OFFICE OF THE A’lTORNEY GENERAL OF IMAS: AUSTlN Honorable Homer Garrison, Jr., Director De>artn;e& of Public EiaSety CampXabrg Dear Sir: hed photostatio uest Sor an rovides for the e by owners oi ttoo marks,and eotor OS this he County Clerk oa a osrtiiied copy e riled in the county ment is oonternplating using 033 of ocpffng the original e bottom part OS the original 1 be inasked out, and the rollowing certification will be shown: 1 I hereby oertify that the above Certifioate is a true photost;tio aopy OS the original certifloate, the above &&orabLe i’%mw’ Corrioon, 3r., Giawtor &%$:,a 2 t~ttoc, bxs been issued to this a&icLlnt, clnd Silod in the.oSfice OS the Bureau of Idemtifieatioo und Aeoords of thd Terss Ds~artaent of Fublio Safety, suetin, ‘~eras and 18 a pax-t of th8 permanent reoorde or aaid WraPu. 30``s iiarriron, Jr., Dfraator , Department OS 2:‘ubm .idtf 3y: Joe 8. Pldtaher, Chief Sumall or ldentlrication aQdEieoords’ “The eignatum or the person oertifyinp; to the oertifiodte will be a photostirtio co;y. wii r45gmruuy request your opinion If the phqto5tittiie cogp a parnon’s oignature to B aer- of tifiarrte is lc&aL, or must the be ei6m3 by the individual aanua&ly. . “Vie are atCaching hereto a photoete:ia oopg OS the above certifioation aad fiignfitura.” *It s:~ll bs the duty of ,tbe Elreotor to forward to the County Clerk oS the applicant’s reaidenae a oierciffdd 007~ of said ragietratiozi to be iilsd 15 the County Clork’8 ofrios OS osld County in a rsgulur book Sor tazt purgoee, the filing feee to be paid by the parson eo registering said tattoo mark and Paid Sillng Pee ofl~ll not rrosad t&a ours OS lWmty-five Centa." You athte that you are aoutemplutfng ualng a C;~2otoetstio yroaes4 0s co2ylng the origlaal up~lioation but that tba bottom part will be Assked out. 'L4 ura not i ‘\ Eonorabls Homer Garrison Jr., Director Pago 3 rurnished e cogy OS this a ~lloation, and are not certain thcrt wa undaratad your propoes P, however, w% do not believe that ;;;i;;uld be Justified in i;hotostablng a portion OS auoh tlppli- l ‘20 be,lieir t&t the above quoted motion of mmte #ill 62 requires the Sillng with the County Clerlt of a true 004 aorreot aopy of the whole q?2llaatioo for registration. 30 &r% Surthor of the opinion that such ssotloa requires the certificate to bear the aigorrturs OS th9 yeraon mklng t&s oertlffootlon d that the jd%otostrrtla ltgnatum will bo ln8uffiolenc for such pwpoae. LA:ncd