., 340 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable 2. 2. Capa, Chalraan Guadalupe-Blanao Eiver Authority sa rignod by ths 3otarnor. 20 lory es thr po:pom o? bhr bill is to 3.sks a amar- sppropriotioa ior thr support of the Stats F,onrfiaant it la a &aorral spproprlstlon bill, and o:.:aas withjo thr sonstltutlooal axs@ption.a Srtrral admlnlstrstlan8 of this Urpwhant tollowrd thr ruling in tbs o>or6 opinion sad us think the aonolusloa rrsohed 1s sound. Thr oUSdCIlU~6-8iSSOO fiiTSr dUtbOrity 8618 OrWtOd UndOr thr ~ro~lslono of rnd to carry cut th6 rar;asss of Conotltutiori ~rtiC.16 1’1 :‘6CtlCB 59, (.stlt51933, &jrd irg., 1st c.:. PI 198, ch. as 3a6Iid.d by Acts 1935, Utb -~a., 1st c. T., p. 1615 oi?h &lo), and 1s I stats +-,orern6wntol 6qsney 8n4 pobll6 sntsrprieo. croartrd by ths Ls$islaturs for tha grnsrrl g.ovrromeatsl purpolrr of sfrsotastleg th,r objects of ths cocsrrvatlon sncnd8ent and 1%~ dlreeters .%ry ateta clfloerlr.l.uaar Colorado Rlvrr Autbozity I. Gfc~‘rqw(Sup.Ct.) @j S. ::.(2) 529 9 8800 River Coasarvatloa and Rsoltmtlon Msttiot T. YaOrsr, tsup. ct.) 91 E, @. (2) 465. Tha spproprlstlon ~lon undar ooasidrrstlon is for ths suppOr8 Of thr mtats govrrasunt and elosrly 0019~1 nit&in ths mlr nMW$ROld In the tomrt Oplnloc of t:iis drpartarot quoted 6bO78, 68 8 (SE+ 6rSl SpprOpriStbS S6t. In the sbssnos ot any prorlsion to the oontrsry suoh gaasral SpproFrlotion would boaoar sffrotlvs snd srsllsb1s at 0006. ?a Plnd no yrovlsioa to ths ar.nlrsry la tb.18 ?ot and thorr la no prorislon spsolfloall~ fixing or ettrmptlw to til, t3 parlcd or tlm within whloh thr lppropristioa tlius udr would be av*llsbls. ?hS 1aaguagr la euWLvlsioa a. aao1i'lrlJq 5hiob wy bs wltbdrarrrfroa tiaa WA tla6 on ramnat sl~nsd ' by the Zhalrsim of tha 3oard of Mrrotorr and tan Trmaiunr of thr said Cosbsl: pr-Dlsaoo iiivrr A\lrthorlty,* 1s tha lb so no o ,of othw suntrolling provlsioas o ? lrr, would laplr thnt thr 344 Holrarablr 3. % C49r - pae4 5. *asa wo o lrallnblr 8ttrr tEr rtf*stIrr data of the Xot. Artfelr 12 of tha Rsrirr4 Civil Statute4 1925, read4 Is part 40 tollorrr 'The fireal roar ai thr !&ste a&l1 tanln~xti 06 tba 3lat dar oi Aumr8 oi 4aob tear, an4 rppropria- tlonr of thr Gtste gevemsaat shall oolrom thontos l a **. A ~(anor41 ml4 with rotrnst4 to ltatatory con*trPction ',:,,'ms;d la larrla Brisk Co. 'I.bwklnr, 166 c.