OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF mXA8 AUSTIN Honorable X. Ii.Wrbht, Suparintende~nt , TexalrSohool for the Deaf Austin, Texaii Dear Lcr.Brlghtt ror the Dear. $ our printing ln6tructor or teachers in this agrioultureteacher not to,erosed $175.00 per month including Federal Grant on 1%~ months basis; provided three teaotsra may be paid not eroeeding @.55.00 per month----$68,485.00* The informationg:ivenu6 in your last inquiry, re- qa6atlnga reooneideration,with respect to paying the.print- ing infstntotor$Mfi..OSunder the last provision in Item 37, above quoted, was not oontalned in your first Inquiry, and we QaVe acoordiiztgly reooneldered~theentire matter. Honorable E. R. Wright - page 5 Be are still oi'the opinion, however, that our edvloe ln cpinion x0. 0-517s is correat. you will notice Item 57, appropriatinga total or $6,8,485.00,cover6 two classes or employeee,to-wit, and inatructora. Teachers a8 a olarr are sub- teaoherrrl; divided speciiicallyas vocationalagrioulturaltiaohrr, not to exoeed $175.00, providedthree teachers may be pald not exoeeding$l55.OC pe: month. Instructore,as a oless, are speolrloellysnbr. divided es r0ii0wa: *Baking instructor,$llB.BS per month, inrtruotorof oosmetolggy, with board, #8S.O0 per month; other lnatruotorsnot to exoeed $145.00 per month-e' fn both 0r your inquirlaa Pou~he4rs~,rerorred to .the 00mpsnadbn 0r the prao~tiaal prlntor+uhru~t~r,,~ *ai+. 'X+&e& t&a rtatute Itself (ArtioleSLgOb)``~oiil~dl~y``~6l~M*:`` The Leg%&eture has.tbus speoii*oallyole*si.2led Vie employeea. end twohor&I. under.thia'Item~as;inetrtlotors tia her, with ecu31 ~fipa0irionest3,7 ilmlted~e mmount or ok penaationto be paid td~them a.8aueh. We trust this furthsr~explauatlonwill be aatls- faotob. V&l-ytruly your#v APPROYEB APR 25, 1969 ATTGiWBY%BRRRAL.OF TRIAS Grovarssllars i&ST ASEISTAFl! ATTORREYGERBRAL B$~B/ Oola speer AtmiUtMt