DocketNumber: O-5159A
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
Honorable~Gharles H. Potpet cotintyAtLttorney, Crane County Crane, Texas Deer Sir: opinion ltii; o-515B-A Rer Ex$anses‘ihtilwd.,in oomplying-with the pro- visions of.8. B. Z, Aots of thd``~43th Lagialature, Regular Bossion, 1943. Your letter of Ootober 27, 1943, requesting the opinion of this department on the question stated therein, read8 in part a~ fol- lowa I “Does the olause in the la psaed by the 48th Logislrture in regular rerrioa 1943 entitled -Federal Victory Inoom Tax 8. B. To. 2, rhfoh a put readr in Bemi&~a, 1 - - - - - - - any expenses involved in oom- plying with the provieionr of thir law may be paid for exieking or future appropriations oowr the ompensation inquired about in tha abew numbered opinion. If not, what expenser are meant by thir law. . . . ” Sootion 1 of Eonate Bill No. 2~,Aotr af the 48th Legislature, ~sgulu gossion, 1943, providm: “Par the duration of the prenent war, all offioerr. qnd mplayaer of this state md it8 agenoiea, in8t!%m~t- ‘*lit&w, political eubdiviaiona ad munioipaliflar, bar- tig -oontrol tikr the pyment of any salaries or wagea-‘to pub110 offloom or employees, are hereby lthorired and required to comply with the prtiiritir”of the Federal Interna Revenue Aot of 1942, requiring the withholding of five (S$) per oent Federal Viatory Inoom Tax from wugenpaid publio offioen and employees, Any expenmr involved in omplylng with the prooirlonr of thie lar may be paid from existing or future appropriationr. The provision6 of thir Aot shall be in form and effeof only so long a6 the Gnited Btater of Amrioa ia at war with Oemmny, Japm or Italy.” Honorable Charles H. Poteet, Page 2 In your letter, a portion of which is quoted above, you refer to our Opinion No. O-5159. That opinion ‘~8srendered in ccm- pliance with your telegraphic request for en opinion which read, in part, a8 followsr *Is the County Treasurer allowed 8ny additional compensation for handling pay as you go tax plan under Fee System? Also may the Treasurer have additional help for this work if sanctioned by Commissioners Court? - e .* In reply to the foregoing telegra 'hiorequest, this department held, in effect, (in Opinion No. 0-!159) - that the Bunty Treasurer was not allowed any additional compensation for handling the "pay-se-you-go" tax plan under the Fee Systsn and that the +~(m- missioners* ~ooui-t,.if it desired to do so, could authorize the np- pointment of additional deputies, assistants or clerks for the County Treasurer whose salary would be in accordance with the limitations of Article 3902, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, and the salaries of such deputies, assistants, or clerks for the Courty Treasurer lould be payable out of the fees of office of the Treasurer and could not bs paid by the county. It will be noted that Senate Bill No.2, supra
, provides: n . Any expenses involved in complying with the provision; &' this law may bs paid from existing or future appropriations. . . . v As we understand your question, you desire our opinion regarding the application of this provision of the statutes to expens- es incurred by the County Treasurer in administering the Act. We have carefully examined the variods appropriation bills passed by the 48th Legislature and fail to find a9y appropriation available to w expenses inourred by any oounty official incurring any expenses in the administration of said Senate Bill No. 2, Therefore, it is our opinion that the fontgoing provision of SenUx Bill No.2, supra
, does not authorize the compensation to the County Treasurer inquired aboutin Opinion XcJo.O-515g0 As it is our opinion that the foregoing provision of Senate 511 No. 2 does not oover the compensation inquired about in said Opinion No. O-5159, and it being our further opinion that there is no available appropriation from whioh to reimburse any county official for any expenses incurred in the administration of said Senate Bill EoJo. 2, it is not neoessaryto further consider your general state- ment "what expenses are meant by this law." However, in the event you -* -- Honorable Charles HO Poteet, Page 3 have in mind any parbicular expense you desire to inquire about, upon receiving your request, we will be glad to give the same our immediate attention. In Opinion Bo. O-5159 this department held that said Senate Bill No. 2 requires all offioers and employees of this State, its sgen- ties, instrumentalities, political subdivisions and municipalities to comply with the withholding provisions of the "Current Tax Payment Act of 1943." We enclose a copy of this opinion for-your convenience. Yours verytruly AlTOFUJEYGENEFdL OFTEXAS By s/k-dell Williams &dell Rillikis Assistant APPROVED HOV 10, 1943 s/Grover Sellers FIRS~TASSISW ATTOREEY GENERAL Encl. 4PPROVED Opinion Committee By BWB.Chairmen