OFFICE OF THE A?TORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN iionorable Kofatr Garrison, Jr., Direotor TeWJe;nDepartmant of Public iiafety # Teaat Dear Sir: 0plnion lo. o-s You inquire in your with rrferenoe to Senate Legiulaturer attoo mark- ls*O931* to be he right ear oi gurea to be tattooed hoa8 --would he have to ration fee6? The point o olear up Is, does the on the mind'8 body oon- too brand, even though,thC s identical? ta should register tha mme tattoo fteroat loaatloar on the aninl*a body aatitute two separate tattoos? As an i owner A used the lnftials ‘58’ to tattoo n the left ear, und owner B. u#cU the lnftiala 'J9' to tattoo his sheep in the right ear, would this be aonstrued as two different. and dlstinot tattoo branda?" -nata Bill 62 provlilse that the owaer ol any livestook in this state my III&B applloetion to the DeparGmnt of 2ubi.h Liar&y for the registration of tattoo mark6 to be used upon suah &took, and speoifically provides that they 11 lioaorabls Iioaer Garrison Jr., Page I! "shall name the plaoo or pert or the animal upon whioh the tattoo mark Is to bs plaosd." 86otion 6 0r the kot provides ror the payment 0r a fee of five dollars for seoh applloatloa filed. #is held in Opinion O-1114, oonstrulng artiols 6899d V. A. C. Y. that two person8 could bars ths sass brand by plaoine suoh brsnd at dlfrsrsnt parts of the snIabal*s body. Suoh opinion amwsxa your second pusrtlon and we enoLo8~1a cropy tha3or ror your guidaanos. It Is our opinion that a person nay rsc;Istsr brands or the sams dsoign for use on two or &ore animals, ouoh brads bring applisd to a dlffsrent part of,ths snbal*s body, but that each will oonstltuta a separate brand requiring esparats applioatlona and a riling See of flvs dollsrs tor each applloatlon. Yours rsry truly, IN strong