3.69 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN EioaorrbLa A. T. rrlwle Colan~Attorney eiillockfunty Goldthvalt~, I.70 171 *ma. II, mat ou and after the paaui;sof th&a Aat the COmty 5``4 of sohool Tmatc~a In %=Fard 9t Tmaatooa of the dttriot to uhioh & to&L to bedded, the to,untyBoardor Tnutnr 8 pass LIPardor trmafurrlr~ the sold territory and roddintag tha bound8rier of cirrr dia- triak lffM fied bg mid tranrfer, t&u8said order to ba maoHod in the Hlnutm of %a County I3om-d oi Truntna. P r o vM ed no loho-oldicltriet th a t hall bm roduoodtc m aru of loa, than nino aquaresallaa." Thana two Aotamlupaaudby the S.#g%&aturert#m w aoaaioq and it has been bid by cur Supmae Court tart wh a mewn loitoolbtrtrtots uy oonosred, ruoh provision6 malotbo oonotrued to~ebw. 8oa CrtuntySohool lPruatea8& me Cow% at al. v+ Diatrlat Trustems of Pra%rla Wirs cow UreS&OOl 3s i trlot No. 8, 168 Sa wr (aa) 4%; board or Mhool County i. Ball&c Cwmon Sob001 Matrlcrt No. 'It 18 ruaarswnkl Utrt tba oomty trusterr aL'on9 county cannot a&m0 srb&a * distriat cmi- pond OS terrltery iog in two aotmtier; end ~8 a praotloal awttw s1 would Mllw that wham a oounty line aonaolldatedkndqmdant rehooldh- triot baa bo~ arerkd by the joint &ation of both oouatlse, it nwsaauily foUow* tht ti*t dlatriat aannot be abolish& or a&m& emapt b y tb 00na eR a i tth io a wnty loklQQltVuMwl or oaeh aounty tuv1q.gtwrltwy eontalw* theruin. 0 9 *" 174