DocketNumber: O-5168
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
,- , .. OFFICE OF THE AYTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hoonorabla3. C, Creer State EilghrayZngirreer Texas i?.l&wayDsjmrtme.nt :ru.9tin, Tex3s Dear 3ir: *hers&n yea atat national brid bs built a;t~Iaredo, 35Xas, as a j ds from the UnSted States Iiuhway Cepartmklt ruoas, 0. You i-a~uestan opiacon 3htion tptwtfirst be s te@&xturs bafora the ertaks thla projetit. ode Lb a narlgable streatn( 13rownsrille Bridge Comfy va. Gateway Bridgs % ) and, or course, it dues not 'lie. of the 3tst.eOS Texas. Pefore'a eross sit&ha waterway, ths cogsent of e obtains&, and the plans thereior mat epgroved by the Chief,Ol l&ngineere 8nd r by the Sccretafg ~cfWAS. 30 Stat. 1151, 33 If.6. C. 4. sea 401; S-4Stat. 64, 83 U. 3. C. A. aecs. 491 et 5eQ. 3ee Internzltionsl flridge Company vs. BiewYork, 2% CT.S. 123, ,05 L. H. 176, holding that the provielana of these statutes a~gly to in&w- rutfonel brid&es. See also Eagle -3ssrand 2. t;l. Brld~e Co&&pp vs. &lores-Coahufls 3ridge Coquq (Clv. A?P.), 279 &"‘$.; :g3,,writ reicuaed,end 'Bro~tnsvll:eand ~%txnoroa Yuiaiaipai3ridga Cbia~any05. Gateway DriCge Coqmny, supa. The Texas Lagistititrehas vested glenar3 ?o*er and authority in tha Texas Ei&way Ee~rtnent to ilesisate, control and aintain State hi&ways. Articles 3673, et.aeq., 3,; BObblllavs. Lbeato2e Ccuslty,114 Texas 343, 208 3. ‘8.913; HmthtaJa vs. S~l6tarp ( Corn.App. ) 12 ti.x &ad., 150. As usad in the 8tatutay authorizationths.tana %i&aways* inoludes *bridgeam. Artl0l.Ga074-i%,v. A. c. A.; A.rnnsas Co;mSy vs. fkdman, 1C8 Ter. 216. Yurther, the &@ieidwe ha& authorized the A&$muy DeijartmmItt0 hIpl?OvQ the Zitatohi&ma3 s3stela~5th Federal aid.. HrtLolas 66746, W?M-1, 6674s. v. ii.C. J. Ws am infamed that the Laredo bri?lae approach fork a beginning and CerzaiualBlnt for State dasignated highways 81 and.33. Conaeqaently, in vfew of the broad authority given the State iilgiway Degartsmnt by t&e Le&gislatu.?ze over tke Constructionand zaaint4nanee OS deeigmtrd Stats hi@- ways it is our opinicrnthat sSeeiai stete legislation authorisifn~the IZighwayDepartment to cooperate with tie lktderalGovwnm#t and the Republ$c of 2esxico' Xntha aon- struot%om of:sn international bridiJeat Lam&o 1s urraaoesa~y. WI have a&aladl .yonthat the consent of Con5es5 mast be obtained and the plms must be submitted for approval to the Chief of ~glneera and the Seoretfiry``f 'csr. We also edviue 300~that the aoezsent of the X4xl4an governaan% must be obtained heTore the projeat amy be begun4 The steps neoeatmry to seewe that coaeent and the tear aad ePCeet of any treaty grovisioaa ozkthe subjfmt ere, ct conrse, gd.ltIoal ~ue~tion`` whio,b~3% be answered on13 by the State Dagartm4nt. titer congress has 3u+%orhsd cb0 l3trlleture ana t%a plans ba?e been approrsd,by the Chief of %glneers and the saw&iiry or.Nir, inquirp should be .*ade02 the'3tete .Departjantas tc.ahether gr not the (Pnsent of the ~exioan cbssrareat bee been obtalneL , yours very truly,