~. i31.Oa4 80 81 “lt has 1o.q brrl¶ settleb th4t partiowlar pro- tirloae may br ragsr4r4 a0 4:raotory 44rsly~ 8~ whloh ir urnt that they srt to br roA4Idar44 4a &iv%- dlrrolhm wklob oy;hb to br tollmrd, bat not LO 113itin$ thr power In reapllat to -hIoh ttu diraotlonr ara &Irtn thrrt It OenaOt b8 rfrr6tf5ally l%c t4 1 8rwithout d obo6rving theat. l'bat those dina- tioar rbiob are slot or tba 44BOAO4 0r t&i0 thL1ng to bo 4~01, but *hIzh tmra #Irur rlth a rlrr rrrly to the proper, oriarly, aa4 proapt r.ndaot of thr baal~0s4, and by failura to obry rilUcb th4 rI&tr ot tboar lAtrnrt4d nil1 not be pnjudi~ad, am r.i,~aa&co.aiy’tr, b8 r#gardrd as nan~rtory; and It ~thr oat la parforasd, bat net iA tins cr the preaisr 4084 ind~c3t~d, it 8ey still br rafftoiant, It th3t which I4 do n8 l4003p110b40 the aubataAtlal pnpoar or tha atatuto." AaId* t?w ally QO8ZtiOA or the praclar ,sraniPg Of =aoAraM* aa uaad In Artlolr 12, or tha ruthorlty of OAO lr,fialatun to lb&it the amm4r iA wtizh a aubr4guaAt lO&iOlOtUrO my 4XarOiOO it0 OOA- ~tltutiotul prrroerstlrt or srtfq a;proprl~tIona, ra 418 0r tha OplniOA tb3t 4816 86OtUtr i4 diraotorp CAly ~34 i8 not s:~.Ch a llaitation 4u would raqolra thct rrrry lpproprI4tIoa of the stata goraraarnt *aoaSort' rtrlotly to thr rlaaal joa? thrnla prorldrd. "a aamot 84crIbr to 6ho Ls~lrlatare thr ht4At by this 8datut4 *O r?OoridO thmt 4C$tOpfiOtiOAO Md4 iOl mriOd8 uhiab d0 AOt *4OA- t&@to thr flmml rozr ahall ba void. I4 to br abo4rrad that It tha statute 4044 not attupt to tlx tha lp:roprIrtIon parlodr, but :aly dlr4ot8 iA arreot tbst th4 IAgIalatur4 in a4kiAg 4ub 4aqIlaAt r``ro~rlatlonr 4houl4 fir thr pario ar wblob luoh lp - BFOprI4tiOA4 4r4 mY(4 t0 OOtiOFa to ttI4 riB44i J44r. Lfolvrrablr E. %. kVa - B4*a k ALI stat04 In your lrttor Wm pnmnt porItI.7n cl bha Aothority la that thr Aot did ooi be&~ llf~otlrr until 99 44~4 alhr July 3, 1941, I. l., October 2, 1941, Boartar tba rirv of thr Aathorlty ha8 apparently ohaagad ainoo tha lnarp- tloa of this approprI8tIon. Tha r*oor44 cf tha Ceaptro1lrr’a offiar rhdr that 08 Jon8 16, 1941 wa r r a a ta ia tha l;roumt ot )j64.76 wara Irmd ag8Iaat bhla lp :r OQr i4 tiO spa A014184 praaratrd by the Aotbority, the ob~ig4t~oAr horiry be8n tberr- totem Inoorrad, and hfon Qotobw 2, 1941 vmrranto ia th4 total astount or @1,497.51 w4r4 iraur4 tiador thlr l;:Bro~rl4tIon, at thr ln48aooo ot the Aatborlty. It in our cpinioa that th4 rpproprl4tioA to th4 Oua4rlu~4-~anoo RiPor authorit+ IA ki, 8. 81, 47th hg. be- ~e.aa aftaotir~ OA .;prll 15th, 19 L1 and tha iwaay ~8 lrallabla for lxFonditurr m that date, and thet mid lp p zo ~tIa tlo a taraIaata4 or~ax~lra6 tro yaara trm 0814 4rt0 by fore0 ot COA8titUtibQ Art1014 VIII rratloa 6. Your8 vary truly r ~0010t~nt