OkFICE OF THE Al7ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS . AUSTIN ‘. . “XATIONA&BISWIT COLiI”~ WY’ 0. Pi Xontgomorg Vi00 Pro5.law.lt . . ‘. "ATT@Si t t vc* PI Dlios 1 V80crotcu*y,a Of course,. any gnymdnt by you to any ono dthar than the pay00 name4 In tho wilrrnn$ nould,bb at your peril. Althou$h not o ncgcitinblo instrunont, tha nnr- kid,, novcrtholoss, szy bo transforrod by anslggmont of tho payoo; or t.ho ~iamomay be paid to nnothcr 17110baa boon duly authorized to reccivo anil roocipt thorofor. Akmrdny, that. tho photontatio instrument is a co+ root copy cf tho -orl@.nal povor 0P attorney, nnd that tho ori&ml itsolf was D genuine instrument you or0 nut.horizeil to IX&~ payment to Aire Ilcnbov, othcrdso, of oourso, you rculd not .po nuthorizod to malt0 such pnymcnt , Noihio~ uo have ~,a.iO implies in any vay that the National Discuit Company &cl not cxccuto tho powor of at- torncy,nor that the photostat nocompanying your lottcr is not an nccurato reproduction of their instrument. Uo cro matins this atntemcnt, howover, in tha intorest OP legal aocurnoy s ‘~ . I . . . .. ,161 . : 4 lionorahlo Jesse James - page 3 Si%otlror tbo Faymant 210 mndo to tho Company or * to l!r. Donbou, it is necessary that an acknowlodgmcnt of payr:Cnt of tie ju@ncnt in favor of the National Die- ouit company in tho case of that Coqany a,?ainst the -'., 6tcto of Texas, and a rel-oaso of the fitato from all - 1iaWlity tbxcunclor, to Oxocutcd as roqulrcd by Eon- ate iii.11 20. loCi OS.thO 48th Logislaturo, and delivered to you. ; .' '-:i 1~. . . '.: ,,- I,. I.-.I. h,. . ..*_ *.: : 1 ,, Vary truly your0 I : ..j -.. ".. . .. . .' .: :: :: I '. .. _, ! : .. _. ._ . ,' .- 9 .-. - 3 . ” ‘. 06~Ut . . ., . : : ‘4, .. : 2 . .