ga. App. 498, 180 S. E. e54; First State h 8aringa Bank T. Olirsr,101 Or. 49,198 P. 990~ Bell v. Bank of Perrle 58 Cal. Afir, (ad) 66, 185 P. (9d) 829; Rlnbrand well Dri&ing Co., ., t. L. h 3. Thsatres, Ino., 80 A. (ad) 35.8.)~ ,' We also are of the.oplnion that the buildings inquired about are taxable as real property. Although in the great majority of oases the burden of proof is upon one aseertlng that the olrou.matanoes of annexation of ger- sonalty to realty are such as to make the article a part of the realty, such is not the oase with buildings. Build- ings ars presumed to be a part of the realty. 36 Cf. J. 3. 1006-1008. Yours very truly GPB:AkW